Status: Finished :3

A Handful of Moments


“Where the hell is Issac now?” Rhianna complained. “We’re on stage in five minutes!”

Looking away from the excited crowd I looked down the hallway and on the other side of the stage which was just visible from where I was. We had planned and messed around all day to get ready for this and people were still missing or running around like headless chooks.

Today it seemed worse than any other show on this tour for some reason. I was annoyed with it. I wanted to play! I’m so pumped to be out there and just play my heart out, even though at the same time I know that this is the last show and I wanted time to stop for a while; but I know that can’t happen.

For time to slow down as well would be nice, but that won’t happen either.

“He went off with Jack and Alex again, I think.” Trent said.
“Maybe you should look for him Rhi-“
“I’M COMING!” Issac yelled cutting me off running towards us.

He gave us a sheepish smile, quickly picked up his guitar and joined us. I looked at him oddly as I heard more footsteps and looked up to see Jack running towards me shoving something in his pocket. He skidded to a stop in front of me and wrapped me up into a huge bear hug before I could ask what it hid. I laughed and tried to hug him back the best I could awkwardly around my guitar. He kissed my cheek before pulling away.

“Have fun out there, I’ll be watching.”
“Thank, I hope we do good.” I said bitting my lip, slight but nervous.
“Well you’ve been doing a great job during the rest of the tour; don’t see why this one would be different.” He smiled. “I bet you all will be brilliant.”

I grinned and was going to say something else but stopped when I had notice Trent run on stage followed by Issac. I quickly stood on tip toes to pecked Jack on the lips before running out after Rhianna. He yelled same thing to me but I couldn’t hear it.

To say the fans started cheering loudly would be a complete understatement. It was louder than loud! For a moment I almost froze shocked; it was the loudest reception we had ever got at any show, even a home town show. There was so many fans cheering for us it was almost unbelievable; mostly because we’re still considered a small band. It was Unbelievable.

Shaking my head I try to push that to the back of my mind and smile at everyone. I waved and moved up towards my mic hitting Rhi with my hip on the way past. She glares playfully at me and I smirk a little. We always messed around on stage, it was fun.

“How is everyone tonight? Excited?” Issac asked.

The crowd went nuts again and he looked towards me and Rhi with his eyes slightly wide. I shrugged and he turned back to the mic. I glanced at Rhianna and she has the same expression. Well we know for sure we have a huge fan base here.

The lights went out and we started our intro that led off into our song called ‘Come Home’. It was a newly released song and when Rhianna started singing once again I was shocked at the crowds reaction singing along like if it was our most known by song.

The fans never seise to amaze me.

Song after song went off well and with a bang. The energy in the room was just awesome and heart warming. We were jumping up and down like idiots; head-banging and everything. The crowd was just the same, of not more. Smiling we finished off another song. Standing on the amp by the edge of the stage I smiled at the fans by me and jumped off spinning around in the air to land with my back to them.

Trent threw me a bottle of water and I caught it just before it hit the ground. I took a swig and placed it down by my mic stand. Laughing I threw out one of my guitar picks when someone yelled for me to do so and grabbed another.

My heart felt like it was in my throat with joy just being here. Like I think I have said before; it was almost impossible to describe how it was to feel on stage playing like this. It made me happy and my heart sore, I can tell you that much.

“This is our last song! This is ‘Behind Your Lies’!” Rhianna said.

The fans once again cheered loudly and it made me wonder that if many of them would have any voice left for All Time Low. My lips pulled into another smile –not that the smile has left my face since I ran out here- and we started playing. Right away I started singing along with the fans.

It almost felt I was sing with them, not them singing with me. It was mindboggling to say the least.

And that how the rest of the song went. Knowing it was our last song on our last show of the tour we gave it everything. I don’t even think we had played so hard before. The whole time I could feel Jack’s eyes on me. Normally that would be nerve racking...but today it was like motivation to do the best I could. I could almost feel him smiling from the side of the stage and every time I looked at him; he was.

That was just another thing that I would never forget about tonight.

Like we have planned we finished out set off the way we knew best; with a bang. As the music died the crowd was so loud it hurt but it didn’t wipe the smile from my face, or the face of anyone else in my band. Tonight was just so...surreal.

Grinning and waving we ran off stage and I placed my guitar down. Within seconds I was in Jack’s arms. I grinned and held him tight. It didn’t feel like he was going to let go either as both bands were all gathered around yelling excitedly.

“That was so fucking amazing!” He yelled suddenly spinning me around. “You- everyone- it was just amazing!”

I felt myself flush and hid my face in his chest as he stopped spinning me around. But we still didn’t let go of each other and I was more than fine with that.

“That was your best show this tour!” Alex yelled. “The fans was just like- and yous were just like-“
“And we were just like!” Zack finished.

I wasn’t sure if he was teasing Alex saying that or not but it was funny. Suddenly Issac grabbed Rhianna and spun her around like Jack had done with me. I laughed as Issac near dropped her. They were both the same height roughly so it was hard for Issac to do that I think. For me and Jack it was different because he was a fair bit taller than me.

“Now it’s our time to rock this place!” Rian cheered. “Are we still doing the last song all together?” He asked looking around.
“Defiantly!” Trent nodded.

I felt two fingers under my chin which turned my head around to face Jack. He smiled and let down to quickly kiss me. Not saying anything he let go and grabbed his guitar, not that he needed to say anything anyway.

Before I knew it All Time Low was on stage and I moved to get a good view. I felt warn out by our set but at the same time I had so much energy left. Trent handed me a water bottle and I took it nodding in thanks. I sat down next to Issac as the drums started thumping in my chest again like it was a second heartbeat.

