Uncompatible Love

Tall Tales

Ch. 23: Tall Tales(lame title I know) *start*

*Violet’s POV*

I was a little glad when I saw the others and took a seat next to Emily, Bella following. Emily turned and she had Claire in her lap.

-”Why_Let!” she shouted hapily moving over so she sat on my lap now. Her happy go-lucky smile was contagious and I couldn’t help the grin that spread through out my face. Unfortunetly, little Claire’s shouting got everyone’s attention. Most at first positive, until their eyes landed on Bella.

-”Oh!….Hello vampire girl.” said Emily smiling. I know she didn’t mean much out of it, but I still felt my face drop a little. Kim giggled and said her hello and coming over to give me a hug. I returned it. Bella was obviously shocked by my closeness with this family. Sue walked over to me and hugged me tightly. I noticed Seth who ran to give me a hug too. I sometimes forgot that he was stil so much younger than the others, by two years, but still.

The other’s talked and I noticed Jacob leaning against a tree looking over at either, me or Bella. I saw him look into my eyes and I turned away. I guess I tried so hard on my appearance for nothing, talk about my shallowness going in vain. Ironic no? I’m not really shallow, I just wanted to make Jacob forget this whole mess and act normal. I think he was somewhat holding back now, and then Bella comes. I think maybe his old flame was sparking back to life. Sam came over to usas the boy’s turned to where he walked.

-”Bella can we talk for a bit?” he asked and she nodded, most likely feeling awkward anyways. I felt Claire jump off of my lap and head over to Emily and the others. I hadn’t seen Leah, but I quickly spotted her when I saw her sitting on the sand, stairing at the flames. Her hair was shorter. I had heard about how she just officially became apart of the pack, which explained why her once long hair was shorter. I decided to go walk over to her, hopefully avoiding a big problem this time. I sat next to her.

-”Hey.” I said. She just staired at the dancing reds and yellows. “I come in peace.” I joked. Still nothing. I sighed. “You okay Leah?” I asked her.

-”Hmmm?” she turned to look at me. “Oh yea…fine…” I could se something was troubling her.

-”I bet you wanna be alone huh?” I said standing up slowly. She grabbed my hand.

-”Mmm….not really…I actually…*sigh* I just wish I wasn’t a wolf.” I felt for her. Wishing you weren’t what you were destined to be, what you were meant to be. There was no running away. “It’s just that…I feel so out of place, more than ever now.” she continued as her gaze never left the flickering flames. I nodded my head. I saw Sue look over at us and smile sadly. “Like I’m the odd one out, or like I’m not suppose to be this way……I don’t get it how I have to be the first one.” I wasn’t completely sure what she was talking about but I understood the meaning behind it. Damn, I’m living it as we speak.

-”I understad how you feel.” I said as I leaned back on the log and staried at the stars, I removed the ruffles from my sun dres and just crossed my legs across the sand.

-”Really? You?” I could here the sarcasm in her voice. She sighed and apologized. “It’s just that…it’s not fair…” I saw a tear slide down. I gave her a side hug and then let go.

-”I actually do understand. You feel like everything is happening to you… just…you.” I told her. “Like your better off not existing entirely…like the world is against you and doesn’t want you to be happy….right?” she looked at me, shocked. I smiled saddly. I looked over at Billy who cleared his throat and was rolled over here by Jacob. He glanced at me and then looked away. I got up as everyone sat around the fire. There was only one seat next to Jacob and Bella walked over to it. I grimaced and Leah noticed she pulled me back down on the ground next to her. She smiled saddly at me and I some what returned it.

-”Don’t worry.” I heard her whisper. I nodded and looked over at Jacob who was stairing at me. I heard Billy clear his thorat and I looked over to him. Old Quil was a little to his right hand side and leaned back while Seth, who sat on the floor next to his sister edged closer. Leah closed her eyes, to almost picture the words that were about to be spoken. I heard small murmers and Jake leaning on Bella, whispering something.

