Status: looking for the most authors I can get!


Secret 44

Dear… you.

I am mad… incredibly so… Do you not care that I spent a lot of money on you, because I want you to be happy, because I want to show the true depth of my friendship. I want to show you how much I care. I made a mistake, well, yeah, so does everyone! I pissed you off, and I’m sorry. I screwed up. The end. That’s done, but you don’t care. You don’t care that I am going through Hell right now. You don’t understand that I have feelings do you?

The only person in this whole damn world you seem to give a shit about, is your boyfriend. Not about me. I wish you could understand that I care about you. I wish you could understand everything. But you seem to hate me. Well… if you want to hold a grudge that wasn’t a big deal. You want me to fucking write 50 sentences saying I’m sorry. Well fuck that, because I am not going to do it. If you don’t care, you can give me back that necklace, because it was nice as fuck, and you don’t care.

So guess what? If you want to just… blow off everything like normal, ignore my pleas for forgiveness, you should know… you aren’t the best friend either. You abuse my friendship, you use me, and you never do a damn thing for me! I always do things for you. I’m not perfect. No one is. But guess what. Neither are you. I have fought for you, defended you, I’ve cursed people out because they messed with you. I always feel like an ass around you, because I can’t ever seem to be good enough.

Your friend that is worth shit in your mind, and is never good enough to deserve your praise.