Sugar, We're Going Down

Sugar, We're Going Down - for TinkerBell

It had been a long day on set, and Michael was preparing the ride home to Neverland Valley Ranch. It had been a long time since he had felt this worn out, and he was glad that the last shots were finally wrapped up.
He had just changed to his favorite red shirt with the letters CTE on the shoulders, a pair of black slacks and loafers. He gathered the black curls in a light ponytail and placed the black fedora on top of his head. He started collecting his items, and shoved them into a blue messenger bag that was covered with pins from different charity organizations.
“Are you ready, Mike?” his manager, Frank, asked as he popped his head in the door. The dark singer shot him a tired grin and nodded. He was definitely ready. He hadn’t slept properly since they started preparing the filming of his movie, Moonwalker, so he was certain that he would sleep at least 15 hours straight, as soon as his head hit the pillows.
But then he remembered that he had promised to meet up with his sister, Janet, the following day, to help her with a brainstorm on her new video, so he couldn’t just sleep the whole day away. Dang! But well, he was looking forward to see her. It had been a long time and he was missing her badly.
“I’m not gonna do anything for the next week, Frank. I’m taking a few days off,” he said, as they were in the black van, on their way home to the ranch in the country, a good way from the big city lights. Michael liked to protect his privacy, and this place was perfect. The van smelled like leather cleansing products, and an expensive kind of car perfume. A smell that annoyed him. He didn’t know why, but it had always been a smell that was burning in his nostrils.
“You deserve it, kid. You’ve done the hell of a job, the past few months,” the big manager replied, as Michael turned his attention to the landscape passing by behind the blinded windows. He loved watching the world as it flowed by, it fascinated him. The way all the colors of the trees, and the flowers, and the sky, and the houses, and everything just became one big blur. Then the brain had to work overtime to figure out what colors belonged to what, and it gave him a chance to relax his mind after a hard days work.
His calves were soar, and it felt good to have gotten the white tape off his fingers. Besides that he was just really tired, but amazingly happy about what he had achieved.
He leaned back in the seat, and let his thoughts cloud up with colors and blurring shapes.

It was around noon as he turned around in the big bed to figure out whether to get up, or to just stay in bed. But then he decided to get up, and placed his bare feet on the cool floor. He decided to keep on his pj’s cause he said to himself that he had earned a pajama-day.
He made his way down to the kitchen where the chef was on duty. “I’m gonna wait with breakfast till Janet gets here, and then we’ll be eating in the garden, please,” he announced, and walked down the hall. He turned to the left so he ended at the big French doors that was opening up to the incredible garden that was big and beautiful.
He stood in the doors for a bit, letting the sunlight caress his dark skin. He took a step out on the porch, making his way down the stairs to let his still bare feet feel the warm grass. He sat down, as peacock passed him. He looked at the big bird, with the dark colors playing in the bright sunlight. He smiled a bit to himself, as a dump sounded next to him on the lawn. “Hey bro,” the familiar voice of his sister sounded. She embraced him in a warm hug, and he returned it as he dug his nose into her hair to sniff in the familiar smell of her shampoo. “Hey Donk. How are ya?” he asked, as they let go of each other. She smiled and told him the latest gossip on how things were going down with her new album. He kept quiet and listened intensely to his sister, as he let his fingers play with her the sleeve of her t-shirt.
“And uh! I actually brought my new assistant today. You’re gonna love her - she’s such a doll…” Janet ended her blabber of words enthusiastically. Her brother smiled, and started to get up. “That sounds great, can’t wait till meeting her. Where is she?” he asked. Janet said something about the girl being inside to arrange some important papers that had to do with the legal stuff about the video they were here to discuss. “I’m just gonna go and let Rose know that I’m ready to eat. You want some?” he offered, as he started to make his way back to the French doors. “Naaah, not when I’m about to shoot a new video, you know…” she started to say, which she probably shouldn’t have. Michael immediately got back, and started tickling her. “You’ll have to eat, or your next video is gonna be a scary skeleton-video,” he teased as she were cracking from laughter. “Okay, all right, maybe just a bit. Fruits would be good,” she surrendered quickly. She knew that she couldn’t win a fight against her big brother, so that seemed like the best way to go. “Good, that’s my girl!” he beemed as he kissed her on the forehead, and ran back into the house.
