Status: looking for the most authors I can get!


Secret 17

Dear love,

I've told myself that I have moved on. But its so hard. I can't. How can you throw our love just like that? You didn't even show any concern that I was breaking this "love" of ours. I don't get you! You told me that if you were going to hurt me you were never going to forgive yourself, but what happened? You never did, you kept on hurting me.

I wasted 1 year and 6 months with you! You told me that we're going to make trough this! All that pain and suffering I sacrificed for you! I cry every night! I sound dumb and pathetic I know! And its all your fault! Now I'm afraid to even care and love people. I'm afraid of being hurt, I hate this! I hate love! Its all your fault! You were everything to me, I gave what I could.

I know I'm not good looking and fat compared to her! She has the voice! She has the looks! She may be even smarter than me! I'm nothing but a girl with words to write and words to say. I know to you that's so low! I don't even know why I even loved you! I kept thinking why, but nothing came.

I feel tired and hurt. I can't take this life anymore. You just kept giving me pain. I loved you; I cared for you; I gave you what you want; but you never seem to be thankful. I didn't even feel your love. I listen to you when you wanted to talk, I was there when you were afraid to even stand up for yourself. What did I get in return? Nothing! You kept giving your love away. You're such flirt! I hate you!

I don't even know if I could love anymore. I don't believe on it anymore. I think it's just a waste of time. I think it's all your fault. I don't feel like writing because of you! I hate you! You fucking bitch!

You told me you loved me truly, but you didn't! You wanted Gaby! Well be with her as if I care! I hope you die in hell! You and your fucking mother that I put up with!

The girl you "loved,"