Status: DONE

Gothic Dark Night

Gothic Dark Night

It was a dark eary spring night. I was sitting on my porch watching the the moon sometimes showing through the dark clouds. It was a full moon so it was bright through the dark night. Just being surrouned by pitch black trees, the damp air, the brightness of the full moon through the clouds felt as if I was safe in a way. It was a calm night. Rarely a car would come by but other than that...nothing. I always did this. Just sitting on my porch listening to music, watching the moon. It always reminded me of when I would always sneak into a cemetary with my friends. The moon is showing itself now. Not any part of it is covered but I could see clouds coming near it. You know whats beautiful during anytime of year? Watching the moon light come through the parts of the trees that arent covered by leaves. Its like the leaves are glowing. By now all of the moon is covered by a huge grey cloud. You couldnt see any of its light. When I look at the black trees its like somebody is watching you. You cant see anything in the trees because of its darkness. I look at the sky and I see no openings in the clouds so the moon could show its beauty. For now its a gothic dark night
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Ok so the point to this short story is that no matter where you are, what time of 24 hours it is, and no matter what season it is, You can always find beauty in nature. If it is snowing, raining, pitch black, or windy you can always find it everywhere.
note: I WAS BORED!!!!!!! remember that)