When he was on his way back to the garden he passed a young girl in the hall. He hadn’t seen her before. Not here, not anywhere. “Hello, you must be Janet’s new girl?” he said as she faced him. The girl was a bit younger than him, but it was very clear that she weren’t all grown-up like other people his age. She was wearing jeans, a Mickey Mouse t-shirt, and a blazer with the sleeves folded to her elbows so the stripes on the inside were showing. He liked that. She seemed casual, not like all the other tight, business-like women that he often ran into.
“Yeah, I am,” she offered him a hand, as she presented herself. But he ignored her hand, and instead he gave her a hug. “No hand-shaking here, girl. Formal is boring,” he grinned at her, and she returned with a smile. “Janet and I are in the garden. Are you hungry?” he asked her, and he ended up with running back to the kitchen as he had to get the new girl some food too.
They made it back to Janet, where they found her sitting in the grass with her shoes off, looking at the giraffes eating leaves from a big tree. “Those animals are just beautiful. Do you think we can do something with animals?” she asked, as she began eating her fruits.
They sat discussing the video for a few hours, and they got a few great ideas down on paper. But often they ended up with cracking from laughter instead of finding out something serious. As always when they were doing anything together. No surprise there.
When it was beginning to get late Janet broke up the party. “I have to leave. Sorry, but I have to get to the studio to finish some harmonies. Sorry, Mike. Can I come back tomorrow?” she said in an apologetic voice. “Silly girl, of course. You can come back any time you want to. I’ve told Frank that I’m taking a few days off, so I’ll be here in the next week…” Michael replied as he got up to show his sister out. She shot him a bright smile, and collected her things. She and the new girl was ready, and they started to make their way through the house, to the front doors. “And hey, if you’re in your pjs when I get here again tomorrow, you know what that means, don’t you?” Janet asked with a conspiracy in her voice. “Ha ha ha… yeah I know, and I’ll be ready for that” Michael laughed at the thought. He could use a good water balloon fight these days. It had been way too long since the last time. He hugged his sister, and his sisters assistant as left his house. He closed the doors, and decided that he needed a shower, and then maybe he would just go back to bed and read a bit.

The next morning Michael woke by a stream of sunlight hitting his face. He had fallen asleep with a book in his hands, and Bubbles cuddling up next to him in the big bed. “Good morning, buddy” he said, as he lay the book on the table next to him, and sat up. But the chimp was obviously still fast asleep, so he decided to leave him sleeping, and leaving the bed to not wake him up.
He headed for the showers, as he knew it was around the time where Janet would arrive. But as he got out the phone rang. “Hey, Mike… I am really sorry, the photo shoot is dragging out, so I can’t make it till tomorrow. Would it be okay with you if I sent my assistant instead? Just to run a few things over with you. I really need your opinion on this, I’m just so hung up at the moment…” He knew that tone in his sisters voice, and he wouldn’t want her to be further stressed out, so he said that it was okay, even though he was a bit disappointed. “I miss you, sis…” was the last thing he said before he let her go back to work, and he placed the receiver on the phone.
He went back to his room to find something to wear, and ended up with a white shirt, and a pair of black slacks. Then he headed for the sofas to draw for a bit, with the garden doors open. He started to drew a couple of kids playing with bunnies, as the new girl entered the room.
“Hey, what’s up,” she greeted him energetically. He smiled at her, and welcomed her as he offered her a seat. She sat, as she opened her briefcase to find the papers. Very upfront this new girl. She was as casual as she had been yesterday; a black skirt, matched with a t-shirt portraying Kermit from Sesame Street, and a light black blouse. Michael found it refreshing to meet someone this light. She seemed very easy-going to be with, to talk to. That was rare for him to find.
They started going over the ideas that they had discussed the day before, and she explained him Janet’s new visions as she showed him the sketches they had made after they left his house. He was very fascinated, and impressed, cause most of what they were showing, almost felt like it came from his own mind, which made it so much easier proceed with.