-”The Quileutes have been a small people from the beginning.” I turned to look at him now, paying attention. I had imagined this much more differently. Jacob sitting on the ground leaning back, me in between his legs leaning against him. Maybe even him reciting a few words from the stories in my ear, but then again that was a bit cliché and shake sphere-like. This was no play, no fairytale, no movie, to picture the perfect romance story, to picture and get every secen exactly as thought up.” And we are a small people still, but we have never disappeared. This is because there is magic in our blood.” Magic? Was that what was inside of my blood as well? Or was it that my blood was bewitched, tainted?

-”It wasn’t always shaape-shifting ~that came later. First, we were spirit warriors.” Yes, warriors…and we were the apposing army, setting destruction against them, am I right?

Billy resumed speaking, proudly, about his ancestors. I looked up to him. Here was a mortal who could looke back hundred’s of years before his time, yet still recall them as simple memories. I could not, and I had lived quite the while. Billy Black spoke with the ability to put you in a trance. Almost like if I could see every scene he spoke, feel every feeling he described, smell every scent, taste the salty air, everything. I was there to witness it through the words that escaped his lips. In all my time I had never known such a wise, and majestic human such as Billy Black. He told about how the y started off small, settling on the harbor. How this people were once skilled ship builders, and fishermen.

The story began to grow exciting as he explained how others tried to take a hold of their lands, causing them to flee in their ships. He told us how they did not recall the first spirit warriors name, just that one of them was Kaheleha. They knew that Kaheleha was the first spirit chief, and how he used his “magic” to defend their lands. I was interested when he said how he and his fellow warriors left the ships, as spirits. How the noble woman of these men cared and looked after the souless bodies. Billy made it clear that the spirits could not physic harm the others but could rely on nature to do it for them. I smiled when they brought up how they turned their large dogs against their owners to aid them in battle, and brought down bats to help too. I had to resist the chuckle that wanted to escape when he talked about how the men ran off thinking that the lands were cursed, haunted.

The story soon turned to a more peaceful side when they spoke of treaties. I thought that this is where I would be coming in, but I was wrong and continued to listen. Apperently the first treaties were with the Hohs and Makahs. They were afraid of their “magic”. A time skip occurred in the story and soon a new character rose into the plot. Billy said he was the last great Chief Spirit, Taha Aki. He spoke greatly of him, saying that his people were content with his care, believing he was peaceful and wise. He spoke of Utlapa, a bitter man who was not pleased with this. I heard someone in he crowd his and I saw that it was Paul and Embry, the both high fiving each other. Thankfully Billy ignored them and continued on with the story. I learned that Utlapa was one of Taha Aki’s strongest, very powerful, power hungry if you ask me now. He wanted to use the magic for evil purposes.

I soon learned about how the boys could hear thoughts, Jacob had explained that one, just not thuroly. Jake said that they could hear each others thoughts when in wolf form, so could the spirit warriors. Taha Aki found out about Utlapa’s ambitions and was not pleased with what he discovered. He was banished. Not even permited to turn into his spirit self again. Though like most mortals”, he sought out vengence. Billy explained how they did their own “patrols”, sweaping through the land as spirits. One day Taha Aki was doing his normal duties as Chief, “patroling”, when Utlapa wanted to kill him. He thought it through and figured the others would hunt him down and settled for another plan. Utlapa waited for the Chief to leave his body, once assured that he was within distance, he took over the body in his own soul. I wondered why Taha Aki could not just use Utlapa’s body as a vessle, but soon found out why. Utlapa was cunning and hcut his own body’s throat.

I soon found out just how cunning this, Utlapa, really was. He played the part of the chief, following normal procedures that Taha Aki would do, to ensure that the others did not soubt him. After time had passed, he prevented others from enetering the spirit world, so as to others would not see Taha Aki. Utlapa, or “Taha Aki”, came up with the lie that he had a vision and saw danger if they did. I almost smiled when I began to hear just how Utlapa’s plan began to unveil. He began to act foolish, a burden even. He even took in other wives, which their vilage was not accustomed to. Taha Aki, in a desperate attempt to save his village from the false chief, tried to kill his body through a wolf. The warriors defended the so-called chief, as he hid behind them. A young warrior was killed, causing Taha Aki to feel awful about it and turning away the wolf.

