Status: Finished :3

A Handful of Moments


“68 bottles of coke on the wall, 68 bottles of coke, you take one down, and pass it around...67 bottles of coke on the wall!”

I laughed at Rhianna and Issac as they sang that stupid pointless song. They have been counting down since 99 bottles and have stuffed up it only twice. And what surprised me was that I wasn’t really annoyed with it yet. Even Trent wasn’t; every now and then he would join it from the driver’s seat.

I smiled shaking my head as I looked out the window. They just continue singing.

We had been on the road all morning since 7am. It was now around lunch time but I have no idea where we are stopping or if we were. I kinda hoped that we are for lunch, it would be better than the boring food we had in here to eat.

Suddenly out of nowhere my phone started ringing almost scaring me. Rhianna, Issac and Trent all want quiet at the same time. I grabbed my phone from my pocket quickly - it was an unknown number. I hit the talk button, thought it may not be the smartest thing to do. Who knows who this is, but I was curious.

“Hello?” I asked confused.
Hi Marisa!” Someone said.
You have no idea who this is do you?” They asked.
“No idea what so ever.” I state shaking my head.

I noticed Rhianna asking me who it was using her hands by pointing to me and then holding her hands up shrugging. She always did this during phone calls to ask who the person was. I shrugged at her telling her I had no idea.

Well it’s the one and only Jack!

I gasped. Jack Barakat? He has my number? I don’t remember giving it to him...I blinked confused.

“How did you get my number?” I asked curious.
Issac gave it to me last night.” He said. “Anyway we wanted to know where yous were stopping for lunch.
“Actually we have no idea that’s why we are following your bus.” I said looking out the front window at it.

Actually in truth we have been following them on the road since the tour started, last week. Let’s just say only me and Rhianna are good with directions and neither of the guys will listen to us. Typical males for sure.

Ok then, well I guess keep following us then.” He said almost cheerful.
“Ok sure.” I chuckled.
So what are yous doing in that small little thing?” He asked laughing.
“Well the others were singing...” I tried not to laugh.

Issac then jumped over to where I was sitting in the back row almost hitting Rhi in the head with his foot.

“Who’s that?” He asked quietly.
“Jack.” I quickly answered.
“Sweet that means we can start singing again!” He smirked throwing his hand in the air.

I laughed and I could hear Jack laughing lightly on the other end of the line.

“So where were we up to?” Trent asked looking quickly in the rear view mirror.
“59 I think...” Rhi said.
59 what?” Jack asked sounding confused.
“You’ll see.” I chuckled.

They all clapped three times.

“59 bottles of coke on the wall, 59 bottles of coke, you take one down and pass it around, 58 bottles of coke on the wall!” We all sang.

I heard Jack burst laughing on the other end of the line. The others kept singing just like they were before Jack called.

I hope you know that when yous started singing I put it on loud speaker.” Jack chuckled almost sounding like he was smirking.

I just laughed. I wonder what the others faces would have looked like.

Fuck.” Jack complained. “My phone is almost dead! Talk to you later ok, at lunch.
“Sure, see ya.”

Then he hangs up. I pouted a little. I want to talk to him more...

The others continued singing and Issac climbed back to the front row. Rhianna looked at me and climbed back to sit next to me. What is it, musical chairs now? I chuckled at the thought.

“So how did Jack get your number?” Rhi asked curious titling her head to the side.
“He said Issac gave it to him.” I shrugged.

Issac then turned and gave me a cheeky smile. I smiled shaking my head. I didn’t mind that Jack has my number as long as Issac didn’t give it to anyone else other then All Time Low.

Then suddenly we pulled off the highway. I looked out the front window to see All Time Low’s bus still in front of us. Looks like where going to get lunch. Trent drove behind the bus for what seemed about 10 minutes till we pulled into some parking spots on the side of the road. I looked out the window to see we were at McDonalds. How typical. But then again they sell sundaes!

Issac opens the side door and jumped out. I climbed over the seat and got out same as Rhianna. I shut the van door and followed the others into the shop. Right away I saw Alex and Jack sitting at one of the tables as Zack and Rian were at the counters. Lucky for us the place was pretty empty, means we should get served fast.

“So what do yous want?” Trent asked looking at me, Rhi and Issac.
“Sundae!” Me and Rhi exclaimed at the same time.

I heard Alex and Jack laugh which made me smile.

“I’ll have the usual.” Issac smiled.

Trent nods his head and walked off to the counter. Issac took Rhianna’s hand and pulled her to the big table that Alex and Jack was sitting at. I gave them a confused look but followed them. Since where did they hold hands?

