I Am Love - for Inge

I Am Love

She rolled over to find the bed empty. At first she got surprised, but after a few quick seconds, the surpriseness turned to sadness.
Where had he gone?
She decided to leave the bed, and fumbled around on the floor to find a shirt to throw over her shoulders, as she let her feet hit the floor.
She made her way through the hall, and to the kitchen at the other end. She had already guessed, based on the noise, that this was where she would find him.
“Morning, sunshine,” his honey-voice sounded, as she transformed in the door. He gave her a crooked smile, and turned his attention to the stove. She realized he was making her breakfast, and she made an almost soundless giggle to herself. This was too good to be true.

They had met at a party the night before. Her uncle was a big lawyer for a record company, and he had gotten an invitation to a party for a charity event, and she got him talked into taking her. She had expected it to be fun, and cool, to meet all those big shots. Models, actors, singers, producers, all kinds of celebrities from all over the world.
But she was bored. Most of them was only interested in promoting their new stuff, or talking about the latest Hollywood gossip.
So she sat at a chair in the corner where she had found a cute little dog in a purse on the table. As she sat cuddling the dog, a man came over to her.
“You like the dog?” he asked, in the softest voice she’d ever heard. She looked up, but couldn’t see his face in the dark, so she turned her attention back to the dog. “Is it yours?” she asked him, as he sat down next to her.
They started to talk, and he told her that the dog belonged to a dear friend of his called Elizabeth.
The rest of the evening they spent in each others company. It turned out that he was bored too, and was just looking for an excuse to get out. He had shown his face and shaken hands with everybody, and that should be about it for tonight.
The connection was instant. It was like they had known each other for years, and never ran out of subjects to talk about.
After an hour they decided to sneak out of the party together, as they agreed that no one would miss them anyway.
The dark man got his car driven up, and they drove back to his house.
They had spent the whole night talking about everything and nothing, and as she began to drift off, her eyelids getting heavier, he told her to borrow his bed. He showed her his room, and she placed her body in the soft wonder of silk covers and pillows. He started to leave the room, but she called for him to get back. “Could you please stay. Talk with me till I fall asleep?” she asked, in a voice that she afterwards regretted cause she realized she sounded a bit pathetic. But he just smiled, and gave her a silent “of course, sweetheart” as he sat down on the bed, and let his fingers intertwine with hers. And they fell asleep as they talked about something she couldn’t recall, but she knew that it was with a smile on her face, and stars in her eyes.

She entered the kitchen as she sniffed in the familiar smell of fresh orange juice, and pan cakes. “Did you sleep well?” he asked her, and turned to face her, with a face she could only read as shyness. She knew how that felt. She was a bit shy herself too, but with him she felt comfortable, and her shyness was different than the usual, even though she couldn’t quite put a finger to what the difference was. He made her feel… safe.
He shot her a wide grin. It was all childlike, and he was the only man at his age that could ever pull that grin off. But his eyes seemed wise. So wise that it would have fit someone that had come of age a long time ago.
The black curls caressed his cheekbones, and made his eyes look like stars in the fluorescent lights. He dried his hands in a dishtowel, the long fingers so elegant that they were selling out his piano-skills. She had never seen hands like these before. Large, but gentle, with long fingers as elegant as a ballet dancers movements. Like his own movements was obviously was the ones of a dancers. The graceful and soft way of walking and placing of his limbs couldn’t be anything else. The slender way his clothes wrapped around his body, without showing off his muscles, but still enough to see that they were very present, and his self control, was unique.
But what occupied her the most, was the way his soul shone through the beautiful outside. Even by his very presence in the room she could feel his spirit light up his surroundings. Like the purity of his thoughts and heart was enough to nurture her need for feeling safe, and her hope for finding good in life. It was very clear to her, that this was a man that was filled up with innocence, and a goal to make life better for everyone that ever got near him.