Billy almost made me cry when he explained the grief of how the warriors felt when away from their bodies. Poor Taha Aki. I felt bad when he explained how Taha Aki was practicly withering in eternal agony in the woods. I could have cheered when he said how the wolf followed him though. This wolf was beautiful, and over sized. I could picture it, but when I did, I saw this large, amazingly gorgeous russet wolf. I opened an eye and peaked at Jacob. He stared acorss the fire at me. I looked at Bella who stared at Billy and the other’s reactions to his words. I looked at Jacob once more and returned to portraying the story in my head. I could see how taha Aki was jealous of the wolf, he wanted a body that bad.

Then here came the part of the wolf shifters as I call them. Taha Aki asked the wolf if they could share his body. Eager to get out of the lonely empty void he entered, with permition. Taha Aki, the wolf, went to the village as one, but othe villagers called out to the warriors, as their “chief” hid behind them all. Taha Aki did not attack and found any way to get them to realize that he was no normal wolf. An elderly warrior, Yut, saw this. He disobeyed the leader and went into the spirit world. Yut and Taha Aki spoke in the spirit world, Yut discovered the truth. Utlapa came to check the wolf’s where abouts, but saw Yut’s lifeless body on the ground. He decided to kill him to protect his lie. He succeeded.

Taha Aki grew enraged and joined the wolf, with intentions of his own vengence, to avenge his friend. All the emotions, the love for his people and hatred for the traitor, was too much for the wolf. The wolf turned into a man before the eyes of the others. He did not resemble Taha Aki’s body, but his spirit, and the other warriors recognized him. Utlapa understood that he was caught and tried to run, but Taha Aki had the power of the wolf and disposed of him. Taha Aki made everything better, giving back the young wives to their families,aiding his village and worriors. Unfortunetly, the spirit could happen again.

Billy spoke about how soon other wolves came into the picture, sons. I looked at Leah who had just opened her eyes. Could this be what she meant? A female wolf? Even in my age I had not heard of that. I continued to hear the story, now with open eyes. I heard how they could not age, I had nvere known that. I heard about how their fur color was chosen. It depended on te man they were inside.

-”So that’s why Sam’s all black. Black heart black fur.” I giggled. I knew Sam wasn’t like that and we all knew he was only joking.

-”And your chocolate fur reflects what?” Sam was just whispering, trying not to bother the other listeners. “How sweet you are?” I giggled a little louder at that. Quil was not sweet, well that sweet. He was a…prankster I guess you could say.

Billy continued to ignore the interruptions and continued about how they could continue to age, just not shift anymore. Billy told us of how Taha Aki lived three life spans and gave up his wolf form when he met a woman. He left it to grow old and die with her. I thought that was romantic and noticed all the girls shuffle closer to their men. I looked at Jacob and I could feel a small breeze pick up. My bangs were blown and the side without my Daisy brouche flapped in my face. I stopped it and fixed it. It was getting a bit chilly.

-”You know, if you get a bit closer to me it’d be like standing closer to the fire.” Whispered Seth. I smiled as he stood up getting Billy a bottle of water and sitting next to me. “Here, I got an extra.” he handed me a water. I took it and looked at Jacob. Bella was sort of leaning on him and he staired from me to the floor. I looked away and told myself that Bella was just seeking warmth. “Don’t worry bout it. Shh Old Quil’s bout to start.” I looked up and he was right. I heard Old Quil make himself comfortable in his chair and clear his throat. “You’ll like this part.” I heard Seth whisper. I heard Leah snort and looked at her. I guesss she didn’t like the upcoming part of the story. Wonder why.

-”That was the story of the spirit warriors.” I had never really heard Old Quil mutter more than the normal “hello” and “how are you“, so hearing his voice I noted it wasn’t as strong as Billy’s. It was thinner, raspier. It signaled his age I suppose. “This is the story of the third wife’s sacrafice.” I just remembered Seth’s words and curiosity took over. I leaned my body forward trying to hear and made myself comfortable. I crossed my legs Indian style and my chest was pretty close to Seth’s back, but I liked the warmth, it shielded me from the cold just like he said.

