Status: Finished :3

A Handful of Moments


‘She’s dancing alone,
I’m ready to go,
But she’s so
Lost in stereo, lost in stereo’

The sound of ‘Lost In Stereo’ by All Time Low flooded my ears waking me up. I opened my eyes to find that my room was still dark with the slightest bit of sunlight coming from under the edges of my orange curtains. I reached over to my bedside table and turned my phone loud alarm off. What is even the time anyway?

I picked up my phone and looked at the time. 6:32am. I sighed and sat up in bed. As much as I didn’t want to get out of bed; I had to. Today was the first day of my band’s tour. I can’t wait and it’s our first big tour that we have ever done so far.

The band that I am in is called Never Will The Sun Shine. It’s a small time band that me and three other friends made a couple of years ago, just for the fun of it. At first we just played in the town and now were staring to play all around the state, it’s awesome and to me still surreal.

In the band I play guitar and do singing. My best friend Rhianna does signing and also backup. We both kinda split the singing between us which is actually cool. She also plays the guitar and in some songs plays the keyboard when needed to.

Then there is Issac; he plays bass and sometime does backups. He is one of the most energetic people around; he always gets the whole crowd going wild. And last but not least is the somewhat quiet Trent. He’s the awesome drummer of the band.

Thinking of Trent, he justbarged walked into my room...

“Wake up Marisa! We gotta get going.” He smiled.
“I’m up.” I chuckled.
“Not exactly, you’re still in bed.” He said. “Come on. I need help waking the sleepy heads.”

I threw off the blanket and got out of bed quickly. Trent laughed and I smiled. Waking up Rhianna is always so fun, probably not fun for her, but it is for me. Trent turned and walked of out my room and I followed him down the hallway. He stopped in front of Issac’s room and I stopped in front of Rhianna’s. Me and Trent smirked at each other.

“1...2...3!” We whispered.

At three the both of us burst the doors of the rooms open and ran in. I ran up to Rhianna’s bright blue bed and jumped on it. It actually made Rhianna jump up in the air. I burst out laughing. I really have to film doing this one day.

“What the Hell?!” Rhi yelled.

I just laughed more. Rhianna pushed me off her since I was sitting on her and sat up. I smiled sweetly at her. She sighed rolling her eyes.

“Morning Marisa.” She mumbled rubbing her eye with the back of her hand.
“Morning sleepy head!” I smiled. “Ready to go?”

She looked at me smiling then nods her head. I knew she couldn’t be the slightest but mad at me for waking her up since were going to tour today. I feel like I could jump off the walls now myself.

Rhi pushed the blankets off her and got out the bed. I was about to stand up but she pushed me back down and dumped the blankets on me laughing. As I got the blankets off me she ran out the room. I jumped to my feet and followed her laughing to the lounge room. I saw her jump into the couch in a sitting position. From her jumping on the couch it slid back and hit the wall with a loud thump. She looked at the couch shocked.

I stopped running and burst out laughing again. Her face was so funny! Rhianna looked up at me and pouted a little. Dude, I so wish I had that on film!

“It’s not that funny.” She states looking away from me crossing her arms over her chest.

I stopped laughing and walked over to her, where she sat on the couch. I sat down next to her. I looked at her face and noticed that she was trying not to smile.

“Aw, I’m sorry.” I smiled.

She looked back at me and smiled. I smiled again.

Suddenly Issac and Trent came running into the room, well not running but sliding across the floor in their socks. They got about half way across the room and Issac fell which tripped up Trent. Me and Rhi burst out laughing. They can be socrazy random at times.

Both Issac and Trent sat up, look at each other and burst out laughing too. After a moment they both got up off the ground.

“How awesome was that?” Issac smiled.
“Oh, the best thing since sliced bread.” Rhi chuckled.

I laughed with them and stood up from the couch. We have to go soon and I need to get changed.

“I’m going to get changed.” I state walking across the room to the hallway.
“Yeah, I better too.” I heard Rhianna say behind me.

I walked back to my room and to my wardrobe. I pulled open the doors. Now what can I wear...?

I reached in and pulled out some jeans, black tank top and a blue and black hoodie. I quickly got changed in them and threw my PJs to my bed as I did. I then walked over to my cupboard and brushed my hair and put my usual makeup on. I smiled at myself in the mirror when I was done.

I still can’t believe that were going to tour today! And you know what the best thing about it is? Well we’re the opening band for All Time Low! My fave band in the world. This tour is going to be the best ever. It almost feels like a dream and I really hope it isn’t.

I smiled brighter if that was possible and grabbed my bags from the end of my bed. I walked out my room still smiling. I walked over to Rhi’s room. Her room door was wide open. I saw her grab her bags and smiled at me. She walked out her room and we both walked to the lounge room and then to the front door.

I walked out before Rhianna and Issac and Trent were already at out little tour van. It was a pretty simple white van with two front seats and in the back were 3 rows of seats and enough room in the boot for all our stuff, including the drum and guitars which we packed yesterday. Rhianna locked the house door behind us.

“So who’s ready to tour with All time Low?” Trent asked excited.
“Me!” Me and Rhi said at the same time.

We laughed and placed our bags in the back of the van with all the other bags. I closed the boot and we all walked around to get in the van. Trent got in the drivers seat, Issac got shotgun and me and Rhianna got in the back. I sat in the first row with Rhi.

“So we are getting breakfast first right?” Issac asked.
“Yep.” Trent smiled.

Trent started up the van and started driving down the road wasting no time. I smiled pulling my MP3 out my pocket. This tour is going to be awesome and for sure have its moments.
♠ ♠ ♠
So whatcha think? like it so far?
Ihavemight have some of this pre-written already and comments make me update faster. :D
Comments also make me smile, so make me smile?