Status: Finished :3

A Handful of Moments


“In a moment of silence,
Will you be there for me,
Will you stay with me,
Through everything?” I sang into the mic.

We were about half way through our first show and it was completely and totally mind blowing. The crowd was brilliant from the first song; they were right into the music, dancing, screaming, yelling - you name it. It felt so surreal being in front of so many people on stage, I can’t put what I feel in words. It feels so, so much like a dream, but I knew that in fact it was real; stabbing my toe six times proven that.

“In the Silence...” Rhianna sang like a whisper to the music.

We were playing our song called ‘In A Moment Of Silence’ it was actually the first time playing it live. The crowd seamed to love it a lot and I was ecstatic about that. I smiled and jumped around on the stage with Rhianna and Issac. The two people that actually wrote the song in the first place.

The song finished and the crowd went completely nuts. I laughed and smiled out at the crowd before turning around to grab a drink. Issac threw me a water bottle and I caught it; Just before it could hit me square in the face. I opened the bottle and took a huge swig. I handed the bottle to Rhianna and she took a drink too before throwing it to Trent.

I looked down at my guitar and out the corner of my eye I saw something move, actually two things; one white and one blue, it was hard not to miss them with the side of the stage dark. I looked over to the side of the stage and my eyes open wide.

There on the side of the stage was Jack and Alex from All Time Low with Rian and Zack standing not that far away from them.

Oh. My. Jizz!

Like I knew I would meet them seeing as we’re their opening band for this whole tour...But still, ah! I suddenly felt like a little fan girl.

“Rhi!” I called though the crowd was so loud I don’t think she could hear it.

But she turned around and looked me, tilting her head to the side placing her damp hair behind her ear.

“Look!” I exclaimed my eyes still on All Time Low.

Rhianna turned around looked where I was looking of the side of the stage. I just heard her gasp before she looked back at me smiling.

“They must be watching us play!” She beamed.

I nod my head. Then the drums started for the next song startling me. As much as I didn’t want to I looked away from the band on the side of the stage and out at all the people. Rhianna smiled at me and I smiled back before standing in front of the mic, ready to sing again.


“How is everyone doing tonight?” I yelled into the mic.

The crowd went nuts. I couldn’t help but laugh a little. This is so awesome.

“This is our last song.” Rhianna said, and then looked at me. “It’s called ‘Friends Are Forever’”

The crowd cheered again. It was one of our most popular songs we had. And the most important to us. Rhianna had written it as poem for me a while ago about us being friends to cheer me up and then later she made it into a somewhat of a song for the band. We always called it ‘our song’.

We both smiled brightly at each other and Rhianna started the song on the guitar. Me and Issac started playing at out cues and then Trent joined the drums in.

Never in one’s life,
Do things go as planned
.” Rhi sang.

I smiled and looked down at my guitar concreting on the hard part I was playing.

Some things will work and live,
And some things will sadly end
.” She continued.

Just look to your side,
And you’ll see my standing there.
Take my hand,
And there will be nothing left to fear
.” I sang.

So remember that I’m always there,
Even if you can’t see me ever,
All you do is remember this,
That friends are forever!
” We both sang.
Friends are forever.” Rhi added.

Then I broke off into a bit of a guitar solo. I smiled out at the crowd and Issac got most of them clapping over their hands to the beat of the drum. It sounded so awesome to be honest.

So now you still are my best friend,
I don't know if things will change,
But I don't wanna loose you again,
And I don't want this to end
.” I sang.

So remember that I’m always there,
Even if you can’t see me ever,
All you do is remember this,
That friends are forever, Friends are forever

So remember that I’m always there,
Even if you can’t see me ever,
All you do is remember this,
That friends are forever, Friends are forever
.” Rhianna sang into the mic finishing the song.

Trent stopped on the drums and we let the guitars go until there was no sound. Then the crowd cheered like crazy. The whole place went nuts. This is truly the best crowd ever!

“Thanks for being such an awesome crowd!” Issac yelled into the mic.

I waved out at the crowd and started making my way off the stage as the fans kept cheering. I got off to the side and one of the back stage guys took mine and Rhi guitars and placed them into the stands. I grabbed the closest water bottle I could find. As much fun as that was it was also very tiring.

Suddenly Rhianna came out of nowhere and hugged me. Then suddenly Issac was there and Trent making it a whole group hug. We all laughed a little.

“We did awesome!” Issac cheered shoving his fist in the air as he let go of us.

I laughed and nod my head letting go of Rhianna. Before she even had a change to move Issac squashed her into a bone crushing hug.

“I agree with that.”

I span around on my heels to see who said that from behind me. There about 3 meters away from us was All Time Low. I tried not to let my draw drop.

“Yeah, yous did great.” Alex smiled. “Yous really had the crowd going.”
“Thanks.” Trent said smiling.
“All Time Low, you’re on in about 10 minutes!” Some guy called.

Pretty much all of us looked at the guy who ran off across the back of the stage.

“Yeah!” Zack called back.

I turned my gaze back at the guys. I then noticed Jack smiling at me. I shyly smiled back.

“So what’s your name?” He asked me tilting his head to the side a bit.
“Marisa.” I smiled.

He and the others nod their heads. Then Jack looked at my friends.

“This is Rhianna, Issac and Trent.” I said pointing to them all.

Rhianna shyly waved at them with Issac still holding her.

“It’s nice to meet you all, but we have to go and rock the place now.” Alex chuckled smirking.
“Are yous coming to the little party were having in the bus after the show?” Zack asked.
“Yeah, sure!” Issac quickly said.

I laughed a little. Of course Issac would say yes to that. I smiled at Alex, Jack, Zack and Rian and nod my head.

“We’ll be there.” Trent said.
“Cool, well see yous then!” Rian said smiling.

He, Zack, Alex and Jack said their byes to us and got ready to go on stage. Wow I just met All Time Low...I smiled brightly.

“Let’s get changed and then we can watch them.” Rhianna said pealing Issac gently off her.
“Yeah.” I agreed.

Issac sighed and let go of her. I turned and walked to our dressing room quickly. I wasn’t going to miss the chance watching All Time Low live. Ever.
♠ ♠ ♠
Remeber that song Marisa? :3

This was updated because I got some kind of good news from my doctor yesterday! :DD
So I just had to make myself update, did you like it?
Comment and tell me if you did?I have a bunch of this already written, make me update?