She leaned against the kitchen table, as she nodded to him, and he passed her a glass of juice.
She took a sip, and as she let the glass slip off her now moist lips, he took the glass from her hands, and placed it carefully on the table. She couldn’t help noticing how careful he moved, more like a graceful panther on soft paws, than a human being.
He moved closer to her, so close that she could feel his sweet breath on her skin.
“Uhm, since early last night there has been something I have been wanting to do, but I haven’t really dared to. So… I hope it’s okay with you. If not, just let me know. Please,” he said, the perfect gentleman as always. His cheeks blushed behind the dark skin, and he let his gaze drop, and looked up under his long lashes. Angelic eyes meeting hers, and she didn’t dare to keep up the contact. “Okay,” she replied, so insecure that her voice almost was gone.
He leaned closer to her, and put his hands at the table, one on each side of her. She didn’t dare to look at him, now his face was so close to hers. So she closed her eyes, and waited for what was to come.
She felt his lips touch hers, soft and gentle, his breath warm and sweet. She returned his kiss, and moved her body a little closer to his to feel his closeness. As they fell more into the kiss, he moved his hands to her hips, and let one hand slide up her back. Meanwhile he let his other arm push all of the bowls and glasses away from the table, and lead his hands back down to her hips, and lifted her up to sit under the table.
He opened his mouth a bit and let his tongue play a bit with her lips, before she opened up, and let his tongue in to catch hers in a gentle game.
She let her arms fasten around him, and pulled him so close that she could feel his heart beating against her own chest. He didn’t fight against, just let his hands slid under her dress. She could feel how his hands was soft, against her tanned skin. So soft that she had never felt anything like it.
As they amazed themselves more and more into the kiss, it grew deeper and deeper, and he swept her off of the table. She wrapped her legs around his waist, while he kissed her neck as he carried her to the bedroom. With no problems, as if she had been light as a feather.
He dropped her on the bed, and sent her a smile, that told her so much more about his thoughts than words could ever had. He leaned down and started kissing her again, as he lead his left hand from her thigh up the rest of her slender body, while he kissed his way down her neck. She couldn’t stop herself moaning in his ear, which only made him press his waist closer to hers, and she could feel his eagerness against her hip.
She started slowly opening his shirt, one button a time, even though her head was so clouded that her fingers almost couldn’t wrap themselves around the job.
She let her fingers intertwine with his hair, and took a firm grip around the black curls, as she let out a long moan, ending with “Mhmm... Michael…” and he let out a quiet pleasure-laughter against her throat.
He moved to look her in the eyes, and the dark browns pierced into her own. “Are you sure about this?” he asked her in a genuine tone. She could feel his honesty breaking through all of the lust. He really meant it. If she told him to, he would stop right away, and they would go back to being friends.
“Yes - I really am,” she said with no hesitation.
She meant it too. She really wanted him. And not just because of lust or because he was Michael Jackson. But because it was him. She wanted to become one with his soul, they’re hearts blurring into each other.
“Good,” he said with a smile, and a faint blushing. “Just stop me if you change your mind, I promise I will stop right away,” he declared. She nodded, and grabbed the collar of his shirt, and dragged him down to her, so close that their noses almost touched. “I wanna be with you, so bad…” she whispered, and the singers heart started to race off once again.
He grabbed the line of her dress, and pulled it off over her head in one single motion. There she lied in a bra and panties tugged up against his naked chest. A feeling she had never experienced before started spreading through her body. It was like her blood was boiling in her veins, and her brain had cut off connection to all of her limbs. It felt like her hands couldn’t move fast enough, and the eagerness took over in an instant.
She ripped off his shirt so fast that she almost tore it, but didn’t stop to think. She started letting her fingers fighting to get his pants open, as she felt his right hand glide from the small of her back and down to her butt.
She had goose bumps all over, and her fingers couldn’t find a way to unbutton his jeans. She got desperate and went to the zipper instead.
Meanwhile his hand had a firm grip around her butt cheek, and he bit her lightly in the lip. She got the zipper down, and tried to just rip off the jeans button, but nothing worked.
“Getting a bit desperate, are we?” he mumbled between the kisses, and gave a little chuckle under his breath. He let his hands down to his waist, and opened the button without any problems.
She took a firmer grip of the soft hair between her fingers, and moaned “You’re gonna pay for that…” and started biting his earlobe, which made him give a sound of pleasure that she had never heard like before.
