Status: looking for the most authors I can get!


Secret 54

Dear "Friends",

Or at least thats what I thought you guys were but now I have realized who you really are. You are all lying, two-faced, back-stabbing, rumor-spreading bitches who don't know when to keep their mouth shut. I trusted you, I told you things that I only tell the ones that I hold dear and what did you do? You twisted my words and told everyone lies. And then I ask you about it, you lie to my face? Not only that but you hang all over my boyfriend when I'm not looking?

Ha! Like I fucking care. If you want him, you can have em. But have fun keeping a man with that kind of personality you inconsiderate whores.

People like you are the reason I don't trust anyone anymore!

Burn in hell.

Love always,
Your object of gossip