Status: Finished :3

A Handful of Moments


Completely and totally amused I stared up at the stage from where I was standing, where the crowd would be in the next few short hours with Trent sitting on the ground by my feet. No matter what I did I couldn’t wipe the amused smile off my face and Trent obviously couldn’t stop chuckling to himself.

I think that this tops off the most random things I have seen today.Apart from Rhianna having yet another quiet talk with Jack.

Strumming her guitar, standing in front of the microphone, Rhianna played the song ‘Stay Still’ by Blessthefall quietly singing under her breath rocking side to side to the tune. But that wasn’t what was so amusing – it was Issac. The guy that stood about four meters away from her with his bass in his hands, fingers frozen from playing the same song Rhi was and had the most awe-smack dreamiest face while staring right at her.

He was practically starting to drool, because he was off that far into dreamy land.

To be honest I didn’t know if I should show Rhianna, make Issac snap out of it before he could really embarrass himself or do nothing. It was obvious Trent wasn’t going to do anything soon; he was too busy trying not to laugh out loud.

Where’s a camera when you need one?

“That boy is stuck hook, line and sinker!” Alex laughed walking over to stand next to me.

I didn’t look at him really and just kept my eyes on the two on stage where they were both meant to be doing sound check. Rhianna was smiling to herself as she played; I know for a fact that she loves that song, once she had learnt it she’s always played it whenever she can.

“Yeah I know! The look on his face is priceless.” Trent laughed.
“How can Rhianna not notice him looking at her like that?”

I felt two arms wrap around my waist and I tilted my head back to look at Jack who just asked that question. He looked back down at me and from how I was he face was upside down. I smiled.

“Because Rhi is playing one of her favourite songs. I bet if anything that if Issac yelled out ‘I love you’ right now to her she probably wouldn’t even notice.” I chuckled.
“That’s true too.” Trent agreed. “Unless she’s paying attention the only things that would snap her out of it is if someone calls her name or scares the crap out of her.”
“Trust me from experience unless you have a shield handy don’t scare her.” I laughed.

Well really she not that bad when someone scared her, unless you’ve really pissed her off; she is scary when she was. I smiled at Jack again and looked away otherwise my neck will start to hurt from being like that. Though he did look funny being upside down.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Alex laughed. “But I guess someone better snap Issac out of dream land before anyone else notices, it’s embarrassing as fuck getting caught like that.”
“Pretty sure you burnt yourself admitting that.” Jack laughed.
“At least I’m honest.” Alex smirked before walking away.

Jack sighed and I felt his head rest on top of mine. From the corner of my eye I saw Trent smile at us before looking out at the stage, watching Alex makes his way to the awe-struck boy.

It has been about two weeks since Jack had first kissed me and since then we’ve been really close as anyone could tell by just looking at us right now. We’re not going out but we’re not just simple friends either. Honest; I have no idea what we are, but I have to admit; I like this. A hell of a lot. It just feels so...nice to just be around Jack.

He just doing the simplest thing made me smile, laugh and just be in an all around happy mood. It’s getting to the point where we could just stand here like we are and say nothing; it wouldn’t even bother us at all, we would be completely fine with it. Apart from my band mates I haven’t been like this with anyone for a long time, and I’m so not complaining.

It was hard not to remember and think about what Rhianna had told me about falling in love before. Could I? I don’t think so not yet, hell we’re not even together yet, so why am I even thinking about it? What I should be thinking about is the small quiet almost secretive chats Rhi and Jack’s like their hiding something from me. I just have that feeling, ya know?

Like usual I’m probably over thinking it, but still...

“I wonder if Alex is going to scare him out of it.” Jack mused snapping me out of my thoughts.
“I would!” Trent beamed throwing his hand in the air.
“Yeah I knew you would.” I chuckled.

Trent turned to smile cheekily at me before looked back at the stage. I let my eyes travel back up at the stage too. I watched Alex walked slowly across the stage and said something to Rhianna making her smile and nod her head before going back to playing. Alex then walked up to the side of Issac and lent in close to his ear saying something.

Issac jumped suddenly and looked at Alex with wide eyes; it took only seconds for his face to turn bright, bright red. I choked back my laugh and bit down on my bottom lip so I wouldn’t make any noise. I felt Jack hid his face in my hair and saw Trent clamp his hand over his mouth.

Issac said something quickly to Alex, which I couldn’t hear and then he walked off stage with Alex following obviously trying not to laugh himself.

The three of us was quiet for five seconds before bursting out laughing. Our laughs echoed around the venue and Rhianna looked at us completely confused.

“What?” She called unsure.

That just made us laugh more.


“So does this set list sound good?” Trent asked holding up the piece of paper with his messing writing all over it.

After scanning my eyes over it, I nodded and smiled.

“Yeah that looks good to me.” Rhianna agreed.

Issac nodded but said nothing. Since this morning at sound check he has been really quiet; which was a little unusual for him, but after what happened I don’t blame him. I actually felt sorry for him now that the amusement of it was gone. He looked up at me for a second and then quickly looked away once he saw my soft sad smile.

Rhianna since the loud laughing has been confused. Her being so observant at times she knew something is up, but hasn’t asked yet. Even when she was alone with me, she hasn’t asked and I wonder why...

Sighing I shook my head. This wasn’t the time really to think about that, we have a show to get ready for.

“So are we doing our usual entrance?” I asked just so someone was talking.
“Yup, I don’t see why we need to change it.” Trent smiled.

I nodded and was about to ask about something else when a knock at the door cut me off. Looking at the door confused I watched as it opened and Jack poked his head in smiling. I smiled and gave a little wave – something I started doing around him a lot.

“Um, can I talk to you for a minute Mariza?” He asked biting his lip.
“Sure.” I nodded.

I stood from where I was sitting and glanced at Rhianna. She looked up at me with a slight confused look but she had this look in her eyes, like she knew something.Not that, that girl knows everything anyway. I shot her a confused look. I wanted to ask about it but I said nothing and walked out the room shutting the door.

Jack smiled at me and took my hand gently leading me down the venue hallway away from the room and down another one. After a moment we reached some boxes used for things on stage and sat down on them. I didn’t let go of his hand and by the looks of it he wasn’t going to let go either.

“So, what did you want to talk about?” I asked looking at him with my head slightly to the side.
“Well...” He sighed. “I wanted to ask-You know how I’ve been talking to Rhianna a bit lately?” He asked.
“Yeah, I’ve noticed.” I nodded.
“Well oddly enough I was asking for her help and what she thought about something.” He chuckled nervously. “I wanted to ask you something and I wasn’t sure if I should do something special for it or just flat out ask. Rhianna said just spit it out.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle and not my head. So that’s why they have been talking all secret like. But why would he want her option on something? In truth it really confused me.

“So what did you want to ask me?” I asked confused.

I watched as Jack took a deep breath and bit his lip gently.

“Would you be my girlfriend?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh, snap, a cliffhanger! :O
What do you think she says? Will Mariza say yes or tell him to jump because she would rather go out with Jared Monaco instead? XD

Anyways, was this chapter good? bad? cute?
Like usual I had to poke fun at me-i mean Rhianna and Issac :) those two cop it in my other story too that their in xD

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