Status: Finished :3

A Handful of Moments


I groaned sitting in the back of the van, clothes scattered all around me and everything but my legs stuck in my clothes bag. This was just completely stupid. How can one purple beanie disappear overnight just like that? I had it on yesterday and how it’s gone!

Almost yelling in annoyance I dumped the almost empty bag down and started shoving my clothes back inside of it. As I did I glared at the defenceless things. That is three times in two days something of mine got moved and I spent ages trying to find it. This van seriously needs a clean out and I’m positiveRhianna’s my beanie is not in the trailer with the band gear because I never went in there yesterday.

So where the hell can one hat be?

Shoving the last of my clothes back in the bag I sighed and let myself fall backwards so I was laying flat on my back...well kinda; I was half on Issac’s clothes bag in the small space. I let my head roll to the side looking really at nothing.

After about a minute there was a knock on the side of the van by the already open back door. I titled my head up to see Issac standing there upside down to me. He actually looked funny like that.

“Are you coming?” He asked.

Even him talking upside down was funny! I tried my best not to laugh.

“I can’t find my purple beanie.” I whined.
“Did you look in your clothes bag?” He asked.
“Yeah.” I sighed kicking the bag – which actually wasn’t easy from now I was lying.

I probably look like some drunken idiot from how I was spread out amongst the bags in such a small area. But weird as it was kind of comfy. Issac looked like he was thinking for a moment. Suddenly he reached forward and pulled his bag out from under me. I fell onto the floor of the van and glared at him.

“Is this the one you’re looking for?” He asked pulling out a purple-blue beanie from his bag.
“Nope.” I shook my head.
“Well sorry I can’t help then.” He shrugged starting to put it away.
“I’ll wear it though.” I said quickly reaching out for it.

He chuckled and handed it to me.

I dragged myself up into a sitting position and Issac helped me out the van before shutting the door. Before I even had the chance to thank him for helping he turned and ran to ATL’s bus. I laughed shaking my head. Well someone can’t wait for the movie night.

Tonight was an off night; as most of us being lazy decided to have a movie night which of course was in the bus because all we had in the van was crappy portable DVD players that only one person at a time could really watch. To say I was grateful that Rian asked to watch movies in the bus was almost an understatement. I needed out that van, seriously.

I placed the purple-blue beanie on my head and moved to the rear view mirrors on the side of the van to see if it looked ok. I fixed up my hair a little so it wasn’t in my face and smiled.

Turning walked slowly over to the bus and walked up the stairs of the already open door. I looked around the front area to see no one there, must be in the back lounge. Once I was there I pulled the back lounge door open to see everyone squashed up on the seats or the floor. But what really caught my eye was the purple beanie sitting on Rhianna’s head.

Sure it was actually hers; she brought it, but it was my favourite and she said I could wear it this week – not that it really did bother me, but I actually wanted to wear it today. It’s soft and keeps my head warm.

Smirking I made my way to her where she sat legs folded to her chest. She looked up at me I smiled before pulling the beanie off her head and placing the one that was on my head on hers. I even fixed her hair up for her as she just sat there laughing. I smiled brightly before fixing my own hair.

“Thanks.” I chuckled.

I turned and sat down in the only empty spot on the floor in between Jack and Trent. Rhianna poked her tongue at me and I did it back. Eh, I love having a friend like her that doesn’t mind me doing things like that; she can be so carefree around her friends at times.

“You know if you did that to me, I could have thrown a tantrum.” Jack laughed from besides me.

I looked over at him and laughed.

“I wouldn’t if she did that to me.” I smiled looking back at her. “Because she’s my lovely bitach!” I smirked.
“Oh yeah baby!” Rhianna smirked back.

We both started laughing as everyone looked at us weird before shrugging it off looking through the pile of DVD’s; which I guess was what most of them was doing before I got here. Once I stopped laughing I looked back at Jack. He had asexy cheeky smile spread across his face. I raised an eyebrow confused. He leaned in close to me; not that sitting how we were was already close. I felt my heart thump once in an odd way. He was really close.

“Well then what would you do if I took your hat?” He asked in a cheeky voice.

Before I could say anything he pulled the beanie off my head and leaped out the room. I blinked before it hit me and I jumped to my feet.

“Hey!” I complained.

Jack laughed and I saw him jump into one of the bunks throwing the curtain close; just for me to rip them open a second later. He was trying to hid under the blankets but I grabbed them laughing and ripped them out of the bunk. He jumped a little and somehow squashed himself into the back of the bunk.

Chuckling I climbed into the bunk sitting next to him on my knees. Before I could reach out Jack shoved the beanie underneath him, trying to smile innocently; though he was still squishing himself against the back wall. I reached out just to poke his stomach and he flinched in a scared way. I tilt my head to the side.

