Status: Finished :3

A Handful of Moments


The air outside the venue was kind of cool against my skin, but I payed no attention to it other than it was bring my heart rate down. That concert was crazy. I swear that I could watch every show that All Time Low plays during this tour and won’t get sick of it at all. But as much as I didn’t want to I had to leave right as they got off stage because from where I was standing; it was so loud and thumping in my chest so much it felt like the wind was knocked right out of me.

Now you know it was a brilliant concert when that happens.

But still the feeling was hard to deal with, how Trent was able to put up with it and stay there after I left has me baffled. He must have lungs made of steel or something, seriously.

Placing my back against the building I slid down so I was sitting with my legs in front of me and sucked in a lung full of nice cool air as I lent my head against the wall. I let it all out and trailed my eyes towards my bands van about twenty meters or more in front of me. The lights were on and shadows were moving in the back of the van, it was obvious that Rhianna and Issac was messing with an acoustic guitar, I could just hear it from here.

I took in another deep breath and closed my eyes. Well at least I know how to give myself and heart attack now; just watch All Time Low, side stage at this building. I did think while sound check that the sound was carried weirdly, but took no mind to it. How did I not notice it thumping that hard while we were playing?

“Are you alright?”

I opened my eyes to see Trent standing by me, head titled to the side. I smiled at him and nodded.

“Yea, I’m fine.”

He smiled back before heading over to the van. I probably should get up from where I was, but I could be bothered. I’m aloud to be lazy after a long show like that right?Well I think I can.

I laughed quietly to myself as I saw Trent almost fall over and watched as he got into the van. When he opened the door I could see Issac and Rhianna, both with guitars. Rhi asked Trent something and he pointed in my direction before moving to a place in the van where I couldn’t see him. Rhianna waved at me, waving her whole arm instead of her hand which made me laugh. I waved back.

“Loner!” Issac yelled dragging the ‘r’ out.

I gasped – fake – as he stuck his tongue out at me. My fake gaping turned him a playful glare, which I don’t think Issac thought it was playful because he gave me a quick innocent smile before slamming the van door shut like he was afraid I was going to jump in to attack him. Even from here I could hear Rhianna burst into fits on laugher.

I laughed and shook my head. I took in another deep breath; my heart felt like it was beating normal now, which was good.

“Marisa!” Someone called dragging out the ‘s’ in my name. “What you doing sitting here all alone?”

From nowhere Jack sat next to me, leaning against the wall. He was smiling softly at me which of course I had to smile back. His smile was a little contagious.

“Getting my heart back to normal.” I chuckled.

Jack looked at me with his mouth like ‘o’. Out the corner of my eye I saw Alex, Rian and Zack walking to their bus, but I focused on Jack looking at me with a shocked face.

“You have something wrong with your heart?” He asked confused and...worried.
“No, no!” I shook my head. “It was just from the music while yous were playing, it was thumping really hard in my chest where I was standing.”

Jack actually looked like he relaxed before he smiled at me. I smiled back at him again.

“Yeah tonight was pretty loud in there aye?” He nodded. “I think after your set someone turned the amps up more.” He added thoughtfully.
“They could have, they were playing around with the sound a lot during sound check.”
“Yeah.” Jack nodded. “So did you like our set? I saw you watching.”

For some reason him stating that made my cheeks heat up, but I ignored it and beamed at him.

“I loved your set! You guys are brilliant performers!” I gushed. “Seriously I could never get bored watching yous play live.” I stated honestly.
“Thank you!” Jack beamed.

Before I could even say “you’re welcome” Jack jumped forward and caught me into a bear hug. I chuckled and hugged him back just as tight. His hugs are...nice. Before I actually wanted him too, he let go still smiling brightly.

“The same could be said about your band, I’ve seen all but one set of yours this tour, the only reason why I missed one was because someone lost my guitar picks.” He rolled his eyes. “I found them, just as yous ended. I heard it though.”
“I’ve seen all of yours so far.” I admitted.

I felt the blush on my face again, it was easy to feel it sitting there on my cheeks because of the cool air around us, but like before I ignored it. I don’t see why I really was blushing, just because I was being honest to Jack, so why worry about it? I don’t think he can see it that clearly anyway, it was somewhat dark out here and we were sitting under a light also I bet my hair hid most of my face.

Jack smiled softly and we both kinda went quiet. I looked away from him to my bands bus, where I could hear laughing and the guys yelling. They better not be having another wrestling match in there. With the van parked from outside it doesn’t like the best, if you get what I mean.

From next to me Jack shuffled where he sat biting his lip. I looked at him curious. He looked suddenly unsure. He sighed.

“Hey, would you like to go for a walk?” He asked almost shyly.
“Sure.” I shrugged.

Why not?

“Awesome! There’s a park just down the street I saw, we can go there if you like.”
“Sure!”I quickly nodded. “I love the park.”

Jack beamed and got to his feet quickly. He held his hand out to me and I took it, letting him pull me up. When I got to my feet I let go of his hand and brushed off the small amount of dirt on my jeans. Jack started walking slowly and I followed. Will I did till I heard Issac yell at me, but all I heard was my name. Me and Jack turned to look at the van.

“What?” I called.
“What you doing?” He yelled.
“Going for a walk, why?” I yelled back.
“I was going to ask if you wanted to sing with us, have fun with your walk! No talking to strangers! Mainly ones with the name of Jack!” He yelled before laughing.
“Just because you wished you had such a cool name.” Jack yelled.

Issac yelled something but I didn’t hear it well, Jack much of because he started laughing before starting to walk again. I was quick to follow. You know me and Jack have handed out a lot lately? But it’s nice doing so.

It didn’t take us long to get to the park, it was very close to the venue. Once we had crossed the road I finally understood by what Alex said last week how Jack could be a big kid at times; because once we touch foot on the grass he was running to the swings.

All I could do was laugh as I followed walking as he yelled for me to hurry up.

I finally reached him and sat on the other swing there.

“I bet I could sing higher than you.” Jack smirked.
“Oh really?” I asked raising an eyebrow.
“Really.” He nodded.

I started swinging as he did. Well now I can’t say tonight wasn’t interesting and fun in the least.
♠ ♠ ♠
There you go Marisa, just in time to get you smiling before your exam :] (once again good luck!)
Well I hope everyone likes this chapter, it took me two hours to write it, including a lot of distractions, and that's pretty rear for me with the amout of distractions I had doing things for my 'rents. but it's here :D

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