Status: Finished :3

A Handful of Moments


Would you be my girlfriend?

To be completely and totally honest...that was the last fucking thing I thought Jack would ask me!

I’m positive for a second I forgot to breath and for three more seconds I looked at him wide eyed in shock. Jack Barakat asked me to be his girlfriend. Out of all those pretty girls that he sees daily he asked me.Though how close we have been over the last two weeks, it was kind of obvious, even to me.

I felt my heart beat oddly a couple of times and I couldn’t stop the smile that spread out across my face – even though I’m pretty sure I’m shell shocked. Knowing that if I was to say anything, I’d probably sound really stupid right about now; I nod my head looking at him in the eyes.

The worried hurt look that was in his face disappeared and a hugecute smile pulled at his lips. Within less than a second he had me in a huge bear hug which made me laugh before I wrapped my arms tightly around him, placing my head on his shoulder. I felt him kiss the side of my head before hiding his face into my hair letting out a long breath.

‘No one can help when and who they fall in love with.’

Damn, why did Rhianna have to be so right? Before this tour I never thought I would end up liking someone, let alone Jack. After my last dickhead of a boyfriend I was pretty much uninterested in looking for anyone to like or love...but Jack changed that, ever since I first saw him live. I have no idea how he managed to do that, but he did. In a way I’m almost glad that he did; because sooner or later everyone needs that person in their life. Right?

Smiling to myself, I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the moment with Jack like this while I had the chance of having it.

Which I knew it wouldn’t be too long and Issac suddenly screaming out ‘Mariza, ten minutes!’ just proved it.

I groaned annoyed and Jack laughed pulling away from me. I looked up at his eyes and he smiled placing his hands gently on the sides of my face before leaning in slowly, kissing me just as soft. This was the first time he has kissed me on the lips without asking or saying some sort of warning before hand. I smiled against his lips pulling away, even though I didn’t want to.

“Guess we better get going, I’m sure the guys would kick me up the ass for making you get on stage late.” He chuckled hopping off the box we were sitting on.
“I’d be more worried about Rhianna then the boys.” I joked.

I hopped off the box and let Jack take my hand as we walked back the way we had come. I couldn’t stop the joy that spread around my body, nor did I want to.

“Are you going to watch our set tonight?” I asked my voice excited.
“I might miss a little of it to get ready for my band’s set, but I’ll try and see much as I can.” He smiled.

I nodded and grinned up at him.


The sound of the bass and drums thumped hard in my chest as I played my heart out the loud cheering crowd in front of me. We were on our last song for this show and to say I was covered in sweat would be an understatement; I’m drowning in it.

And you know what? I’m fine with that. I’m having so much fun and playing on stage is just so surreal that I don’t even care if I look like a drowned rat – I wasn’t the only one anyway so it wasn’t like I stood out because of it. Plus the sweater you are, the better you know the show is.

Everything was just going off tonight in an awesome way. I don’t know if for me it was because Jack asked me out or what, but that sure boosted my happiness. Could you blame me?

Thinking of Jack I knew right now he was watching me, I could feel his eyes on me and that made me smile. Every now and then my eyes would flicker to look at him and he would smile, wave or yell something at me. I always smiled back; it was hard to wave with two hands on my guitar.

As the song came to a close the fans went nuts. This must have been the loudest crowd we have played for so far this tour. Laughing at some guy crowd surfing I let my guitar drift off leading the other two guitars being played to do the same thing. I quickly pointed to the crowd surfer and when I had his attention I gave him a thumbs up as Issac cheered him on though the mic.

“I hope everyone had an awesome time like we have; thank you!” Rhianna yelling into the mic.

Smiling I waved out at the crowd and slowly walked off the stage with everyone else yelling our thanks to the fans. I took my guitar strap off from around me and set it in its stand, just in time to turn and tackle Rhianna almost making her fall over. I laughed in her ear and I saw her roll her eyes but smiled anyway. I felt another two sets arms wrap around us.

“Group hug!” Issac yelled in Trent’s ear.

We laughed and I let go. I looked over at Issac and by the looks of it at the moment what happened this morning is gone from his mind. But it made me wonder if he will ask Rhianna out soon or the other way around.


Grinning I turned around just as Jack wrapped his arms around me. I gave him a very short hug before pulling away. He looked at me slightly confused.

“I’m drowning in sweat.” I pointed out.
“So?” He asked. “I’ll be soon enough.” He smiled.

Jack lent down and pressed his lips to mine as I moved my hands to his hair and cheek. His arms wrapped tight around me and pulled my flash against his body. I smiled moving my lips back against his. But sadly he pulled away too quick for my liking. I tried not to pout but it didn’t work.

“It’s my turn to rock the stage, are you going to watch?” He asked.
“Of course, wouldn’t miss it!”

Suddenly there was someone tapping my shoulder I turned to see Alex smiling at us before raising an eyebrow.

“Are yous going out?” He asked smirking.

Me and Jack just smiled widely.


Sitting onand squashing Rhianna’s lap I watched All Time Low’s set. They were doing awesome! Like every show that they did. I just loved watching them even if I saw every show of theirs even for a year I don’t think I could get sick of it. It was something I could just watch over and over again; like my favourite movie.The fact Jack looks sexy while playing has nothing to do with it.

“I know staring at your boyfriend’s ass would be interesting for you, but drooling on my lap isn’t.” Rhianna said poking me both side of my ribs.
“I ain’t drooling!” I whined. “Plus my ass is taking up your entire lap so if I did drool you wouldn’t even get any on you.”

I squeaked when I felt Rhianna’s hand hit the back of my head. It didn’t hurt me but coming from nowhere it scared me.

“Your ass isn’t that big, don’t be mean on yourself woman!” She scolded.
“Yes, mum.” I mumbled.

I flinched waiting for another hit over the back my head but I got nothing. I smiled; she must have not heard me. I chuckled and looked back out to stage. Now look what Rhianna did; I missed a few minutes of the set! Stupid woman.

After watching quietly for a few minutes the song they were playing finished and Jack turned to look at me. He beamed at me and I couldn’t help but do the same back. He made a little kissy face and I burst out laughing because he looked like a fish.

Even though it happened a couple of hours ago I can’t believe that me and Jack are going out now.

That of course made me smile.
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Wow, I'm updating this story pretty fast. Though after last chapter I couldn't let everyone hang too long, well I could have but I'm nice and got this done as quick as I could without rushing it :)
Also I just had to update this because I just noticed my Craig Mabbitt story has 10 stars :O Never though it would get that many xD

So what do you think will happen next in this? ;)
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