Status: Finished :3

A Handful of Moments


I was so close running out of those doors of the photography studio. So close damn close...

“You put me down, right now!” I hissed kicking my legs and throwing my arms around.

Trent laughed ignoring me and continued walking out of the studio with me slung over his shoulder in an awkward way. Well it was awkward for me; his shoulder was practically shoving my stomach into my spine. Why couldn’t he just give me a piggyback ride if wanted to carry me so badly?

Noticing throwing my limbs around wasn’t helping at all, I moved to my second escape measure for this situation; I looked at Rhianna with the best puppy dog-pleading eyes I could manage. She took one look at me and face palmed which made me smile. This worked...some of the time. Issac started laughing harder than what he already was; I wonder if he wasn’t holding Rhi’s hand he’d fall over.

“Trent put the woman down.” Rhianna sighed.
“But why?” Trent whined dragging out the ‘y’. “Is she giving you the puppy eyes?”
“Yeah, dunno why she doesn’t though, they don’t work.” She smirked at me.
“If they don’t work, why are you telling him to put me down then?” I asked tilting my head to the side.
“Because she’s a huge softy!” Issac exclaimed throwing his free arm into the air.

Trent made a small whining noise but stopped walking, putting me on my feet gently. I smiled at him and kissed his cheek quickly. He beamed and linked his arm with mine doing everything up jumping up and down on the spot. No more energy drinks for him today.

“I am not.” Rhianna muttered.
“Are too.” Issac smiled.
“Are not.”
“Are too.”
“Are not-“
“Hands up if you think Rhianna is a softly!”

Issac, Trent and I quickly put our arms up. Rhianna’s shoulders dropped and she pouted. She mumbled a quick ‘no fair’ and looked away from all of us. We started laughing walking once again towards out van parked against the curb right in front of the photography studio.

“Do I get to vote as well?”

I blinked hearing Jack’s voice from nowhere and snapped my head in the direction of the van. There as plain as daylight was Jack waving at us leaning against the side of the van smiling. I blinked again. Why was he here?

“Of course you can!’ Trent smiled.
“Awesome! I vote that she is a softy.” Jack smirked.

I heard Rhianna whine from somewhere behind me which made me laugh. I unlinked my arm from Trent and walked over to Jack. It took him two seconds to pull me into an unsuspecting bear hug. I chuckled and hugged him back once I was over being startled. He loves his hugs doesn’t he?

“Why are you here?” I asked pulling away.

Seriously why would he be at the studio at our van for?He better not be pranking us.

“Well me and you are going to hang out for a while, remember?” He smiled.
“Oh, I thought we were going to meet at your bus.” I said slyly.
“I was thinking that, but since you were close to the shops anyway I walked here instead.” He shrugged.

I nodded smiling and looked back at the others. Rhianna was trying not to say anything, I knew she was, but she couldn’t help but wink at me could she? Issac and Trent smiled. I told them about this at lunch after Rhianna got over her embarrassment. I didn’t tell them about that kiss yet though.

“Well we’ll head back to the venue.” Issac shrugged. “I don’t feel like doing much here like shopping, how about you two?”
“I wanna watch movies!” Trent beamed.
“I don’t want to be on my feet anymore.” Rhi sighed.

Everyone but Jack looked at her sadly knowing the problems with her legs before giving an understanding nod. Today apart from lunch we had been standing the whole time, I’m half amazed she hadn’t say anything earlier. She showed us a small smile.

“Have fun you two yeah?” She said lightening the mood. “If yous need picking up after just call ok?”
“We will.” Jack nodded.

The three of them gave me a hug before climbing into the van quickly. I smiled and waved to them as Issac hit the horn driving down the street. I chuckled and looked at Jack who looked at me once he felt my eyes on him.

“So what are we doing?” I asked curious – because I honestly have no flipping idea.
“That’s for me to know, and for you to find out.” He smirked.


“Where are we going?” I asked for the third time in the last five minutes.

It wasn’t like I was trying to be annoying or anything; I just wanted to know. Can you blame me? Jack laughed shaking his head.

“Not saying!” He smiled stretching out the ‘g’.

I pouted a little and Jack poked my cheek before taking my hand. I bit my lip blushing and let him once again today pull me where ever we were heading too. We have been walking for twenty minutes through the shopping area of the city now. Normally depending on the “surprise” I liked having them, I guess that’s why I haven’t complained for walking so far yet.

After another ten minutes we stopped by some fast-food shops. I looked up at Jack raising an eyebrow. He smiled.

“I’ll get us something to eat while you wait here ok?”
“Sure.” I nodded unsurely and confused.

Jack quickly walked towards the shop and I moved sitting down on an empty nearby bench while folding my arms over my chest. So whatever he has planned it involves food – kinda sounds like a date thinking that, isn’t that what most people do on dates? He still hadn’t mentioned it being one...and I’m too scared to ask. Because like, what would his reaction be if I asked that? Would he laugh in my face or think I’m an idiot?

But he did kiss me and admitted that he had been thinking about it.

