Status: looking for the most authors I can get!


Secret 35

Damn you,

You told me you would always love me and no matter what you would always be there for me.

Then you went and said you wanted to leave us, that you didnt love him anymore and that you couldn't stand being around him. You wanted to leave and to never come back!
But most of all you didn't see to care how much you hurt me. How much it scared me to watch as you ripped yourself away from the rest of us. How you killed me, and them, inside. You have no idea.

You have no idea how hard I cried. I was broken, crushed, and completely alone, you made me swear not to tell the others! All of them! You made me cross my heart and never let me tell them! But they could hear me crying! They could all hear me crying and yet you pretended it was nothing, you closed my door and made me look like an emotional girl crying over nothing!!

I have dispised you ever since!

I have died every time you smile at me because now you've changed your mind!

You told me after all this pain and all this heartbreak that your staying for us!

Fuck you.

You couldn't give a rat's ass about us! You just can't get off your ass and leave because you know it means you have to work!

Screw you.

So now I watch, with tears in my eyes are you continue to lie to us all. You continue to play pretend that everything is okay so that the rest of them will continue with happy smiles as I continue to die inside. You are ripping me apart and you just continue to smile.

Why? Why did you do it? Why did you confid in me and tear my already shreded life apart? And why do you continue to tell me shit about loving me when I know you couldn't care less. Why don't you just leave and let us all move on with our lives!! Why couldn't you just be the adult insdead of leaving me to do it. Why couldn't you just love me like you said you do....and leave me out of it.

I hate you