I am so not in love with the vampy next bed!

Chapter fifteen

Carmen POV

“AHH AWW!!! You two look adorable!!!” I squealed.

“He-He thank you Carmy!” Danny smiled.

“Thanks. Carmen you know how to ballroom dance right?” Bran asked me. But before I could answer his question, my phone vibrated against my hip. I pulled my phone out and the caller id says Drew.

“Hey Drew!”

“Hi Carmen! Ha-Ha. So what you up to?”

“Ha-Ha nothing much just got done trying on a few dresses and now I’m watching two hotties in their tuxes!”


“Ha-Ha-Ha so what’s up with you?”

“Well I was just wondering…if you knew about the royal party tonight…”

“Yup I know!”

“Hm…So I was wondering…if you would like to be my…date tonight?”

“Sure why not? But let’s not make this awkward okay?”

“Oh of course! So I’ll pick you up at your dorm around 8?”

“Yup Cya then!”


I tapped the end and slid my iPhone into my jean pocket and turned to face Bran and Dan.

“You both done? It’s already 6 and I need to get ready!”

“Who was that?” Both Danny and Brandon asked.

“Drew! He asked me if I wanted to go to the royal ball with him and I said sure!”

“WHAT?” Both of them said at the same time again. A bit funny.

“Me, Carmen, is going to the ball with Drew. Is it that hard to register into your guys’ lovely head?” I giggled and turned around and grabbed my dress.

“So I’m going back to my dorm and see you guys at the ball?” I said as I started walking towards them.

“Uh. Yeah see you there…” Bran said. I smiled and gave them a peck on the cheeks before racing off to my dorms. What I didn’t hear was…

“Shit. Peyden’s going to be pissed.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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