Old Quil started off the story with yet another time skip. This time it was years after Taha Aki was no longer a wolf, but now he needed it. There were woman disappearing in the north where the Makahs were, Emily’s village I think she told me once.(A/N: for the record Emily is from the Makah tribe.) Neither Taha Aki, nor his men were, were responsible for this yet the village feared them and pit the blame on them. So since Taha Aki did not want a war to start, he sent his son Taha Wi to find out who was responsible for this.

Taha Wi and five other wolves from the pack searched for any sign of the culprit or culprits, and here is where my kind come in. They had run into our scent I guess, from what I could tell from the words the elder spoke. It was sweet, too sweet for there noses. I never knew our scent burned their noses and further more, hurt them. I rember a scent but it wasn’t too appealing, but not to bbad either. Almost like if someone had just moped with that pinesole stuff. I saw Bella move and twitch near Jacob, I myself stiffened when he got closer to her as well, it looked like he wanted to…smile? …laugh? Jacob put his arm around her back and rested on her waist. I had felt many emotions in my life, but never, never had I felt jealousy such as this. Or jealousy period! I felt this burning in my throat, like if I was thirsty, but I wasn’t, that was the thing. Horific images flashed in my head as I imagined me sucking Bella dry of her blood. I shook my head and my eyes widened as I tried to get rid of it. The others paused to look at me and Jacob looked worried. I cleared my throat and drank from the water Seth had given me.

-”You okay?” Seth leaned back to ask. I nodded taking a big swig of the water.

-”Yea….just…my throat was dry.” I told him. It was, so it’s not a lie. The others seeing I was okay continued. I looked back at Bella and she was giving me this confused look. She probably thought I was loosing control or something, I don’t know what was going through that girls mind. I wanted to, more than anything, see if she felt anything romantic towards my Jacob. Oh great, there’s another first. I just felt selfishness, I was being selfish. Jacob Black was a person, not an object. I looked next to the pale brunette and noticed Jacob’s arm was no longer around Bella, but yet again he looked at me then to the floor. Was he signaling at something? I looked to the ground under his legs to see if anything was there, but no. Sometimes I can be oblivious, but I was pretty sure there was nothing there to signal to.

-”They did not know what creature would leave such a scent, but they followed it,” Old Quil had picked off where he left off. “They found faint traces of human scent, and human blood, along the trail.” I could tell that he was not used to speaking so much, for his voice would quiver from time to time and he’d have to stop to clear his throat. He tried to catch our attention as he spoke faster, though, more urgent. “They were sure this was the enemy they were searching for.” Enemy, that’s what we were, but I just knew we could all be more if we wanted, if we tried.

The story was intresting now, I wondered how we were involved in turning the men of today into wolves, maybe the story could get me answers. Old Quil resumed the story, telling us how Taha Wi sent the younger wolves to report back to Taha Aki. Then the story got grave. Taha Wi and his two other brothers did not return apparently. Although this grief did cause the Makah chief to believe that the Quileutes were not the culprits. I felt pity for the now dead elders. That must have been awful. Losing someone, it causes immense pain, pain that can’t be fixed. I knew that pain, then again many did. I bet everyone here had suffered some kind of great loss at some point.

Billy talked about how the killings began again and the hunt preoceeded. Old Quil began to cough slightly and he cleared his throat, then resumed. Yaha Uta was the only one that came back from that hunt…He was the oldest of Thaha Aki’s sons, but the youngest of the pack. The one that was from the third wife that is. He came bad with a body. The body of a “dead” creature. A vampire. I began to have flash backs when Old Quil went into detail of the vampire. Red eyes, flashing red eyes, cold hearted if he killed in cold blood too. They weren’t large scens from my past, no just fast moving pictures. Like a fast moving slide show. Gowns. Black gowns. Three figures. Shouting, then trees flashing by. I could remember it. My other father, Gerald(Je-rald French remember). The volturi came to kill him and I fled, fled to Carlisle. I never asked questions. My gifts were enough to keep me safe, the ones I knew back then at least.