“Are you scared of me?” I asked.
“Yes.” Jack squeaked in a kid’s voice obviously trying not to laugh.

But unlike him I couldn’t hold it in and burst out laughing. He smiled at me like he was proud he made me laugh.

If he can make me laugh, I wonder if I can make him laugh.

“Can I have Rhi- my beanie back?” I asked kindly.
“Nope.” Jack smirked crossing his arms high over his chest.
“Wrong answer.”

I jumped forward and started tickling him, running my fingers over his shirt covered sides. Jack’s body jolted and he burst out laughing. I almost stopped just from that. He was that ticklish? Oh my jizz, this could be more fun that what I thought it would be!

As I tickled Jack making his squirm around he tried to shove my hands off him but I kept moving them out the way to quick for him.

“Can I have it back now?”
“Now?” I asked moving one hand to his stomach.

I moved both of my hands to his stomach still dodging his hands.

“S-stop!” He yelled.

And of course I did, I’m not that mean hearted. I moved my hands away and even jumped back a bit as Jack stopped laughing and caught his breathe. For I second I thought I went too far; until Jack smiled at me, then I knew I didn’t. I smiled back.

“Can I have it back now?” I asked.
“Why do you w-want it back so m-much?” He asked between breaths.
“It’s my favourite and I wanted to wear it today.” I shrugged. “I guess you could say sometimes I get good luck when wearing it.” I murmured.
“Serious? Then can I wear it one day?” He asked.
“If you ask Rhianna, it’s hers.” I laughed.

Jack smiled breathing almost back to normal and pulled out the hat from under his back. I went to take it from his hands but he moved instead placing it on my head. He sat up and fixed it and moved my hair so it was off my face. I just blinked not expecting that. At all.

“At least I know not to take anything from you now.” He laughed. “I’m ticklish as you could probably tell.”

I nodded gently as he moved a couple of stray hairs away from my eyes.

“There you go! All pretty again.” He smiled.

I quickly turned my head away because I know for sure my cheeks would be glowing red. He thinks I’m pretty? Or was he just saying that? Either way I said the only think I could think of.

“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, thought I’m just stating the truth.”

Now I’m sure my whole face his red, not just my cheeks. Red face or not I wanted to see the expression on Jack’s face than, to see if he really was telling the truth. I don’t know if it was the best thing or not with my face like this, but I looked him right in the eyes. He was smiling softly at me.

Eyes never lie. He was telling the truth.

My heart thumped oddly again and his expression changed like if he was thinking hard about something and was unsure. I was just about to open my mouth and asked; but he beat me to it.

“Can I ask you something?” He asked.
“Sure.” I nodded. “Ask me anything.” I smiled.
“Can I try something?” He asked unsure. “I just want to try it, but I don’t want it to change our friendship or anything, I just want to try something, I’ve been thinking about it.”

I blinked unsure myself now. What is he talking about? Instead of asking; for whatever reason I nodded.

“Promise it won’t change anything yet?” He asked. “I just want to try.” He repeated.
“I promise.”

Jack reached up and placed his hand on my cheek. That alone had my heart going mad and my stomach go weird. I blinked as he moved in closer to me, like he did in the back lounge before taking my beanie. I watched until I couldn’t anymore as Jack moved closer.

Then next thing I know his lips were on mine.

Even though I saw him going to kiss me, I still jumped slightly as his lips touched mine and I wasn’t really sure way. But I have to admit, it felt good.

But it ended much too quickly. I blinked yet again when he moved away. We were both smiling.

“Well that was...” He trailed off for a moment. “Better than what I thought it would be.” He nodded sure of himself.
“Yeah.” I agreed almost whispering.

Since mine and Rhianna’s talk yesterday in the van I had thought of it...a couple of times. Jack beamed at me and slowly starting to get out the bunk. I noticed I was in his way and jumped out quickly.

“Let’s go watch that movie yeah?” He asked.

I just nodded. I think I’m a little shell shocked.

“Thanks for letting me try that by the way.” He smiled kissing my cheek before heading into the back lounge.

I followed slowly smiling softly. My head felt like it was spinning but at the same time it wasn’t and as cliché as it was; my lips were still tingling.

I sat down between Jack and Trent again and looked at the TV where everyone else’s eyes were locked.

From the side of my eye I saw Jack move closer to me. And this time I knew I wasn’t seeing things...

Wait. Didn’t he say he was thinking about kissing me?
♠ ♠ ♠
There you go Marisa! the second update tonight ;] You asked for a bit of action, ya got it!

So I hope (again) that everyone liked the new chapters :D I'm really liking this story and I hope yous are too.

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GOOD LUCK Mariza, hope this made you SMILE! :DD