Status: Finished :3

A Handful of Moments


My eyes slowly opened to notice that I was covered in sunlight. Very bright sunlight in fact. Squinting my eyes I tried to look around me, for a moment I had no idea where I was because the last thing I remember is being at the park with Jack last night – which was one of the best times this tour so far.

But once I saw Issac laying half off his bed, his head and half of his body on the bed while the rest of him was hanging off the edges; I knew where I was – in the van. How can Issac sleep like that?

I sat up slowly in my “bed” and looked for my other two band mates. Rhianna was still lying in bed, covers up over her head with just her mop of hair visible...Trent was nowhere to be found; which in the morning wasn’t surprising. Yawning I shoved the blankets off of me. I crawled across the bed and placed my face against the glass looking out.

I screamed and jumped back as Zack appeared out of nowhere.

He and a few people started laughing from outside of the van as I caught my breath. I glared at him through the window as Issac mumbled asking what the screaming was about. Zack quickly looked innocent and moved away from the van, he almost looked like he was hiding behind Rian. Trent appeared at the window smiling.

“I’ll get you back for that Zack!” I yelled gaining more laughing.

Fuck, what I wake up call!

“What the hell Mariza?” Rhianna mumbled.
“Zack scared me.” I grumbled.

Issac burst out laughing and I turned glaring at him.

“Damn I missed it! That would have been priceless!”

I grumbled to myself and moved to the door of the van, I slid it open and got out. Once I was out I actually noticed where we were; at a petrol station. Alex was currently filling their bus up. I turned around to face the small ground of people. Zack walked out from behind Rian with an added push from Jack. Jack winked at me and jumped back before Zack could hit him.

Zack walked over towards me.

“I’m sorry, Mariza.” He smiled softly.

Eh, why stay mad at him? I sighed before smiling back. Zack opened his arms for a hug and I chuckled walking into them shyly. Zack was usually pretty quiet so I didn’t know his as well as the others. I could tell he felt the same because he hugged me really shyly.

“You’re forgiven.” I said pulling away.
“Good, ‘cause Jack said he’d hit me otherwise.” He laughed taking a step back.

I chuckled and looked over at Jack. He just shrugged. Ok then.

I shrugged myself and stretched my arms out, almost hitting Rhianna as she got out the van. I smiled shyly at her and she chuckled pushing my arm out the way.

“Coming Mariza?” Rhi asked walking to what I guess was the toilets on the side of the shop.

That’s when I actually noticed she had our bag with the tooth brushes, hair brushes; all that stuff. I nodded and quickly followed her. I haven’t brushes my teeth since yesterday morning; I bet my breath is bad. Yuck.

That’s tour life for ya I guess.


I sat in the front passenger’s seat keeping Rhianna company as she drove the van. So far this was the second time for her driving since we felt home, I’ve driven about 5 times and the guys the rest of the time. Most people wonder why Rhianna doesn’t drive much, but she has a good reason for it; it hurts her legs to drive, hence why she was concentrating on the road hard with her bottom lip sucked in her mouth as she nibbled on it. I did offer to drive; but just like her she said ‘no’.

We actually have the van to ourselves because they guys are in All Time Low’s bus. Amazing isn’t it?Not really.

I looked out the window and watched some cars move in the opposite direction. I started thinking of last night when me and Jack was at the park. He actually made me go down the little slide with him! Once we had got to the bottom we both fell over laughing. I laughed quietly to myself just thinking of it.

You know I just realised, we spend a lot of time together. And I like it.

But it’s Jack-bloody-Barakat I’m talking about, who wouldn’t like hanging out with him?

Suddenly another thought hit me; I’m not the only one spending a lot of time with a guy. I glanced over at Rhianna and I couldn’t fight the smirk off my face.

“Since when do you and Issac hold hands?” I asked; a question I had thought of a few days ago.
“A few weeks ago apparently.” She said with an unsure laugh. “Why?”
“I’ve just noticed that’s all.” I shrugged. “Everywhere yous go together your are holding hands now.”

I watched as a small smile spread across her face but she didn’t look away from the road and the bus in front of us, not once. I wonder how her legs are holding up...Then I saw the blush creep up onto her face. I smirked. I almost feel evil doing this, ha!

“Do you like him?” I asked.

Rhianna bit her lip.

“You can tell me if you do you know, I think it would be cute!” I gushed a little.
“Really?” She asked causing me to nod my head. “I do.” She whispered but I heard it.
“Aw, cute!” I beamed. “For once Trent was right.” I mused.
“Yeah I guess he was.” Rhianna laughed shortly.

I smiled and looked out the window at the bus in front of us. On the back window there was a poster reading ‘Honk of your horny for this band!’ it was kinda easy to guess who wrote that. I looked back at Rhianna. You know without the guys in here it’s so damn quiet. I’m starting to think I miss the noise.

“ that you know my crush, who’s yours?” Rhianna asked.

I saw her smirk and I raised my eyebrows. My hearts made a funny jump when the first person popped into my head...which for some reason was Jack...

“Uh, well, you know I’m not really looking for anything like that.” I said quietly, but in this van now you can hear anything.
“I know, with everything after that asshole.” She spat the last word out.

My ex-boyfriend was to say in the least was a jerk. He was all nice and sweet at the beginning then not long after we started going out – which now I wonder why I said yes in the first place – he started using me as some kinda of slave. But that didn’t last long, let’s just say Issac and Trent found out and that idiot ended up in hospital.

“But,” Rhianna continued. “No one can help when and who they fall in love with.”
“True.” I nodded.
“I’ve seen the way you look at Jack a couple of times.”

I almost choked on air right then. Rhianna started laughing.

“I don’t think I like them that way.” I mumbled. “He’s hot, cute and fun to be around...but I dunno.”
“Sounds like you have thought of it.” She pointed out.
“Stop being so...observant.”
“But that’s me job!” She smiled taking a quick chance to look at me.

I looked out the window at the same time she did. I bit my lip.

“I’m not saying that you do Mariza, but just by look I think you might.”

I blinked looking at the bus in front of us, taking Rhianna’s words in.

Do I like Jack that way? Even though I’ve known him for just a couple of weeks?
♠ ♠ ♠
So Marisa asked me to update today because she has her second and last exam tomorrow :3 (good luck! x]) and I said I had a surprise for her....

So i'm not updating this once but TWICE! 8D Ain't I nice? :3

So i hope her and everyone else that reads this likes it and the next chapter. the next chapter is longgggg...for a reason >;]