I snapped myself out of it and resumed to paying attention. Old Quil began to tell about how we did not die so easily. We, or those of full vampire blood, could only die from fire. We had to be burnt alive. That went double for me, I could die that way, but not just that way. The venom from one of my own, a vampire, could also kill me. It would be a much more painful death than one of being burnt alive. Well I’m guessing, I came close to dying from the venom, on accident, but still. I was saved thanks to Carlisle, but I would never forget the excruciating pain the venom sent through my blood, bones, organs and body entirely.

Old Quil stopped when he spoke about Taha Aki’s part of the ashes. Billy pulled something out from around his neck and showed it to the others, the ashes .It was inside a small leather bag that looked it’s age. I shivered, not sure if it was from the cold or for the pity of the being inside that pouch. I could never really feel pity for it, it was blood hungry and held no mercy, but still. Many gasped and I just continued to look at it in awe. Then the story resumed and I could almost feel my blood boil when the name callings resumed. The Cold Ones, the Blood Drinkers….Many other words escaped the lips of the boys. Parasite, leeches… I looked to Bella and she too was not too happy with the name calling. We both knew they weren’t litteraly calling or directing their words to the Cullens but I still couldn’t help but feel like it was a ‘in general’ type of thing.

I was waiting for this part. It was only evident that if this vampire was roaming it would be a nomad. Most nomad’s traveled in small pairs or at least with a mate, or looking for one at least. I was right. They spoke about how the mate of the one they killed came back to avenge her mate’s death. So many died since Taha Aki, his sons and wife and elders were in a council meeting. Only two survived from inside the village as they talked about how beautiful she was, how they described her. For a second I thought they respected my kind, what with the tone he spoke in and all. Adoration, or so I thought. I felt bad for the little wolf boy who caught a hold of the stinging scent and gave her away by accident. She killed them. I unfortunately could picture that too. Sometimes reading minds wasn’t a good thing and as a vampire I had seen many fowl minds, many horrific memories.

Yaha Uta was going to fight her alone. They found her circling a few of the rest of the villagers who were in boats and ships. She was tormenting her prey, I could almost see it. She was trying to make them suffer, hrt them in more ways than one. I wanted to open my eyes when I saw the faces of the villagers, but it was like a dream now. A nightmare actually, one I wanted to wake up from but was forced to watch in my own mind. This female vampire was apparently not as strong as her male mate, but no one was there to help aid Yaha Uta and distract her like last time.

When Taha Aki saw that his son had lost his rage allowed him to transform into an old white muzzled wolf, it was like they said old, but anger can have so much to do with just about anything. The third wife was forced to watch this slaughter of her loved ones. I could now feel the tears run down my cheeks. Why couldn’t I open my eyes?! She most likely felt hopeless, like there was nothing left to do. The story continued, saying how the wife knew that the only reason Yaha Uta had been victorious the last time was because there was a distraction. I put one and two together and realized what was to some next, I realized the reason for the title of this story.

The Third Wife’s Sacrefice. She got a knife from one of her young, very young sons, and ran at the vamp. When I heard that part I thought that maybe my assumption was incorrect, until the story presumed. She had killed herself, in front of the vampire. The perfect destraction. Taha Aki tried to kill her, but it wasn’t good enough, he was old. Yet as the two of the young sons saw how their mother died, anger yet again took over. They changed, at a young age, and helped defeat the vampire.

I was probably all red from crying at this point. I felt so bad after reading this. It would be better if my kind was not around, no vampires. Ever. None. Taha Aki didn’t change back into a human after he was done. He stayed by his wife’s side. He wouldn’t let anyone get near her body or him. How tragic, he must have been morning. Then the told us about how he just went into the woods after a day and never came back. Then came my answers. Why they changed when we were around. The packs stayed small when there was only a small coven passing through. Yet now, the Olympic Coven was a very big coven indeed so the number of the wolves only made sense.