He suddenly realized how this new girl watch him, while he weren’t looking, which made him very self-conscious. He didn’t really know why, cause he was used to people watching him, but in some way this was a different situation. He just couldn’t quite figure out why.
He started to make some sketches of his own ideas and showing her. “Wow! Those are just fantastic,” she said with wide eyes, as he passed her the quick drawings he had made. “Aww, come on, don’t tease me,” he said “those are just quick, pencil sketches.” She didn’t say anything for around 30 seconds, just sat and stared at him. “I’m serious. These a so beautiful, I would love to see what you do, when you’re serious,” she blurted out. He could feel himself blush, and looked away. That led them into a conversation about art, and it turned out that this strange girl had studied art for a year, before she had to leave school to take care of her sick mother. After her mother got better she wanted to try something new, and she heard about the job opening at Janet’s, because she knew someone who worked with her. The singer didn’t say anything, he just sat and listened to her telling her story. Fascinated by the things she had been through, and the thoughts she was opening up to him. Her voice were even, and her hands were telling her story along with her words. “Oh my god, I am really just blabbing here, sorry,” she said quickly as she realized that he wasn’t saying anything. “No, go on, it’s amazing to listen to your story. You’ve had such an exciting life,” he said, encouraging her to go on. Even though he was sitting with a feeling he hadn’t experienced before. Not with anyone he had only just met. He felt like confiding his inner secrets to her, revealing his true self. But he didn’t dare to. “What’s with the cartoons on your shirts?” he asked instead. “I love them.” She told him about her love for cartoons, and he was taken aback. She seemed so honest.
They continued their talk about everything, and after a few hours he felt her hand very close to his. Their hands weren’t touching, but his hand were itching to grab hers. He hurried to look away, afraid that she might catch his gaze.
She told him about her feelings about cartoons and everything that was childlike. It was almost like listening to his own words. By then he realized that she had a little clip in her hair with Tinker Bell on it. That made him smile.
The chef brought in two plates of cake, and the girl’s eyes lit up. “UH! Cake!” she blurted out, and then quickly blushed. “Sorry, I really like cake…” she said apologetically, which made Michael give her a little laugh. “Me too. There should be more cake, and less violence out there…” he got out between giggles. She laughed herself, and nodded, as well as she could.
They continued their conversation about cakes instead of anger, and how it would make the world a better place.
“Hey, you dropped cream on me…” Michael complained with a smile. “Oh, I’m sorry,” she said, with an honest look. He could tell that she really was sorry. “I’m always so clumsy,” she apologized, as she reached for a napkin to dry it off his pants. But he just gave her a little laugh, and hurried to make her feel better. “No, don’t be. The only thing you should feel sorry about is walking into a cake fight with me!” he laughed, and shot her a wide grin, showing of his pearl teeth. He grabbed his spoon, and before she knew it she had frosting all over her face. She burst into laughter and all the sudden they found themselves in the middle of a war.
Michael had a lot of experience in that field, so he was expecting to win - which was custom for him. But not this time.
After a few moments of wild shooting around he was just as covered as she was, so he decided it was time to bring in the heavy shots, but she got there before him. She had taken the entire plate, and splashed it into his face before he could even get a chance to react.
The poor singer was laughing so hard that the muscles of his stomach was starting to hurt, but he didn’t care. He couldn’t remember when it had been the last time he had had so much fun.
As she hit him with the plate, he lost balance and they tumbled down on the couch together. She landing on top of him, as they fell down.
Both of them were covered in whipped cream, and his black curls were stiff from the pink icing. He could feel her vibrating from giggles on top of him, and all the sudden the situation changed.
Their laughing got quiet, and the atmosphere became clearly more intimate. He realized he had a hand on her hip, and she had her own on his thigh. The man lifted his free hand let a finger slide down her neck through the whipped cream. He was covered in whipped cream as well, and his shirt was soaked, so it cluttered to his chest.
