Status: Finished :3

A Handful of Moments


Cars flew pass our van as we made our way down the road. It was now about lunch time and we still had a couple of hours of travel left. Which in a way was annoying being stuck in a van for so long, but the good thing is that I have my music. Also I could daydream for long as I want...

Suddenly there was a tap on my shoulder. I looked away from the window and to Rhianna smiling at me softly.

“Your song is playing.” She said just loud enough for me to hear over MP3.

I paused my MP3 and the first thing I heard was ‘Kill Me In A Record Shop’ by Boys Like Girls. I laughed. Yep, my song. I would say why but it’s a very long story.

“Turn it up!” I almost yelled beaming.

Issac turned it up so loud at it felt like the van was shaking. I laughed and started singing with the words, though I don’t think anyone could hear me at all, I just smiled and continued anyway.

Rhianna then moved so she was leaning between the two front seats, by the looks of it she grabbed something and sat back. She dumped a packet of something in my lap. I picked it up. It was a bag of chocolates. Sweet!

“Thanks!” I said over the music.

She smiled and opened her pack up. Then the song finished. I pouted, I love that song. The next song started and Issac turned it down again. I opened the bag of chocolates and popped one in my mouth.

“So how long until we get to the venue exactly?” Rhianna asked.
“About, 4 hours...” Trent mumbled.

Me and Rhianna looked at each other shocked. Four hours. I knew it was a while still, but four hours?! I let out a long sigh and slouched in my seat.

“We should arrive just in time to get ready for the show.” Trent continued.

I nod my head. Tonight should be great being our first show on this tour with none other than All Time Low. It actually made me feel as nervous as I am excited. This is going to the biggest crowd that we have played for ever...

I pressed play on my MP3 and looked out the window bitting my lip.


“Marisa!” Issac yelled making me snap completely out of my little daydream.

I blinked and look around at everyone eyes wide. Rhianna laughed.

“What?” I asked confused.
“We’re here!” She smiled.

I looked out the window and noticed a huge building and the start of what are going to be huge lines of people at the main doors. I was so far off in my own world I had no idea that we were here at all.

“Come on, we got to get ready.” Rhianna said smiling.

She opened the side sliding door and I moved my legs out the way so she could get out. I got out after her and stretched my arms out. The sun was nice on my skin, I smiled.

I then noticed that the guys and Rhianna was already getting the stuff out the back of the van. I looked at my watch. We had an hour to get ready and do sound check before the show starts. I walked to the back of the bus and grabbed one of the guitars, it was Issac’s. I then grabbed another; mine.

My guitar was actually pretty cool. It was white, silver and had orange stars; I love it. Rhianna actually got it done like that for me which makes it the cooler. On Rhianna’s guitar it fades from dark blue to black with light blue stars and love hearts everywhere, it awesome. Issac’s guitar was a simple red, blue and black type pattern and Trent’s drums are black green and blue. It’s kinda funny how nothing fits together colour wise, but ourselves personality wise.

The others grabbed the rest of the stuff they could handle in their arms and we walked to the back of the building to the huge doors. The guard check our passes and I followed everyone inside. Rhianna slowed down to walk next to me.

“Excited?” I asked her smiling.
“Yeah...” She trailed off looking down at the ground.
“What’s wrong?” I asked looking at her worried.

She looked up at me and smiled lightly.

“I’m just very nervous that’s all, it’s going to be the biggest crowd we’ve played to before...”

I nod my head. Yeah it is a bit scary...

“It will be fine! Once we get out there it will be great.” I smiled.

Rhianna smiled too and we walked out onto the stage. I stopped and looked out around where the fans will be. This place is HUGE! Wow...

I turned and walked to where the guys were. Rhianna was hanging over Issac’s shoulder and he was laughing while running around as Rhi yelled for him to put her down. I laughed shaking my head. Typical Issac. Then again Issac will be Issac.

“Put me down!” Rhi laughed.
“Ok, put her down, we have to get ready.” Trent said.

Issac stopped and pouted.

“Oh fine.”

He put Rhianna down on her feet. They both laughed. I walked over to them and handed Issac his guitar. He took it smiling.

“So who’s ready to rock this place?” Issac yelled.

Me, Trent and Rhi laughed as we looked at each other.

♠ ♠ ♠
*waves at Marisa* :3

Chapter 2! 8DD
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