The part where we come in had came into the story. I could easily recall the day. They were going attack us. I was the smallest of the group and even then my brother protected me well, standing in front of me in a defensive stance. We huddled close together and I could tell the wolves’ intentions and so could my brother and that frightened me. We knew what they were too, although back then we didn’t have Alice and Jasper. I could remember my father confronting te leader, Ephraim Black. He did look a lot like Billy and Jacob. Carlisle was always a peaceful man and the leader, or alpha, could see that we could easily take them down if we wanted, but we didn’t. We had proposed a treaty.

*Flash Back*(felt like doing one, its about the treaty)

My brother stood in front of me as did Esme and Emmett in front of Rose. I was in the middle so they made a circle around me. They never let new comers see me. Yet when I saw my father in front of those gigantic wolves I grew scared. All their thoughts were awful. They wanted nothing more than to tear us apart.

-’Don’t be scared.’ I heard my brothers thoughts.

-’I…I’m not Edward.’ I tried to make my inner voice sound brave. I think it worked, for Edward no longer pestered me about it. ‘They’ll hurt him.’ I thought.

-’They won’t…listen to the leader…he knows he’s outnumbered. It would be quite foolish to risk his life and that of the others.’ He told me. I did as told, listening to the thoughts of the largest male wolf as it disappeared behind a tree and reappeared as a man before us. He stepped up to Carlisle and they spoke. I had a feeling this man, wolf, was not so bad. I gently eased myself from my confinement and approached them. My brother gripped my arm and I smiled to him. He wouldn’t let go so I shoved my arm out.

-’It’s fine.’ I told him. He gave me a cold look knowing what I was to do. I stepped next to my adoptive father and stared into a pair of big warm brown eyes. The other wolves growled as a warning, but I just latched on to Carlisle’s arm and smiled at the wolves.

-”Hello.” I spoke. Their growls resumed. The alpha spoke in his native tongue and his comrads somewhat relaxed. I giggled, but my father scorned me for it.

-”Hush.” I nodded. The man looked at me cautiously as he spoke with Carlisle. The treaty was made and we were on our ways. Carlisle was first to leave back to our group and I stayed there for a little. Rose, Esme and Emmett already gone with the wind. Only few wolves remaned with the alpha. I smiled and slowly turned to my awaiting father and brother.

-”Wait.” called the man. Authority was evident in his voice, he was used to being in charge I suppose. I turned around slowly.

-”Yes?” I called out. The man’s eyes widened and I smiled as I read his thoughts. He thought I had the most amazing voice he had ever heard.

-”Your scent what are you,” he pointed out. “What are you?”

-”Well, what do you suppose I am?” I answered with another question. He stepped closer, he was trying to identify my scent. My brother hissed and he stopped. We both looked at my brother, Ephraim held a solid look well I smiled at my brother. “It’s fine.” I told them both. He resumed to get closer and looked down at me. I heard his thoughts, he thought I was a child, no older than maybe ten to fourteen years of age. I thought I loked much older than that. He inhaled as much as he could through his nose and he choked on the scent.

-’It…it doesn’t burn.’ he noted. His thoughts raced. ‘It’s sweet, almost tempting, alluring. The others are painful to inhale.’

-”It doesn’t hurt does it?” I asked he shook his head. “It will.” I told him. He looked confused. The whole time there I tried my hardest to stay conscious while trying to let blood flow slightly through my veins. The scent was sweet but I could not last for long and stopped trying to create the blood flow. He flinched and I could see he was trying to hold his breathe. “My applogies.” I told him and curtsied in respect and ran past my brother and father in search of the others.


My scent. Was my scent really alluring. I believed that that was my vampire self, I needed that when hunting so it made sense, but as a human? How do I smell to the wolves. How would the wolves smell to me. I noted I had gotten off topic and resumed to pay attention, they had just told the part when they said how we kept our part of the deal with the treaty. They talked about the burden of carrying this all over gain. They made it sound like it was a curse or something. I thought it was beautiful, nothing in them screams repelent if you ask me. They’re warm, inviting, not cold ,distant. They smell of nature, tranquil, not sweet, getting the blood flowing. They are gentle to the touch, not stone hard. If you ask me it’s not so bad, but then again no one did ask for my opinion.