Out of nowhere she made a move that made him extremely aware on every single part of his body. He could feel the wanting rise under his skin, from his head to his toes. He firmed his grip around her hip, and placed the other on her back, and used it to pull her closer down to him.
He could feel her splattered t-shirt against his wet chest, and her breathing made him realize that he was breathing very heavily himself. He leaned his head closer to hers as he let his hand leave her back and slide up to find her neck. His lips met hers soft and gentle, close to caring. She tasted like sugar and marzipan, and her hair was clustered with cake-decorations.
She moved her leg in between his two, and he took a fast, deep breath.
His tongue was like velvet, but skilled and leading. As he tried to find a more comfortable position, her leg found it’s way to his crotch where she pressed gently, and he could very much feel her moving, and she could feel moving in his pants as well.
Her one hand moved to his hair, and let her fingers disappear between the soft locks. He didn’t even think, just pressed his waist against hers as the kiss grew more aggressive. He kissed his way from mouth down to her neck, as his hands found their way up under her skirt to get a grab at her butt. Even her panties were soaked with whipped cream.
She let her legs slide around him, and he got into a more upsitting position, hands still on her butt, and his tongue licking the chocolate off of her moist, salty skin.
She started to open his shirt, which revealed his chest that was clammy from the cake pasting. The dancer’s pulse was rising, and he could feel his heart raising against it. He felt his temperature go up, and it was a relief to get the shirt open. He pulled her shirt off over her head, and by then she had got his shirt off in fast turns, and she leaned in over him to let her mouth clean his chest from the sugar paste.
It was unbearable, and he felt like he was going to explode from the excitement. He let his hand glide down over the warm skin of her arms, down to her hips. He pressed her waist as close to his as he could manage, but it just wasn’t enough. He let his right hand found it’s way back under her skirt, to find the line of her panties. He slowly let his index finger slide inside of her wet panties, and as he had found the right way he let two fingers enter her. She made a slight spasm as she moaned deeply in his ear, and let her mouth return to his, as she begun a fight to get his belt buckle open.
Her movements were fast, even though her head to more and more clouded as his fingers found the exact spots inside of her. He let his fingers exit her, and they helped each other get his pants off as fast possible, and then they got to her panties. He quickly got rid of the bra, as he decided it would only be in the way.
His eyes caught hers, and he smiled broadly as she got back on top of him. She let herself slide down on him in one careful movement, and he let out a sigh of enjoy under his breath.
He could feel her around him as she moved up and down in rhythmic moves, and he held his hands steady on her hips, to help her keep the rhythm. He closed his eyes, as she pressed her hands against his ribs. She closed them into fists, as he flexed the muscles as he busted up his waist to get deeper into her. That made her hands untie and slide from his ribs, down his stomach and let her arms fold under his body, while he clammed his hands against her back, to push her down to him.
He wanted to feel her naked body against his own, and they were all close now, his mouth opening to let his tongue find hers as he moved his waist up and down, Michael all in charge of the situation now.
His breathing got faster along with the movements of his waist, and he had to bite his lower lip to prevent himself from letting out a sound directly into her ear, so instead it just sounded as a series of weak moans.
He could feel his black hair being soaked from sweat, and a rosy color were showing beneath the dark skin of his cheeks.
Electric waves were pulsing through his body, and he didn’t know how to place his hands, so he ended up holding her close to him in an almost hug-like position.
The feeling was like a fire, burning through his entire body. He could feel her getting tighter around him, with every bounce of his waist.
Their bodies were hot against each other, and her arms fastened around his neck. He tried to cut deeper into her, but at that point his body let go, and they became one. All of his muscles tensed, and his entire body was flexed to the max. His nails were tearing through the skin of her butt, and he could tell that she was at the max too. Both of them relaxed at the same time, as in the same heartbeat.
She sat there, on top of him, for a while, as they just felt each other’s closeness, and letting their breathing get even again. All of his limbs were filled with exhaustion as the girl carefully got off of him and bumped down on the couch next to him. He rested his head against the back of the sofa, and put an arm around her so he could pull her closer to him. They sat there, listening to one another’s breathing, and just tried to hold on to the moment before they had to let it go.