Status: Finished :3

A Handful of Moments


The little camp stove, amazingly enough, was just enough to light the small area we were sitting in between the bus and van. What was even more amazing was that it was still burning; I would have thought it had gone out by now because of the size of the gas bottle. Those little flames were actually giving off a little warmth, not that we really needed it because it wasn’t a cold night...and Jack was warm enough.

Smiling I watched as everyone talked with the dull orange light flickering on them. This whole moment reminded me of camping, I guess in a way we were – just in the middle of a city and in vehicles; not tents. But it was just as calm and peaceful. There was only one thing that I thought was missing; stars. The sky was dark, but the lights in the city blocked out a lot of stars and only the really bright ones could be seen.

It was better than none I guess.

Still smiling softy I leant back against Jack’s chest as he wrapped one arm around me. I tilted my head to the side to see him in a deep conversation with Trent and Zack. I chuckled at Trent’s usual half whining about something and started listening, just watching as they talk. Sometimes it was nice just to sit back and listen. Just relax really.

I have no idea how long I was sitting there like that listening to them before I heard someone lightly strum a guitar. I turned my head and noticed Alex, Rhianna and Issac all with their acoustic guitars. I grinned and sat up a little more straight on Jack’s lap from my slouched position. The three guys I had been listening to talk went quiet, eventually everyone did.

“So we’re going to play some random songs that ok with everyone?” Issac asked.

I nodded and most of the others said it was fine. Rhianna grinned at everyone.

“Any requests?” She asked.
“Pick me!” I yelled laughing throwing my hand into the air. “Thunder and for you to sing it with Issac.” I grinned.

Rhi and Issac both looked at me with wide eyes at what I said. For a second I thought they would both say no but to my surprise Rhianna nodded quickly looking down and Issac grinned, but I was positive his cheeks got a pink tint on them. That was a great spur of the moment idea! It was obvious that Trent thought so too because he started snickering. I bit down on the inside of my cheeks so I wouldn’t smile.

Two scared love birds, singing a song like that together, yeah, it’s a damn great idea.

“Um, ok.” Issac muttered cleaning his voice. “Who starts?” He asked Rhi.
“You.” She said just as the words left his mouth.

Oh, I love messing with these two...once they finally get together it will be worse!

“Today is a winding road, that’s taking me to places that I didn’t want to go, whoa.” Issac sang softly while starting to play. “Today in a blink of an eye I’m holding onto something and I do now know why, I tried.”

Rhianna joined in with her guitar and kept her head down till Issac got to the chorus where she joined in blushing heavily. I could tell she was getting shy as she went off singing the second verse, but kept going. I smiled as Issac took glances at her and she did the same back.

These two are seriously cute together, why the hell can’t they open their traps and just come out with it? I wonder if Issac will take my advice or not. I guess I have to wait and see, I really hope he does. Otherwise there is plan B; me and Trent will lock them in the van.

Rhianna and Issac made their way through the song slowly and as they finished everyone started clapping and cheering. They did a very good cover of that song; I grinned at my best friends and clapped.

“Ok Mariza, your turn.” Issac stated once everyone had quieten down.

I blinked and he smirked at me. I looked confused at Rhianna and slowly she smirked as well. With wide eyes I watched as Issac got up and walked over to me holding the guitar out for me to take. Then it hit me, their getting me back for making them sing that song! Shit. What are they going to make me do – or should I say sing?

I glanced over at Trent with wide eyes hoping he would help because I knew he was the only one that got what was really going on. He took one look at me and burst out laughing. I gaped at him, well he was bloody helpful. I glared at him and turned my attention back to Issac.

“Sing I Must Be Dreaming!” Rhianna cheered.
“The Maine’s song?” Jack asked resting his head on my shoulder.
“Yeah.” I said slowly nodding taking the guitar.

I glared at Issac and he smirked. Sure this was one of my favourite songs but I know why they wanted me to sign that; they want me to sing it to Jack. No-flipping-way, I’ll sing it to everyone but not just him...I would mess up from embarrassment!

Shaking my head I set up the guitar taking glances at the two grinning at me cheekily. I let out a deep breath and cleared my throat. Maybe I shouldn’t mess with those two after all...