As for sacrifice, I understood that. So many forms of sacrifice. Now there I understood they did have a lot to sacrafice, but so did my kind. The poor woman, Rose, who always wanted to bear children but never will. All of us who either want to just live, be normal, fit in. Those were true sacrifices of living this life, one many of us were forced to live. For some reason yet again Billy continued to look at me and I wish he didn’t. It was almost like if he was looking into my soul. Could he? It looked like he was studying my reactions or something. Something being the most likely answer to my question. Everyone was quiet, and the aura around everyone was sad.

-”Burden.” I turned to Quil who scoffed in a hushed whisper. “I think it’s cool.” I looked to him smiling. He looked like a little kid, what with the pout adorning his face. The others gave him annoyed looks while others ignored him.

-”Me too…” I whispered looking at him. He grinned and I didn’t want to see what the others would think of me so I looked down. I touched my face and I could fell the dry trails of my tears. I tried to wipe them without no one noticing them. I felt like something was moving and saw Seth’s head moving up and down, agreeing with the both of us. Billy laughed easing up the place and it was like before the stories started I looked over at Jake and Bella was asleep. I heard him sigh and he came to me bending down low and whispered in my ear.

-”I’m gonna get her home. I’ll be back. I’m just gonna call her bloodsucker.” I hesitantly shook my head. Edward….

I looked back at the fire and then saw Leah who was alone surounding the fire. There was a tear on her eye. I handed her a napkin. She looked shocked. “I won’t tell if you won’t.” I told her pointing to my cheeks and eyes. She smiled and nodded. She looked at me, like if she was waiting for me to ask. “You can tell whom ever you want what ever you want at any time you choose.” I told her getting up. The others were just conversing merrily and I sighed. Jared held onto Kim as he messed with Quil who played with Claire. Sam who held Emily in his lap as she talked to Sue. Everyone else was mesing around or eating. I sighed and looked along the beach’s shore. “I think I’ll go for a walk.” I told Leah. She looked in the direction I was ooking at and continued.

*Jacob’s POV* (this’ll be done quick but its b4 Vie gets there)

I was shocked when I saw Bella. I mean Vie had told me about her and Bella and all, but still. I hadn’t been really…connecting with Bella latly I guess. Bella stepped out and the guys were waery. I felt awkward now with Bella here. Almost like I didn’t know her. I had also told Vie what me and Bella went through, what I went through with her, because of her. Then knowing they were friends, I knew they both probably felt awkward too. Yet I didn’t know if Vie would be mad about this, Bella was still my friend and I couldn’t just abandon her.

Violet stepped out of the car and my mouth wanted to hit the floor,but I tried to snapp out of it or I would never hear the end of this from the guys. Violet looked stunning. Her loose curls were up in a pony tail and her bangs were pulled to the sides. She had some kind of clip on her left side in the shape of a big white daisy that matched her dress. The dress wasn’t even what made her drop dead gorgeous, but I still took notice of every single thing on her. The dress was flowy at the bottom reaching her knees and was tight near her chest as it hugged her every curve. The dress was a drak navy blue and had a lot of white daisies all over the dress with the bright yellow center. Her flip flops matched the dress too. She looked breathe taking.

I saw Violet look at me and I quickly turned to look at bella, I was blushing and I didn’t want her to see. Sam said hello and Bella as usual had her shaky voice. Good she was still the normal Bella. We headed to the others and the two girls sat together. I smiled when Claire went to her, it got a smile on Violet’s face. I leaned against a far off tree and looked at her, occasionally looking over at Bella. I felt bad that she was alone, but I also wanted to go over to Violet, but I knew that would make us all uncomfortable! I think Violet was sort of mad at me cause when I’d look at her she’d look away quickly.

