I am so not in love with the vampy next bed!

Chapter thirty-five

“So you cheated on me while we were still dating?” I asked calmly.
Richard looked at me and this Amanda girl and back at me, then looked to the ground.
“I thought you said that she was only your girlfriend because she has a lot of money!” That Amanda girl cried. Excuse me I’m the one who’s supposed to be crying!
“Excuse me?!” I stood there waiting for my answer. I really didn’t like the fact that I was getting madder by the second. I need control. I need control. I breathed in and out. “Okay what ever. I don’t care. Wh-“ I was totally going to scream at him but I could feel this cool air around me, an unnatural feel. I stopped and looked around. I’ve had this feeling before…when I was 7, the day I almost died.

“Carmen! Don’t go into the street!” I could see my mother standing at the gate waving her hand.
I continue to run toward, towards that cool feeling, that feeling that strange feeling, like someone was pulling at me…
“Carmen?!” I could hear my mother’s scared voice. But I couldn’t pull away… I saw the river, I knew that I was walking into the water; I could feel the cold water against my leg. And yet I continued, it felt like someone was pushing my head down in the water, the fear of dying at age 7…but suddenly I started to float…

The past hit me hard, as if knocking all the air out of my lungs, I gasped for air. I grabbed my throat and fell on the sandy beach.
“What’s wrong with her?” Amanda asked.
“Carmen?” Richard asked in a worried voice. I could see him bending down to help me but someone yanked him up and threw him? But before I could see who, my eyes filled up with tears and it didn’t feel like I was on the ground anymore…
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Sorry for updating so little these days! I have been really stressed out these days since its almost the end of the year and all but i'm back!
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