Status: In the making, yo!

Finish What You Started

Chapter 2 :D

After the morning track meet which involved Frank, my savior/super hero, almost losing his voice from yelling at the team and me taking 10 times as many pictures of Frank than the team! Jeffry was the first out of the showers; guess he really wanted to know what Frank and I talked about earlier.

“Oh…K…Now, spill!” Jeffry said completely out of breath from running so much on the track and rushing in the shower.
“Frank fucking Iero stood up for me and got Mark, Mark Baldwin, to apologize to me!” I said still hardly believing it myself.
“Come on Gerard…I think you were day dreaming again…”I think he sounded like he wanted me to be dreaming…odd.
“No Jeff, I’m telling you the truth! Frankie even slapped me across my face!” I held him by his shoulder acting it out without actually slapping him.
“Now you’re calling him Frankie?” Jeffry looked at me with hurt in his eyes. Why isn’t he happy?
“Well…it kinda just formed as it left my lips…I don’t know…Frankie sounds cuter…why aren’t you excited though?” I asked him, looking in his eyes for an answer.
“I am.” He said in a monotone.
“Fine, don’t tell me! The one time a person other than you or my family sticks up for me and I can’t share my happiness with you, Jeffry, my best friend!” I say as tears start to form in my eyes; I’m such a drama king.
“Listen, I’m sorry Gee…I am happy! But…there’s something I need to tell you…” Jeff starts to say but then mumbles a couple words that I can’t understand.
“Gerard Arthur Way: you’re needed in the photography studio!” Jeffry gets cut off by the loud intercom.
“Sorry Jeffie, the big man needs me…we can talk later, k? I look at him one last time before I turn; he just nods and walks away. So I do the same and walk through the Arts building to the photo studio. All I notice is Frank and my club manager, but mostly just Frank.
“Hello Again Gerard.” Frank says pleasantly; God he’s so freakin cute! The only thing I could do is smile like an idiot and wave.
“Gerard,” my manager starts, “I need the newest pictures.” He tells me nonchalantly.
“Oh, no problem!” I pass him the Nikon I had used this morning. While glancing at Frankie’s cute and short yet fierce figure… I wish I could hold him in my arms…
When I finally muster up my voice I lean towards Frank, “Frank, what are you doing in here? Not a bad thing! I was just wondering…” I stopped myself from calling him Frankie and from babbling...I need to calm down...
“Oh I hope I’m not a bother! I was just wondering if my team actually looks as crappy as they do on the film like they do on the field.” He says never letting his eyes wonder from mine. “Your photography club somehow manages to make them look respectable although they’re not.” Frank voice is full of disappointment….Poor Frankie…”I’ll get them ready for the competition…I know they have the potential, just as long as they use their strength on the field.”
“Instead of on Gerard.” The manager adds, surprising me.
“What? How’d you know? I never complained…” I say trailing off.
“Gerard, you don’t have to complain for anyone to notice!” The manager starts while Frank jumps in, “Yeah Gerard, you always have cuts and bruises, you never look happy when you take pictures of the team, and you walk around being treated like a punching bag for the runners! It’s hard not to notice…”
I blush and look away. “It’s very kind for you two to worry, but I’m not in that much pain. I’m not a pansy, so I can take a few hits here and there…”
“Gerard, you shouldn’t have to take those hits anywhere...We just both want it to stop. It’s stupid and unfair to beat you up.” Frank says full heartily.
“Thank you…” I mumble to both of them.
“Frank, may I ask you a favor?” The manager calls Frank’s attention. “Sure, what is it?”Frank turns to him and asks.
“Can you protect Gerard on the track and in the hallways? Just so that we know he’s okay?” I can’t believe this! I’m right here peopling!
“Um, guys? I’m right here, and I’ve said it enough times, I’m okay! I don’t need a body guard!”
“Gerard, it’s just till the team leaves you alone, and Franklin won’t be a bother either.”
“I won’t hold your hand at all times Gerard,” Frank leans on my club manager’s desk, “I’ll be a creature of the shadows, as silent and hidden as a ninja, promise!” Frankie finishes with an adorable giggle.
“Oh……Okay,” I was so caught off guard by Frank’s cuteness to form an actual sentence.
So it’s settled! Franklin Iero, you are now the body guard of Gerard Way!” The club manager smiles “Enjoy!” After ending the manager’s celebration, he showed us out, told us to get to class and closed the door.
“So...Um...Gerard, tell me about you?” Frankie smiles sincerely.
Well I’m a gay guy in high school who lives in my parents basement, with one small window, I have a brother named Mikey that I would kill anyone/thing for, I have a slight problem with alcohol and drugs, I’m slightly obsessed with art, photography..Oh and vampires.
“Oh I’m yours average high school guy…” I only wish I could tell you everything Frankie.
♠ ♠ ♠
I tried to update the other day, so you guys would have something to read...
But my 6 month old nephew, Jayden, decided to break the computer for a bit,
besides that, I've been busy out of my mind...
Haha, well i hope you enjoy the story so far! I need those comments people! ;)

Exboyfriends are stupid.