Status: Finished :3

A Handful of Moments


My fingers fiddled with the loose strands of my skinny jeans as I nibbled hard on my lower lip. At the moment it probably looked like the most interesting thing in the world to me picking these threads, but the truth was I was anxious and worried. Sitting in the small van as it drove down the road didn’t help much either. All I really wanted to do was attack Jack in a hug and not let go for a while...

That was hard to do though; I was in the van and he is on the bus. For the last two weeks being on the road travailing and being on stage was almost the only times we weren’t together. I think we both felt and thought the same thing; we wanted to be close as we could to each other before the tour ends – in two days.

My heart felt like stopping when I remember it was only two days left and tomorrow is the last show. It feels like this tour has gone by so fast but at the same time so slow, if that made any sense.

Sighing I pulled more threads out. As much as I should probably stop it before my jeans fall apart on me, I didn’t. I’m just really worried about what will happen when the tour ended. I think Rhi and Issac were worried too because they were sitting behind me whispering for the last hour, I know it must be about something serious because they weren’t giggling like a couple of school girls. I dunno which one scared me more.

Feeling my pocket vibrate I blinked and pulled out my phone seeing that I had a new message. I tilted my head to the side curious and opened it. A smile pulled at my lips when I noticed it was from Jack.

‘I wanted to send you something sexy though a text...but I can’t fit in the phone :( ‘

Chuckling I placed my hand over my mouth so wouldn’t laugh out loud. That was another thing about Jack that I liked; his random messages. His tweets on twitter were awesome as well. Smiling I hit reply.

‘D: so I can’t have a sexy text? Your phone SUCKS!’

Shrugging I sent it as it was the best thing I could think of at the moment. I placed my phone on my thigh and looked out the window. No longer than five minutes later my phone was shaking again.

‘I know and I can’t fit in the mail box either! >< guess I have to wait till we get to the venue...btw Alex said hi, he’s sitting on my back again.’

‘Yeah I guess we have to wait, another 4-5 hours right? Tell Alex I said hi and to get off your back! Only I can sit on your back :3’

Smiling I rested my head on the window and continued to text back to Jack. It was almost like having a real conversation with him and it was fun. I had to stop myself laughing too loudly though because it was getting pretty late and I couldn’t hear the two lovebirds behind me anymore and Trent was quietly humming away to himself as he drove the van.

I have no idea what time it was when I fell sleep with my phone still in my hand. I think I got another text as I dosed off, but I was too sleepy to check....

The feeling of someone brushing my hair from my face was enough to half bring me out of sleep, but I didn’t move or opened my eyes because I simply didn’t want to. I have no idea who it was but if I happened to be more awake I probably would have hit them for doing so.

“Can I stay the night in here?” Someone whispered.
“Go ahead, just don’t snore.”
“I don’t snore as loud as you, I could...”

The voices I was hearing started to drift away from my hearing and I was almost back asleep when I felt someone pick me up gently. I grunted annoyed but didn’t stop the person. After a moment I felt myself being placed lying down and something being pulled over me. Sighing I rolled over only to lay on top of something very warm.

The person chuckled and kissed my forehead then my cheek. I smiled knowing the person and curled myself into him, loving the warmth.

I swear as I drifted off again I heard Jack whisper ‘sweet dreams’ but I’m not really sure.


Pouting I sat on the ground next to our trailer. The hinges of the door have seemed to start rusting or something and won’t open. We’ve had problems with it since we left home but today the door won’t even open. Trent tried kicking it (like that would help), we have tried to pry the door open but the thing we were using Issac was now looking for oil or a crowbar I think.

Tonight is our last show and it had to happen now of all times.

Sighing I rested my head on Rhi’s shoulder –who was sitting next to me- and she rested her head on mine. I wrapped my arms around her and she did the same back.

“What’s wrong?” She asked quietly.
“It’s the last show tonight...” I whispered.

She hugged me a little tighter trying to make me feel better, it did a little. But honestly I was still upset about tomorrow being the last day. After tomorrow who knows when I’ll see Jack again; it could be days, weeks or even a couple of months depending on what everyone was dong.

“We’ll make this night; a night to remember.” She smiled. “We’ll just have to come up with something awesome, plus film it or take a lot of pictures.”

I nodded and smiled slightly.

“And after we’ll find a good way for you to keep in contact with Jack. Even if I have to wake him up at four in the morning so you can talk to him!”

I laughed and nodded again. I lent up and kissed her cheek.

“No problem.” She said and I could hear the smile in her voice. “What are friends for when the other one is down?”

I smiled again but jumped when I heard a loud crack. I snapped my head up at Trent and the trailer door swung open almost by its self.

“I got it open!” He yelled so Issac could probably hear it. “I think I broke it more though...” He mumbled.

He touched the door lightly and with another crack the fist hinge broke so the door was only handing by one. Trent jumped right away from it eyes wide. Rhianna and I were quiet for about two seconds before bursting out laughing falling back on the ground.


I watched as Mariza and Rhianna laughed at Trent who was still looking at the trailer door he just broke like if he was a dog caught in the headlights of a car. Chuckling I walked over to Issac who was sitting in the back of the van smiling shaking his head. I plopped down next to him and he smiled at me.

Alex quickly ran over and jumped into my lap. I rolled my eyes but didn’t push him away.

“So you ready to go?” I asked.
“Yeah, just after I help the others with the band gear.” He nodded. “Are you coming too Alex?”
“Yep! He needs a good second opinion for this, from what people tell me I’m good for that.” He grinned.

Smiling I rolled my eyes again.

“Well you better be helpful, I actually need help with this.”
“I will!” He nodded. “As long as we get chocolate or icecream on the way to the shop.”
“Icecream!” Issac exclaimed.
“But I want chocolate.” I whined making them laugh.

I chuckled and pushed Alex off me. He whined but walked back over to the bus anyway. And people say I’m weird.

“We’ll be at the bus. Once you’re done we’ll go; we don’t really have much time to get them.”

Issac nodded smiling. I smiled back and jogged towards the bus.

I hope Mariza likes this.
♠ ♠ ♠
Only about two chapters left! D: *starts sobbing*
I really like this story because it's like my nice fluffy one :3 It always make me feel better when writing it ^^

So what did you all think of this chapter? Like it or not?
Hope Mariza likes what?! ;D

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