I am so not in love with the vampy next bed!

Chapter eleven

Carmen’s POV

“Danny…why are we here? I have enough clothes!” I am being dragged from my room to this other room where there was closets full of different designer clothes.

“I know, I know! But we are going to a royal’s party tonight and I don’t think that your evening gowns have been deliver here yet.” Yea you heard…ALL of my suitcases are missing.

“Okays then which one do you want me to try on? First of all, I don’t wear yellow dresses. Sorry no can do.”

“Don’t worry we have all types of dresses here.”

“Why do you guys have all these girl clothes?”

“Haha. I don’t really think that I should be the one telling you this but let’s just say that the guys here are major players. That is other than me! Danny only loves Carmy!” Ahh…Dan is the cutest thing ever! Don’t get me wrong because he is like my little brother and nothing more.

“Players huh? Haha never imagined! Aww I loves Danny as well!” Danny pulled me into a bear hug.

“What kind of dress fitting is this?” A voice joked.

“HEY Brandon!!!” Dan released me and I turned around and jumped into Brandon’s arms.

“Is it taken care of?” Danny asked Brandon.

“Yeah…it’s all taken care of. Someone was pissed!”

“What? Who was pissed?” Let me just say I was curious.

“Uh. No one!” They both said in allusion.

I backed away from both of them and went to the sofa in the middle of the room. I pulled out my iPhone.

“Since no one loves me here, I’ll just leave.” I simply stated.

Both of them flew to my side and each grabbed one of my arms.

“NO!!! Don’t leave us! Please we’ll tell!” They both plead into my ears.

“Fine then tell me who was pissed!” I couldn’t hold it back anymore and just started to giggle.

They both stared at each other for a while, as if they are secretly talking to each other. Not fair I want to know what they are thinking/talking about! I scrolled down on my phone to Bob’s number.


“Four…” I started to count off.

They both looked panicked and finally gave in at two.


“FINE! We’ll tell!”

“Thank you!” Giving them both a kiss on the cheek and slid my phone into my jean pocket.

“Ok…so…the person that was really pissed was…Peyden…” They both had a guilty face on and it made me feel so bad!

“W-Why was he pissed?” I kinda stumbled from the shock.

“I can’t do this anymore Bran! We can’t lie to her like this! I love her and she’s like my big sissy and if Peyden is like this already when we only knew her for not even a week yet, then we both know that it’s going to get worst!” Dan gave Brandon this pleading look that was so cute!

“True…We have to tell her the truth…It’s for the best.” Brandon finally gave in.

Why do they make it sound so bad? It’s just telling me why Peyden was so jealous, why are they making it such a big deal?

“Ok. Carmy please don’t be mad or scared of us once I tell you this…” Danny has never looked so serious in my life. Now I was worried.

“Ok. Don’t worry I can take whatever you throw at me.”

*Deep breath* “Carmen…There are two worlds in this universe. One is the human world. The other is the world that we are living right now…Which is the world that vampires rule…” Danny stopped to see how I was taking this news. And to my surprise…I was taking it pretty well. Somehow, somewhere inside me I feel that I already knew all of this and I’ve lived through it before.

“Danny I’m fine please continue.”

*Sigh* *Laughs* “Anyways…Carmen…I am a…vampire.”

“Knew that!” I blurted out before I could think what I was saying. I didn’t know what I was saying though… It just slipped out and it felt like there was another person inside having a say.

“Wait! What?” They both yelled at the same time.

“I don’t know…I didn’t say that!” I am so confused. They both stared at each other before Brandon continued the story from where Danny left off at.

“I am a vampire also…” I didn’t want my mind to slip again so I just nodded.

“So is Peyden…and Seth. This world that we are in right now is ruled by the vampires. The most powerful vampire family that rules this world is the royals…all so known as the Princewards. “

“Princeward…I heard of that name before…” Going through my head wasn’t as hard as it use to be…”OH Peyden Princeward!”

“Yes…Peyden is the prince of the vampire world. The thing is that Peyden hasn’t been this emotional since…since she was in his life.” I knew they weren’t going to tell me about her and that would be another day’s talk.

“So what are you saying?”

“Peyden is in love with you…” Danny blurted out before Brandon could stop him.

“Haha yea right!!!” I got off the sofa and danced across the room to where the racks and racks of clothes and dresses are.

“Do you even have the word scared in your dictionary?” Brandon asked.

“Why am I scared?” I hold up a long black silky strip less dress against my body for them to see.

“Well Carmy! We kinda just told you that we are bloodsucking animals!” Danny flew over and said while jumping up and down. “By the way, you look awesome in that dress!”

“Why thank you Danny! And I thought that I would be scared as well but no…right now I feel like I knew everything that you told me today…which is weird because I never was a big vampire believer.” I walked towards the area where there was a big round curtain in front.

“Dan I think the rumors are true…” Brandon whispered.

“No it can’t be…Carmen? Can it?” Dan whispered.

“Would you both stop whispering? I can still hear you!” I yelled. Then I tore the curtains away, revealing me in that black strap-less dress.

Don’t you just love when you have two hottie guys are staring at you with their mouths open? Haha I love it!

“Did anyone tell you that it’s rude to stare?” I joked. To improve my effect, I turned and did a little twirl for them.

“CARMY!!! You look so wonderful!” Danny basically yelled.

“Why thank you!”

“Carmy I think you should maybe pick a less pretty dress…we wouldn’t want all the girls at the party to go home crying.” Brandon suggested. And I nodded. Whatever right? They’re the host…their rules, I just follow them.

“How about this one?” Danny pulled out this really gorgeous white spaghetti-strap that just passes the knees and the bottom is like ruffles. My mouth dropped to the ground…that dress is so…”PRETTYYY!!! ME WANT!!!”
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