I bit my lip and looked down the row of shops watching people move around; walking in and out of shops and talking amongst themselves as I thought. It took probably around fifteen minutes when Jack walking out of the food shop caught the corner of my eye. I turned my head towards him and tilt it to the side. Jack’s lips were pulled into a soft smile as he approached me.

“So what does take-away have to with what we’re doing?” I asked as he stopped in front of where I sat a bag in hand.

His smile widens and he bent down to my level so I wasn’t looking up at him. His face coming very close to mine. I tried to keep my breathing even.

“A lot because I’m hungry!” He chuckled. “Come on, babe, this way.”

He quickly snapped up straight and started walking away gesturing for me to follow. My eyes went wide and I gaped at him. He called me babe. Blinking to snap out of my small shock I jumped from the bench and caught up to him. I wasn’t hearing things was I? At least I’m positive I wasn’t.

First that kiss, hanging out just the two of us and now calling me babe...


Was it possible that he could...I don’t know, like me? Nah. I way over thinking it. Me and my band mates do that all the time, but we don’t kiss each other on the lips...

“Huh?” I asked blinking.
“This way.” He chuckled tugging on my elbow moving me in the right direction.

I chuckled nervously and followed him down the new street. He took my hand again; probably so I wouldn’t zone out again and walk into a wall. Yeah that would be embarrassing. To tell the truth I’m glad he knows where we are going; because right now I have no idea where we even are – I’m guessing that he’s been here before, probably a few times now while on tour.

Once we got to the end of that street we walked slightly down another before walking through a small park – which was a patch of grass more than anything- and then all of a sudden I was facing not more buildings; but a beach. A beautiful one at that.

“Oh wow.” I whispered gasping.

I had no idea we were even close to the beach! I thought it was like another half an hour’s walk to it or more; once again I was glad Jack knew where we were going. From the corner of my eye I saw him smile brightly; but I kept staring at the scenery of the sun not that far from the water’s edge.

“So would you like to eat here?” He asked.
“Yes!” I nodded fast.

He laughed and pulled on my hand walking towards the steps that led down to the sand. We did everything but jump down the flight of stairs to be down there. Once our feet hit the soft sand Jack pulled off his shoes holding the food somehow and I took off mine. I picked up my shoes and looked at Jack. He beamed.

“Follow me!”

With that he was running down the beach laughing. I chuckled and ran after him as fast as I could; but he having longer legs made him was faster. I slowed down my running a little and without falling face first into the sand I pulled up jeans up the best I could still moving and moved over towards the water line. My feet padded through the wet sand and the small waves that rolled onto the beach. The water felt nice against my skin.

I watched in front of me as Jack ran under the wooden jetty and stopped sitting down on one of the low beams there. I smiled and slowed in my pace till I was walking, I moved away from the water line and towards where Jack was. It didn’t take only for the sand to stick to my wet feet, I laughed at being between my toes as I sat on the wooden plank next to Jack.

He randomly kissed my cheek before placing the food between us. I ignored my blush and smiled.

“So I was thinking we could stay here and see the sunset, sound good?”
“Sounds great.” I nodded.
“Awesome!” He exclaimed making me laugh. “But first let’s eat!”

I nodded again chuckling and Jack got the food out the bag, he handed me some box and I opened it, I wasn’t sure what it was but it smelt and looked really yummy. Normally I stayed away from fast food, but this seemed nice. I took a small bite, yep it was nice.

It was quiet for a few moments as we ate.

“Hey you know how yesterday as I asked if I could try something?” Jack said quietly – for a moment I thought I was hearing things before he looked at me.
“Yes, I do.” I blushed thinking about it.
“I know it may sound lame, but can I try it again?” He asked shyly. “I mean like if you don’t want to that’s fine, I’m just wondering.”
“It’s fine! I-I don’t mine.” I mumbled.

And I just totally embarrassed myself stuttering like that. But Jack didn’t seem to mind too much I guess because he smiled. Him asking that kinda reminds me of two kids that have no idea about this stuff asking to kiss one another, but at the same time it was nice he asked because, well, we’re not going out or anything so if he didn’t ask and just kiss me, than that would make it very awkward.

Just like before Jack placed his hand softly on my cheek and I couldn’t help but lean into the touch as he ran this thumb over my cheek bone. I watched as he licked his lips unsurely but moved in closer while taking the box of food out of my lap with his free hand.

Slowly his lips touched mine and I jumped again at the moment just like last time. And just like last time it felt good but not only that but...right.

As we pulled away smiling I remembered something Rhianna said to me a few days ago.

‘No one can help when and who they fall in love with.’

That was an interesting fact, but could I even like Jack so soon? We’ve only know each other for a few weeks. But then again there is “love at first sight”.

Eh, I’m thinking way too much.

Shaking my head lightly I smiled at Jack again and he handed my food back moving to sit close to me, closer than he was before.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm actually half surprised that I got this out today because I haven't been in the best mood tonight. So everyone thank my Mum for letting me download a couple of songs by 'Gyroscope' because I listed to them while writing most of this.

But as the same, I hope everyone liked this. Was it good? bad? shit? cute?
Tell me what you thought? :)

I can't remember if I said this last time but I have a New Story Check it out maybe?

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