Status: Finished :3

A Handful of Moments


Standing on the stage I looked out to where the fans had been standing, dancing, jumping, screaming and cheering just over an hour ago. All that was left that showed they had been here was some rubbish on the ground, spilt drinks and other random bits and pieces that littered the floor. To go from a place packed with so many people to hardly anyone here was a bit of a mind blow and standing here made the whole show feel like it was just a dream inside my head.

Gladly I knew it wasn’t and it was as real as someone pinching my arm.

As usual the show was amazing. To explain the feeling of being on stage was hard and the best way to sum it all up was to say that it was ‘just fucking amazing’ and ‘the best thing ever’. Or if I wanted to I could use one of Jack’s sayings; “the next best thing to sex”...yeah I’m pretty sure his saying was the best by far. No words can describe it.

Smiling I took a couple of steps forward and sat down on the edge letting my feet dangle over to where the security guards had been standing before.

My ears are still ringing slightly and I could just feel the thumping in my chest from the drums. Even though by now I’ve had a shower and changed clothes I still felt sweaty, I don’t know if that is from the show or how humid it was in here still. But surprisingly enough, it really didn’t bother me. I guess I’m used to it by now.

But there was one thing I still wasn’t used to about this tour – that this was the fifth last show of the tour which marked two weeks left till we go home. To be honest I don’t want to, I want to keep touring like this; but we can’t. In a way I didn’t even want to think about it, but it was hard not to.

I have two weeks left to being with Jack.

After this tour as of right now we have nothing lined up for a couple of months and All Time Low does. Most of our tours are booked roughly at last moment so we never know what we’re doing. In a way that was a pain in the ass because we don’t know when we’ll see our tour friends again but at the same time it makes it more exciting. Right now it was a pain for me because who knows when we’ll tour with this band again.

As I found out we live roughly a three hours away from each other which helps...when we are home at the same time.

To be completely honest I’m a little worried about after this tour, will me and Jack stay together and can we stay together long after? Because honestly I don’t want to break up over something like that because...I like Jack a lot.

...I really care for him.

Bitting my lip hard I started swinging my legs back and forth making my heels of my shoes hit the side making low thud noises that echoed though the empty venue. It’s actually kind of sounded cool but not as good as Trent’s and Issac’s echoed singing from sound check though or the noises Jack and Alex were making.

After a while I heard footsteps move across the stage and I turned to look back to see who it was. Zack smiled at me and walked up to my side making me look up at him. That makes me felt really, really short. Why were so many people tall around here?

“The others told me to find you; we’re all going out for dinner.” He smiled. “And your boyfriend keeps whining.” He added.
“What about this time?” I laughed.

I always find when Jack was in that mood that he was really cute, sure he acted like a kid whining about something like not having a toy they wanted, but I found it adorable. Was that weird to think that?

“I have no idea.” Zack smiled shaking his head before turning to walk away.

Chuckling I pulled my legs up, got to my feet and rushed to his side as we walked through the halls to the back door, then outside. Once the night air hit me I shivered and crossed my arms over. After being in there for so long I didn’t even think of wearing a jumper or that it would be this cold. Last night it was really warm outside tonight it was the exact opposite.

Out the corner of my eye I saw Zack just shove his hands into his jeans pockets and kept walking like the air didn’t bother him even though he’s only wearing a singlet. He’s weird...

“Mariza!” Jack yelled dragging out the ‘a’ way too dramatically.
“What?” I copied but not dragging out the ‘t’ as so much.

Jack came bounding out from around the bus and ran to me throwing his arms around me before hiding his face in my hair. I giggled at his cuteness and wrapped my arms back around him as Zack muttered about his best friends acting like a kid before walking away. Smiling I moved my head to Jack’s neck and kissed the skin my lips touched there.

“Hun, Alex was trying to rape me.” Jack whines into my hair.
“Oh really?” I asked amused.
“Yeah and with a fork! He said I had it off with his Australian daughter.”

Right then I couldn’t hold it in, I burst out laughing and turned away from Jack but he kept his arms around me. It was a good thing he did because I needed to lean against him so I could stand. I could hear Jack laughing along with me before he whines again.

“It’s not funny he was scaring me!”

That just made me laugh more and I just couldn’t stop until I was gasping for air and Jack was whipping tears off my face. Even he was laughing now and others that was watching us. I calmed down taking a few deep breaths and looking up at Jack. He grinned at me.

“I love how I can make you laugh so easily.” He smiled.

