Status: Finished :3

A Handful of Moments


“Well this afternoon was fun.” Jack smiled squeezing me gently against his body.

I smiled resting my head against his shoulder. He was warm; really warm complained to the night air. Honestly I have no idea what so ever what the time is; but it’s obvious it’s late because there weren’t many lights coming from the bus and the only light coming from the van was from the DVD player that someone was watching.

If I took a wild guess; I’d say it was around eleven. People sure weren’t lying when they say ‘time flies when having fun’ – because it sure does, tonight proved it for me. Today was a fucking blast.

“It sure was.” I smiled mumbling into Jack’s shoulder making him chuckle.

I then yawned making him laugh more as well as myself. Jack pulled away gently but kept one arm around my waist. I smiled up at him.

“See you tomorrow, sweet dreams.” Jack smiled.
“Good night.” I said softly.

Before I had a chance to kiss his cheek; he leant down, moved my hair slightly and kissed my forehead letting his lips linger there. I couldn’t help but smile and I watched the smile that spread across his face when he pulled back.

With one last squeeze with his arm, he let go of me and turned waving walking away towards the bus. I smiled waving back until he was out of my sight. I giggled to myself from the excitement of the day and pulled the van door open quietly. I jumped in –somehow still quiet- and closed the door. I took a quick look around to stop myself making any more embarrassing noises out of my excitement.

I quickly noticed all the beds had been made; even mine. Trent was asleep in the first row where Issac normally sleeps unless they swapped for the night. On the back row were Rhianna and Issac with one of the DVD players sitting on Rhi’s stomach flicking light around the van as the two watched it. I moved over to them sitting on the edge by Rhi’s arm and looked at what they were watching.

I smiled seeing ’Nightmare Before Christmas’ playing. Rhianna smiled up at me and I looked at Issac. Oh; he was sleeping – his head on her shoulder and arm tightly around her waist. I smirked and winked at her. Rhianna hit my arm softly, but said nothing.

I laughed quietly to myself and moved to my bed.


Fluttering my eyes open I noticed I had the feeling that the van was moving and I only had half of my bed because it was made back into a seat again. I blinked slowly a couple of times and sat up just as slow. Glancing out the window I noticed in fact that we were indeed moving.

“Hey look at that, one of the van sleepyheads are awake.”

I turned and looked at Trent sitting in the front passengers’ seat smiling brightly at me. I smiled back sleepily and yawned, stretching out my back a little. Looking at Trent again I noticed that Issac was driving. So I looked over the seat I was on and saw Rhianna folded up into a ball on the next seat sleeping; at least she looked asleep – she was always great at faking it.

“You might want to wake Rhianna up.” Issac said looking at me quickly through the rear view mirror. “We’re stopping at the petrol station just up ahead.”

I nodded and turned back around facing her; well her back since she wasn’t facing me. I reached over the seat, standing on my knees and poked her mid back, she didn’t even move.

“Rhianna, wake up.” I said stretching out the ‘e’ and ‘p’ poking her back again.

Nothing. I frowned and poked her spine a little harder.

“I know.”

I jumped hearing her voice, which wasn’t even covered with sleep. I gaped at her as she rolled over enough to look at me smiling before rolling back to how she was before laughing.

“Scare me half to death why don’t you.” I scoffed in a playful tone.
“You’re still talking, so obviously it didn’t work. I’ll try better next time.” Came her smartass reply.

My mouth made a ‘o’ shape as a racked my brain to come back with some kind of comeback but all I heard was the guys laughing. I pouted and turned sitting in my seat properly, still thinking crossing my arms over my chest. That bloody girl is observant and a smartass! I snickered to myself thinking that as I looked out the window to see us passing All Time Low’s bus.

As we passed the bus I saw Jack and Rian waving, I moved closer to the window and waved back. Then started laughing as Alex ran along with the slowly moving van like an idiot till we stopped. Once we did stop Alex jumped up onto the hood –almost falling off- and pressed his face to the windshield pulling a pig face. We all started laughing.