I dunno how many times I will say this tonight; but tonight is just so fucking surreal.


Standing right on the edge of the stage I held the mic tight as we waited for the band to finish their second last song and for our cue to come out.

To be honest we never planned this until sound check. We had one practice at it and did fine, but still that was just one practice. This was kind of a win or fail situation. It made me nervous more than when I was on stage before; I guess it was because I know all our songs off by heart and I knew I could do them.

This song? Well no it wasn’t ours but All Time Low’s. I know this song almost off by heart on CD but what if I mess up?

When the song finished my heart thumped in my chest hard and the lights went dim. Alex started talking into the mic and that was our cue. Linking my arm with Rhi we walked on stage, the both of us holding mics. I shoved the nervousness in my chest away the best I could.

Alex handed Issac his guitar and pulled his mic off the stand.

“We have a surprise for you all! Say hello to our friends and partners for this tour; Never Will The Sun Shine!” Alex yelled.

Like so many times tonight; the crowd went crazy. It was just so amazing to see it! I love it.

Rian started on the drums as Trent started dancing and the guitars started in quickly. We all spread out on stage and I moved so I was standing on the amp I had been standing on before. I started dancing a little to the music and grinned as Jack jumped up so he was standing next to me.

“This city, so pretty
All the moon-lit skies will be hanging like a cigarette
So stunning, start running
Tonight’s like a knife which she cut me with her kiss” Alex started.

“I bleed red lips, your unbelievable
Can't miss this chance to take you
And here's my invitation” Rhianna continued.

I bit my lip and looked at the two other singers. We all started singing at the same time and I hoped that it didn’t sound bad.

“Hello Brooklyn, hey LA
Take the streets all night cause you sleep all day
When the world comes crashing down, who's ready to party?
Hello Brooklyn, hey LA
Coast to coast, I'll take you down in flames
Let the good times roll, we can let go
Everybody knows that there's a party at the end of the world”

“This city, was your city
Heels on the sidewalk begging for a backbeat
Don't worry, I fight dirty
Tonight’s like a right hook, knock you off your feet” I song on my own.

“I'll be yours truly, unbelievable
Can't miss this chance to take you
And here’s your invitation” Rhianna continued.

“Hello Brooklyn, hey LA
Take the streets all night cause you sleep all day
When the world comes crashing down, who's ready to party?
Hello Brooklyn, hey LA
Coast to coast, I'll take you down in flames
Let the good times roll, we can let go
Everybody knows that there's a party at the end of the world”

“Kiss it all goodbye
Tonight you've never been more alive
You're so alive
You're not afraid to die
And I can see it in your eyes, your eyes” Alex singed by himself.

“Hello Brooklyn, hey LA
Take the streets all night cause we sleep all day
When the world comes crashing down, who's ready to party?
Hello Brooklyn, hey LA
Coast to coast, I'll take you down in flames
Let the good times roll, we can let go
Everybody knows that there's a party at the end of the world

London, Tokyo
Boston, Frisco
DC, Chicago
Baltimore, Toronto
(Everybody knows that there's a party at the end of the world)
Memphis, Reno
Dublin, Mexico
Paris, Here we go,

Everybody knows that there's a party at the end of the world!” We all finished.

Everyone that was playing an interment continued making the ending completely awesome and really loud. I was somewhat amazed; the song turned out great and we only hand one practice. And I didn’t stuff up like I thought I would; it was a fantastic feeling.

Smiling and jumping around I took the time to let everything to sink in and to make sure I remember it all. It was still just so surreal and I couldn’t get over that. It felt so much like a dream – but it wasn’t! I’m sure this will not sink in until tomorrow that was for sure. I can’t even say how I fell right now!


Hearing Jack’s voice I looked at him to see him standing back on stage right next to the amp I was standing on. Seeing that I was just as tall as him I grinned and turned to fully face him. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me flush against his body. I heard a few gasps from the crowd but ignored it and looked at Jack confused instead.

He hasn’t been like this in public yet in a way and, well, just being together for a few weeks so far it was understandable and with the way fans take stories and twist them around so much. Jack just smiled at me and I tilted my head to the side.

I dunno if Jack used that as a sigh saying ‘kiss me’ or not; but that was what he did. My eyes went wide for a moment but then I smiled and let my eyes flutter closed kissing him back.

I heard a whole bunch of things from the fans but I ignored it and just focused on the feeling of Jack’s lips on mine – to be honest it was the best feeling in the world even better than being on stage. I dunno if i ever told anyone that but it was. It truly was.

Slowly Jack pulled away but kept his face close so that his forehead was touching mine and that our breaths were mixing. Honestly I thought I would be shy or embarrassed from doing that on stage; I wasn’t.

“Give it up for the new lovebirds!” Alex yelled. “Now you actually have a reason to throw condoms on stage for Jack.” He laughed.

I quickly hid my face in Jack’s neck as everyone on stage started laughing. Did he have to say that? Jack chuckled wrapping his arms around me.

Suddenly I dunno how – but I was in his arms and we were heading off stage. The crowd was cheering again (not like they had stopped) and our band members were yelling excitedly. I couldn’t help but grin as Jack placed me down on the ground again.

Like he had done on stage he kissed me again but this time more lovingly if that was possible. It makes my heart flip and butterflies float around my stomach, but that was ok and I liked it.

We really did make this night; a night to remember.
♠ ♠ ♠
And that was the second last chapter :O
I'm gonna so miss this story...
But I hope this chapter turned out ok >.< It was a little hard to put what I had in mind into words, so yeah I think it turned out ok. :/
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