Status: looking for the most authors I can get!


Secret 37

Dear Josh,

if that is your real name.

When we first were a couple, it was like a dream. Well, if only I knew it was. We started off great, until our off and on relationship continued. Inside, I hated that. I hated myself for being with you. I'm a young'un making the worst decisions in the world. Just passing up life and not taking advantage of the friendship we had. I knew we both were surprised as we were.

I was surprised we even last a couple of months. We knew it wasn't meant to be. You were so kind and I was blinded with sick puppy dog love.

When it was officially over, I had a feeling you regretted being my boyfriend. Better yet, being my best friend.

Do you remember telling me no matter what happened we would still be best friends?
Do you remember those little things we would laugh over?
Do you remember those three little words that sent me to the hospital?
Do you remember how you left me in the worst thunderstorm of the year for another son of bitch?

You left me in lies. I nearly killed myself because of you. No one could fix me. Then things started to brighten after you left the whole group for years. Huh? Not even a word heard from you piece of shit.

Afters those years passed, you had the NERVE to come back. Of course, no one really cared and just went back to being the jolly good person inside them. I was probably the worst of 'em all. Somehow we became friends again.

I don't know how you did it. But it happened. I couldn't believe myself. Little by little, I showed my 'affection' to you. It seemed like you did too. We flirted a little.

This went on for weeks and weeks. Until you told me you were moving. You had went to this girl's birthday and giving her a birthday wish. I was stabbed by fire-lit knives jabbing into me, millions.

Hum, you started to space off and called me what you called this bitch. She didn't deserve you! But who am I to say so. ;)

I was like a love-sick crackhead. And no, I didn't get the idea from Kesha. I always thought you of that. Instead, karma decided to punish me and I ended up getting you.

It took three months until I was better. Mom made things harder during those months of recovery. I never thought I could do it.

Melissa-Kayla-Alex-Latojanae-Jaimie made life seem a whole lot better without you. Emily tried to interfere with my depression but nope. I'ma bitch who doesn't give a fuck about what smart ass people like you say.

Melissa and I are best friends more than ever. Without you, I could have never met her.

So that's the only thing I CAN thank you for,

Bye forever,

bastard ;3