I smiled back and him and kissed his cheek just as the others started yelling for us to hurry up to have dinner. Jack let go of me and took my hand as we followed the others. We’re walking?

After about a ten minute walk – Jack completely avoiding Alex who kept laughing- everyone started walking into some type of fancy cafe, it was hard to tell if it was a cafe or restaurant; maybe both. But whatever it was it looked nice and it sold food, long as it was nice food I don’t really care.

We all got the biggest table they had there and sat down. Who wants to guess how big the bill would be?


Laughing at the old bands stories everyone was telling I sipped on my drink and hoped that someone didn’t say anything too funny that would make me spit it back out. By now everyone had finished their food and was just talking. I had a feeling the only reason why the shop staff has let us stay here so long no matter how loud we got, was because we were still buying drinks and small snack meals. If we weren’t, I’m sure all of us would have been kicked out by now.

Let’s just say some of the guys were yelling some very colourful language.

“Hey do you wanna head back now?” Jack asked me quietly. “We can take the long walk back.” He suggested.
“Sure.” I grinned.

Anytime spent with Jack would be great. It’s not like I’m ditching my friends while we’re having fun here but I wanted some alone time with Jack. That was fair right since I’ve been with everyone else all day?

Jack stood from the table and I followed swallowing the last mouthful of my drink.

“Were going for a walk, see yous all back at the bus.” Jack called.

We got a bunch of replies which made me laughed before waving at everyone and walking out the shop with Jack. Once outside of the doors he slid his hand in mine as we started up the street. It was still cold out probably even colder than before and I only had a thin hoddie Rhianna had grabbed for me, so I moved closer to Jack who just seemed to radiate heat. How can he be so warm?

I voiced that question and he laughed letting go of my hand to wrap his arm around my waist pulling me closer.

“I dunno, I’ve always been like this I guess.” He shrugged. “I think it’s a good thing ‘cause I can keep you warm then.” He smiled.

I smiled back at him before looking to where we were walking. The walk was longer than what it took to get to the cafe but it felt short once we did actually get to the venue. By now I was shivering from the cold and Jack wasn’t much better. We practically ran to the bus and Jack rushed to put in the door code.

We ran inside and Jack slammed the door shut. It was warmer inside just a little. I watched as Jack messed with what I guess was the heater controls while turning the lights on. I wrapped my arms tightly around myself and sat down on the couch.

“Heaters on!” He cheered before looking closer at the controls he was playing with. “I think...”

I laughed as Jack sat next to me and somehow moved me so I was in his lap facing him. I moved my legs either side of his hips and he smirked pulling me into a hug rubbing his arms up and down my back trying to warm me up.

“Yeah the heater is working.” I chuckled hugging him back hoping he got my joke.
“That’s good then; does said heater get a kiss for his work?”
“I don’t see why not.”

I pulled back so I could see his grinning face. Jack closed his eyes waiting and I chuckled before placing my lips on his. I kissed him softly for a moment and just before he could make it any deeper I pulled away smirking. His eyes snapped open and he pouted.

“I didn’t say you could move away yet.” He said softly.

Smiling I said nothing and moved my face close to his letting my lips just barely touch his. But that didn’t last long because he pushed them together placing one hand on my cheek and tightening the other arm around my waist. I moved one hand to his hair and pulled him closer.

When my lungs started burning for air I pulled away and Jack moved his lips to my neck where he started nipping at the skin right where he has already made a mark the other day. I gasped as he bites hard and slapped his shoulder for it. He just laughed and licked the spot. Cheeky brat.

Suddenly Jack picked me up making my legs wrap around his waist and he walked towards the bunks still kissing my neck. How he didn’t fall over I have no idea. He placed me in his bunk and climbed over top of me being careful of his wait. I could see the silent question in his eyes and I nodded.

I wanted this and well, I could feel that he did too. He smiled and kissed me softly slowly making it deeper while his hands messed with my shirt as mine did the same to his shirt. Really it didn’t take long for all the unwanted fabric to be gone.

Alex never said we couldn’t do anything when no one else was here...
♠ ♠ ♠
*blushes* Well that was the closest that I have written to anything like thatprobably failed it so you should feel special Mariza! (and I left you plenty of room to imagine what happens yourself ;D) and because this is 2,000 words exactlly - getting it dead on 2,000 isn't as easy as it sounds. xD

So what did you all think of this? Your thoughts would be lovely.
And if anyone is guessing at what chapter this well end at...I think either 20 or 22 Not completely sure yet, we'll see I guess :)

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