“Hey Marisa!” Jack smiled looking up at me.
“Hey peoples.” Alex added smiling.
“Hiya.” I smiled sitting down next to Jack since it was right next to the window.
“So what’s with the bottles of coke?” Alex asked.

Rhi and Issac burst out laughing as I placed my hand over my mouth so I wouldn’t laugh so loud.

“We were bored, what did you expect?” Rhianna chuckled.
“Well I thought yous would sing one of your songs, not the bottles of coke.” Alex chuckled.
“When you’re in a van with those two,” I looked at Rhi and Issac. “Anything can happen.” I laughed.
“Hey.” They both complained making me laugh more.

Then Zack, Rian and Trent came with trays of food and sat down on the other chairs. Trent handed me my sundae, which had m&m’s in it. It looks so yummy! I started eating it right away and I noticed Alex giving me a confused look as I shoved the icecream in my mouth.

“I love sundaes.” I shrugged.

He laughed and started eating his own food.


The sound of people filling the venue flooded down the halls. I smiled. We were on in about 15 minutes and I can’t wait, it’s going to be a blast, just like the last three shows we have done so far.

I stood up from the random chair I was sitting on and stretched out a little. Being in that van most of yesterday and today wasn’t that good for ones back. Issac and Trent pulled me and Rhianna into a little circle. We all held hands. This was something thing we did before most shows. Kinda like The Maine does but different. They sing ‘we like to party’ we sing...Whatever comes to mind.

“So what are we singing today?” Trent asked.
“I say an All Time Low song.” Issac smirked looking to the side.

We were right near their door for their change room. They would be about to hear us no problem at all, well at least I think they could.

“Weightless?” Rhi asked.
“I was thinking ‘Lost In Stereo’.” Issac said.
“Ok let’s do that.” I agreed nodding.

We all started swinging out linked hands back at forth and stomping one of our feet on the ground.

“1, 2, 3!” Rhianna counted.
“She's dancing alone, I'm ready to go
But she's so
lost in stereo, lost in stereo

She's outta control, so beautiful
Lost In stereo, lost in stereo

And I've been waiting for so long
But she'll never know
I'm losing hope cause she's so
Lost in stereo, lost in stereo

Oh, oh, lost in stereo, lost in stereo!” We all sing loudly. “Never Will The Sun Shine!” We yelled holding our arms up.

We laughed and let our hands go jumping around a little. I wonder if any of All Time Low heard that, in a way I hoped they did.

“Now let’s rock the place!” Issac yelled punching the air.
“Hell y The sound of people filling the venue flooded down the halls. I smiled. We were on in about 15 minutes and I can’t wait, it’s going to be a blast.

I stood up from the random chair I was sitting on and stretched out a little. Being in that van most of yesterday and today wasn’t that good for ones back. Issac and Trent pulled me and Rhianna into a little circle. We all held hands. This was something thing we did before most shows. Kinda like The Maine does but different. They sing ‘we like to party’ we sing...Whatever comes to mind.

“So what are we singing today?” Trent asked.
“I say an All Time Low song.” Issac smirked looking to the side.

We were right near their door for their change room. They would be about to hear us no problem at all.

“Weightless?” Rhi asked.
“I was thinking Lost In Stereo.” Issac said.
“Ok let’s do that.” I agreed.

We all started swinging out linked hands back at forth and stomping one of our feet on the ground.

“1, 2, 3!” Rhianna counted.
“She's dancing alone, I'm ready to go
But she's so
lost in stereo, lost in stereo

She's outta control, so beautiful
Lost In stereo, lost in stereo

And I've been waiting for so long
But she'll never know
I'm losing hope cause she's so
Lost in stereo, lost in stereo

Oh, oh, lost in stereo, lost in stereo!” We all sing loudly. “Never Will The Sun Shine!” We yelled holding out arms up.

We laughed and let our hands go.

“Now let’s rock the place!” Issac yelled.
“Hell yeah!” Rhi exclaimed.

I laughed with them. We all started walking to the stage, well half running. We got to the side of the stage ready to go on and I peeked out at the crowd. There were a lot of people here, both sitting and standing.

“Ok yous are on.” A backstage guy said.

The main flood lights went off only leaving the stage ones on. The crowd started cheering a bit. Trent ran out and got on the drums as the rest of us quickly grabbed our guitars before running on. The crowd went nuts then. I smiled brightly waving out at the fans.

Just as I started playing I’m sure I saw someone move and yell something from the side of the stage, but I didn’t just much of a chance to look, because right then was my cue to start singing.
♠ ♠ ♠
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Most important, did you like it Marisa? D:
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I also have a Alex Gaskarth story, check it out? :D