Status: Finished :3

A Handful of Moments


The sound of thousands of people cheering filled the whole venue, they were twice as loud as they were than when we were on stage. That meant one thing; that All Time Low was now on the stage.

I quickly pulled the shirt over my head and grabbed a jacket. I rushed to put that on almost getting tangled in it. There is no way I’m missing this. I ran out the little mini dressing stall and slipped my shoes on, hopping on one foot.

“Hurry up you guys!” I yelled.

Rhianna then some rushing out the mini stall she was in and to me at the door. She almost fell over making me laugh.

“I’ll catch up in a minute!” Trent yelled.
“Same here.” Issac added.
“Ok!” Rhi yelled back.

I flung open the door as the sound of the drums started playing. Me and Rhianna ran down the hall. I could help but laugh a little. This was a little funny; running flat out to watch the band...But in a way who wouldn’t?

I reached the side of the stage first just as Alex started singing one of the songs. I stopped running once I got in a good spot to see them. Rhianna almost slammed into me from my sudden stop. I tried not to laugh at her as she held my shoulders for a second to get her balance back.

“You mind?” She asked.
“Nope.” I smirked.

She smiled shaking her head. I looked out at the band playing. Multi coloured lights flashed everywhere and I could feel the beat, mostly the drums thump in my chest. The music actually sounded awesome where I was, sure it was a bit hard on the ears from how loud it was, but concerts are meant to be loud. That’s part of the fun of them.

“Ahoy, my bitches!” Issac yelled coming up out of know where dropping his arms around mine and Rhi’s shoulders.
“Hey!” I said still looking at All Time Low and not him.

I heard him laugh and felt him take his arm off my shoulders. Then I noticed out the side of my eye that Trent came a stood next to me. I took a quick glance at Rhi and Issac to see that he was trying to make her dance to the music, but Rhi was to busy laughing too. I chuckled a little and looked back at the band.

Just as I looked back at them I saw Jack looking at me. He smiled and I smiled back before he looked out at the crowd.


“Why do we have a small poky van when they have a huge fancy dancy tour bus?” Rhianna asked looking across the car park at All Time Low’s bus.
“I have no idea.” Trent mumbled looking in the boot of our van for something.

We were getting ready for the little party they were holding in their bus; well we were waiting for Trent now. We had watched ATL’s whole set and even packed up all our gear like the drums, guitars etc. We were leaving early tomorrow so we had to get it all done. Oh and they were completely totally awesome tonight at the concert! If that was great, I can’t wait to see the rest of their shows.

“Ok I found it! Stop looking people.” Trent laughed shutting the boot.
“Found what?” Issac asked.
“My phone.”
“You lost that again?” Rhianna asked shocked.
“Yeah.” Trent chuckled.

I smiled shaking my head. Issac got out the van from where he was sitting waiting for Trent and closed the van door. I linked my arm with Rhi. She laughed.

“Let’s go!” Issac almost yelled grabbing Rhi’s hand pulling the both of us.

I laughed and walked quickly to keep up with him and Rhianna as Trent walked next to me. We walked across the car park at the back of the venue we played at to the huge tour bus with All Time Low in huge capitals across the side of the van. It was that big and bright anyone could probably see it from the moon. Very cool looking actually.

Trent got to the door of the bus first and went to knock on it when it burst open to see Alex standing there smiling brightly. That was great timing.

“Hey guys!” He smiled. “And girls.” He added looking at me and Rhi.

I laughed and Alex moved out the way while gesturing for us to come in the bus. Trent and Issac walked in first and somehow me and Rhi managed to walk up the stairs with out arms still linked, it was funny actually. How we didn’t fall over has me beat.

“Hi!” Jack, Rian and Zack said at the same time.
“Hiya.” Rhi smiled.
“Hey.” I smiled.

We both walked to where everyone was in the small lounge area. I looked around the bus a bit, it was very nice looking inside...I agree with Rhi now, why don’t we get a bus like this? Sure we’re just a little band, but still...

“So did yous enjoy the show?” Jack asked titling his head to the side.
“Yes!” Me and Rhi exclaimed at the same time.

We both looked at each other and laughed. Rhianna unlinked her arm from mine and sat down on Issac who was already sitting on the couch. There wasn’t that much room left to sit so I stayed standing up with Trent and Alex.

“So does anyone want a drink?” Zack asked gesturing to a fridge that had a piece of paper stuck on it reading ‘ALCOHOL, ok now you have been warned, drink all you want’.
“I’m fine.” I chuckled reading it.
“Yeah thanks.” Issac said.
“Please?” Trent added.

Zack nod his head and got them and the other guys’ drinks. I sat down on the edge of the couch; I couldn’t stand for much longer.

“And you Rhianna?” Zack asked.
“Have you got any coke or anything?” She asked. “I don’t drink.”
“I think so...” Zack said opening the other bigger fridge.

I looked away from Zack and caught sight of Jack who was pretty much sitting across from me. I smiled at him and he smiled back. And you know what? He actually looks a lot cuter in live...

“So hows long have yous been together in the band?” He asked tilting his headcutely to the side slightly trying to start a conversation.
“About two years.” I smiled. “We’ve been friends for longer than that.”

He nods his head and smiled.


“Thanks.” I smiled at ATL as we walked out their bus. “Good night.”
“Sweet dreams.” Rhianna added holding Issac who almost fell over.
“Night!” They all said amazing at the same time.

I turned away from the bus and walked next to Rhianna across the car park. It was so fun hanging with them in their bus. Me and Jack talked so much about everything and anything. He is such a nice person and we also had some things in common which was awesome. But we had to go now, it’s was almost 2am and we have an early morning; probably not the best of things to do, but we’ll live.

Trent pulled the van door open and got in. Issac went to the boot and got in there. Ok now we had to sort our beds out. This is what’s cool about this van, the rows of chairs fold back into normal side beds! Is so awesome. But the thing is that we only have 3 rows of seats...

“I’ll sleep in the front passenger seat.” Trent said climbing over to it as Issac threw him a blanket and pillow from the back.

Trent hit something on the side of the seat and it went back. Well he’s all set. Issac set up all the rows into beds since me and Rhianna didn’t know how; we’ve only had this van for about a month. He even put the pillows and blankets on ready for us too.

“Thanks.” Rhianna said climbing in to the back bed kissing his cheek on the way.
“Thanks Issac” I smiled at him as I got in the van.
“No problem.”

I got into the middle bed and Issac closed the door before getting into the first bed. Trent turned the little light off. This feels so much like camping. I chuckled at the thought.

“Night everyone!” Issac said.
“Good night!” The rest of us said at the same time.

We laughed and I rolled over onto my side, I was facing Rhi. I smiled and closed my eyes. Today was the best ever.
♠ ♠ ♠
*waves at Angel* :3

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