She thinks I'm crazy.
Judging by the faces that she's making.
And I think she's pretty.
” I started with everyone’s eyes on me, I could feel Jack’s the most.
But pretty's just part of the things she does that amaze me.
And she calls me sweetheart.
I love it when she wakes me when it's still dark.
And she watches the sun.
But she's the only one I have my eyes on.

I ignored the fact of why I was singing this and let a smile spread across my face, enjoying what I was going.

“Tell me that you love me and it'll be alright.
Are you thinking of me?
Just come with me tonight.
You know I need you.
Just like you need me.
Can't stop, won't stop, I must be dreaming.
Can't stop, won't stop, I must be dreaming.”

“And she moves in closer.
Whispering to me, "I thought I told ya."
And oh she's playing games now.
And I've figured it out now that we're, now that we're closer.
Two kids, one love
Who cares if we make it up?
Her voice is sweet sound.
Our clothes lay on the ground.
She moves in closer.
Whispers, "I thought I told ya"

“Tell me that you love me and it'll be alright.
Are you thinking of me?
Just come to me tonight
You know I need you
Just like you need me
Can't stop, won't stop, I must be dreaming.
Can't stop, won't stop, I must be dreaming.”

“Remember the day when we started this.
And you made the shape of my heart with your hands.
We try to make some sense of it.
But she called me on the phone and said... “

“Tell me that you love me and it'll be alright.
Are you thinking of me?
Just come with me tonight.
You know I need you, just like you need me.
Can't stop, won't stop, I must be dreaming.

I finished off the song with a bit of extra guitar and smiled as everyone started clapping. I bit the inside of my lip as I felt Jack kiss my cheek letting his lips linger there for a moment. I passed off the guitar to Trent and he winked at me making me roll my eyes in return.

I looked back at Jack to see him grinning at me.

“You did a really good job, you have a wonderful voice.” He smiled.
“Thank you.” I mumbled shyly.

Jack chuckled and kissed my cheek again as Alex yelled ‘my turn’.

And this was only the start of the amount of songs that ended up being played.

The night ended up being one of the best I’ve hand in a long time, the amount of things we had done was amazing. It was a beautiful, calm, relaxing, fun and funny. We now have that many pictures I‘m sure the all camera batteries are flat. We defiantly should do this again if we can. The best night of friendship ever!

Feeling two arms wrapped around me and the person digging their head into my neck made me giggle. I smiled and turned around in Jack’s arms once the chair we had been sitting on was packed away. It was some crazy time in the morning and everyone was going to bed now.

Looking into Jack’s chocolate coloured eyes I pressed my lips to his placing my hands on his chest. I felt him smile against my lips before pulling away once our lungs started to burn for air. He hugged me against himself before letting go all but my hand.

“Stay with me tonight?” He asked trying his best at puppy dog eyes.

And for once it actually worked on me, probably because I was tired, but it worked. I smiled nodding my head.

“Sure.” I agreed. “I just have to tell one of the guys otherwise when they wake up in the morning they might freak out when they notice me not there.” I laughed.

Jack chuckled nodding and I lead him over to my bands van. I stuck my head in the open window and looked around; I could just see three people moving around in there.

“Hey guys I’m stay with Jack tonight.” I said gaining cat calls from the boys.

I groaned rolling my eyes at the idiots.

“Good night.” I sighed.
“Night, Mariza.” Rhianna said back.
“Good night!” The boys called.

I chuckled and let Jack pull me away from there and to the bus. I yawned rubbing my eyes as we walked in heading straight for the bunks. Jack led me all the way to his and let go of my hand. I pulled the curtain back and climbed in kicking my shoes off as Jack took his jeans off.

“No sex when we are in here, number one rule!” Alex yelled from his bunk.
“Oh shut up.” Jack mumbled. “Go to sleep.”
“Night.” Alex laughed.

I chuckled and Jack climbed into the bunk landing in his face next to me yawning. I laughed and moved my sleepy boyfriend so he was in the bunk properly with the curtain closed and blankets over us. Jack wrapped his arms around me as I curled into his chest.

Jack kissing my forehead and whispering good night was the last thing I heard because I was out like a light.
♠ ♠ ♠
There you go Mariza, I hope it made you feel a little better <3

I hope everyone liked it, I thought it was kinda cute :3 Different from how it first going to be, but I like it.
Tell me what you thought yeah?

Btw, I have a new story about Garrett Nickelsen from The Maine, would anyone like to check it out?

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