Status: looking for the most authors I can get!


Secret 9

To my "Shorty",

Last year we were just friends.. But this year, things changed. My feelings for you started to get stronger.

I don't know how and I don't know why, but I wish I did.

Everybody likes you. Your nice. Your smart. Your funny. Your cute. Your Mr. Popular.

Every time I get the guts to tell you I like you, you always say, "Why does everybody like me?" And then I stop before I ruin our friendship.

I'm your best friend. Your my best friend. You know every little thing there is to know about me, yet you have no clue that I like you. How is that?

I promised myself on Graduation Night, I would finally tell you. But then I'm afraid I'll lose you forever. I've already lost you once this year.. I won't do it again.

I know I'm not the type of girl you would go for, but I know I can make you smile and laugh more than any of those girls that are your type.

I just wish you could see how much I care...

Love Always,
Your Best Friend