But I almost fell over laughing when Issac turned the windscreen wipers on and Alex yelped jumping completely away from the van and ran to Matt and Zack; who also were bending over from laughing so hard. I felt a couple of tears roll down my cheeks.

“Shut up! It’s not funny!” Alex yelled so loud that I could hear from inside the van. “That actually scared the crap out of me!” He complained.

But that didn’t stop anyone from laughing; it fact it made it worse. Oh gosh, the look on his face when he jumped away from the van! I burst into another round of laughter.

In the end I have no idea how long it took everyone to stop laughing and get into the petrol station to by food and use the toilets and such. But even as everyone was at the counter which was now full of food and drinks, some people were still snickering; like Jack who was standing behind me. I tried my best to hold in the rest of my laughter because Alex didn’t look that happy that people were still laughing but it, even though he did laugh a bit himself.

I heard Jack snicker from behind me again. I turned to look at him.

“You still laughing about that?” I asked.
“No.” He laughed shaking his head.

I looked at him confused. He smirked and lent down to my ear. I tried not to blush from him being so close.

“Trent’s shirt is inside out; you can see the tags on the back.” He whispered seeing as Trent was close to us.

Looking over at Trent I saw the white tags sticking out on the side and back of the neck on his black shirt. I quickly clamped my hand over my mouth to keep quiet. Jack quickly looked away biting his liphe looked cute doing that.

But I didn’t say anything though even if it was embarrassing for him that he hasn’t noticed yet, but if I told him now with everyone standing here, it would be worse – that’s if he did get embarrassed by it, not many things do.

Rocking on the balls of my feet I waited till everyone got their food; Issac paying for mine as I payed last time and walked out the shop with Jack at my side talking to Rhianna quietly. I didn’t pay any attention to the conversation and nudged Trent in the side. He looked at me.

“You might want to check your shirt.” I hinted chuckling.

He looked at me confused and looked down at his shirt. Suddenly he burst out laughing. We stopped at the van and handed me the bag he was holding and pulled his shirt over his head. Issac made a loud wolf whistle walking past us smirking. Trent wiggled his eyebrows.

“Like what you see mate?” Trent asked with a shit eating grin.
“Oh yeah baby!” Issac yelled.

The two started laughing and Trent fixed his shirt and pulled it back on. I smiled shaking my head at my twoidiotic friends handing the bag back to him. I was that about to jump into the van when two arms wrapped around my waist making me jumped startled instead. I heard a very familiar laughing in my ear and I rolled my eyes.

“Did you have to scare me?” I asked.
“I tried not to.” Jack said letting go of me.

I had to stop myself from pouting at that.

“I wanna ride in the van! Can I come?” Jack asked jumping and looking into the van suddenly acting like a kid.
“Sure jump in! Our van is heaps better than that heap of shit bus.” Issac laughed.

Jack jumped in and I got in after quickly sitting in the back row. Issac threw me the packet of food I got as Jack leant over the seat talking to Rhianna quietly again. I looked at them curios, but of course it wasn’t my place to cut into their conversation. I opened the packet of food.

“You’re welcome Jack.”

I looked at them confused now hearing that and Jack moved back to sit normal smiling at me, ignoring my look. I shrugged it off and smiled back at him. After a couple of moments the van started and Issac followed the bus again like we haven’t even stopped in the first place.

Jack shyly took my hand and linked his fingers with mine. I smiled at him again and placed a sweet kiss on his cheek. I ignored the small ‘awe’ noise Rhianna made.
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Hi marizaaaa! x3

Sooo did everyone liked the new update? Good? Bad? Crap? Funny?
Well I hope that Alex thing made you laugh a little xD I have a very odd imagination sometimes and I try to use to so people laugh, doesn't work often, but I try :)

So why do you think Jack said "Thanks" to, Rhianna for? :O

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