Without thinking further to it his pants was off, and their skin was burning hot against each other.
She could feel his fingers play with the line of her panties, as she desperately tried to get him closer, but no matter how close he got it didn’t really feel like enough to her.
She let her hands down his boxers, and he started opening her bra. His efforts didn’t even last a second. Impressive. And off came the panties too.
The dark man had never tried this with anyone before. His previous conquers were limited to two former girlfriends, but that had been hot enough all the way through, nothing about that. It was just the feeling that was different. This was more of a spiritual thing, than just animalistic instincts.
She couldn’t help but being amazed by the way his hands moved over her body. Like they had known all of her curves for years. They knew every spot, every bump, every curve, all of her body.
He bit his lip, and let a fingertip run from her thigh up over her hip, her ribs, her neck, to end at her moist lower lip. He took a quick, but strong, look in her eyes, before he kissed her with an unexpected effort, as he entered her with a single, gentle move. She let out a sound that she hadn’t prepared. Her eyes got heavy, and her mind locked. She decided that there was nothing left to do but just let her head cloud up, and drift away into the act. So she did.
She could feel him inside of her, moving, while she was on her back, trying to hold back a sound that might be louder than good was. She could feel his hands tearing down in the pillow below her head, as her own fingers were clamming to his back. As he got himself deeper into her, she couldn’t stop her fingers from cutting down in the smooth skin of his back.
Michael lost all sense of self control as a feeling of electric waves ran all the way through his body. It was like it wasn’t real, and yet it was more real than anything else. It felt like they were in a different kind of reality. Like an alternate universe. He couldn’t help noticing how relaxed he was being with her. Even though he had always been very bashful, it felt like being naked with her, so close, was the most natural thing in the world. Like it was meant to be this way. He smiled to himself and couldn’t stop a silent moan, as she turned him on his back to sit on him.
He put his arms around her, and dragged her down to kiss her with a passion that they both felt as more than wanting. She started moving her hips back and forth, as they continued the passionate kiss. With one hand in her hair, and the other on the lower of her back. He wouldn’t let go of her. He wouldn’t let the feeling of having her so close, so tight, get away.
He dug his nose deep in her strawberry smelling hair, as his breathing got heavier synchronically with hers. He could feel her hands on his shoulders in a firm grip, as he felt her waist moving up and down on his own. The electric waves got heavier, stronger, and all of his muscles were getting tenser, getting all flexed.
A warmth started to spread from his waist, to his toes, to his fingertips, to his head. His head got all clouded, and he couldn’t do anything but feel her tighten up around him. He fought with his eyes to open them up, cause he wanted to look her in the eye so bad, but he couldn’t get them to cooperate, so he settled with keeping them closed. He felt powerless, there was nothing he could do, but he didn’t care. He surrendered to the electricity in his veins and muscles, and clammed her down to his body, with a kiss without a trace of lust, but filled with love and passion. He wanted to feel her, he needed to feel her. He couldn’t get her close enough, couldn’t let go of her. It felt as if it was all just a distant dream, and he was afraid that she would disappear if he let go of her. He could feel her nails cutting through the skin on his shoulders, but it only made her more real, so he let her continue.
She stopped moving her waist, and fell down on the bed beside him, Michael having a firm, but gentle, grip around her wrist. And then they lied there. He didn’t dare to look at her, cause he had no idea what to say or do. His shyness overwhelmed him, even though he felt her hand sliding to intertwine her fingers with his.
He fastened the grip of her hand, as she turned to lay down on the side. He could feel her gaze at his cheek that was red from exhaustion and eagerness.
He dared a look in her direction, and he saw that she was staring at him with a quiet smile. He sent her his own crooked smile, with glistening eyes. He moved to lay on his side himself, and then he got closer to her. He could feel her skin, against his sweaty dark chest. Everything was tight on her. She couldn’t even blink, she was so fascinated of the glow that was surrounding him.
He got himself together, and put his right arm around her, as he dragged her closer to him. His shyness hadn’t been necessary. It felt safe to lay there with her, in their own bubble so distant from the world outside. She pressed up against him, with a hand on his arm, letting him know that his touch was okay.
He kissed her at the hollow place behind her ear, and put his hand in hers, as he let himself come to close with the fact that she wasn’t a mirage.