Sam went over to Bella and then he came back with her behind him. The guys surrounded them and I was fine where I was. I could still hear anyways. They were talking about the leeches again. I was just glad there have been no sighting or signs of that leech near my Violet. Bella told them all that she knew and stuff like that. While they spoke I saw Leah and Violet talking. I had finally talked to Leah and accepted her apology, but I also warned her that if it ever happened again neither Seth nor Sam would be able to save her from me next time. I couldn’t tell what they were saying. They were a bit far and talking in very quiet whispers. Like they didn’t want anybody listening. A secret maybe? I got a bit closer to see if I could hear in on the, wrong I know, but I couldn’t help it. Either way I couldn’t cause te stries were about to start.

Dad started the stories as usual. I took a seat and saved a spot for Violet, but Bella sat there instead. I could see Violet was disappointed, but so was I. I wanted her near me when the story of the third wife started. When the action parts took place. For all of it. Now I couldn’t and instead she sat on the floor next to Leah. I wasn’t really paying attention to the stories just looking at Violet’s every reaction.

She would close her eyes, I figured she was trying to picture it. She would have this surprised look, or sad or what ever feeling was appropriate for the certain part of the story. It was pretty nice seeing that she cared for the stories. I got worried when she cried though. I want to go sit next to her and wipe away her tears but Bella would lean on me or cling onto me and I couldn’t. I didn’t want to hurt her feelings. I saw her shake and I wrapped my arm around her, feeling bad since she didn’t have anyone right now. Although neither did my imprint since Bella was hogging me up all to herself. I sighed and saw Violet shiver too. I straightened up and then saw Seth shift closer to her to keep her warm. I heard what he said and knew he was only tring to be nice, nothing romantic about it. Altough I couldn’t help but feel just the slightest bit jealous.

The story of imprinting came up and I got disappointed when I saw al the guys hold onto their girls. Shit even Quil had Claire in his lap, although he was humming her to sleep, but she wouldn’t. I had to watch Bella try and get “comfortable” near me. It was kind of awkward now. About a month ago, if this would have happened I would have been on cloud nine, but not now. Now I had my imprint and I wanted her near me.

The stories soon ended and Violet looked like she was having a nightmare half te time and then like if she was watching some sappy chick flick. Either way I wanted to know what’s wrong. She waited a little before opening her eyes. She tried to dry off the remains of her tears, but I saw them, but I do know I was the only one that saw them. I rolled my eyes when Quil opened his mouth. Of course he would think this was all cool. I figured Violet was creeped out about this and was a little disappointed. If shew as te one that said it I would have been….well, proud to be what I was.

-”Me too…” I smiled at her happy and content. The others smiled at her too, glad that she enjoyed the stories. I was about to get up when I felt Bella’s head lull to the side. I got up and laid her head on the stump. I went over to Violet and told her about Bella and Edward coming to pick her up. I left over to Bella and picked up her phone.

-”Are you ready Bella?” I heard his voice say.

-”It’s Jacob. Bella’s asleep Just get to the boarder.”

-”What’s she doing there? I thought she was at port Angeles looking for a friend.”

-”She found her. She lives with me though so yea…just whatever! Come get her!” I shouted into the phone aggitated.

-”Very well.” we hung up and I carried Bella over to the border line.

While I waited I couldn’t help, but think of Violet. I was going to talk to her and explain imprinting since I don’t think dad did a good job explaining it like normal. He probably did that on purpose to make me do it. I sighed. What ever, it’ll let me get some aloe time with her and see why she’s acting so distant. I saw the stupid silver car and saw Bella move so I put her down.

-”Huh? Where am I? Violet?!” she shouted

-”Easy Bells…she’s back at the camp…..I called Edward he’s parking…never mind.” Edward stood next to Bella.

-”I can take her from here.” he said. I shrugged my shoulders and he gave me a skeptical look.

-”I got things to do see you around Bella.” I said.

-”SO who is she mutt?” I growled.

-”Stay. Out. Of. My. Head.” I said through clenched teeth. I didn’t want him to know about Violet.

-”Violet?” I heard him whisper.

-”Yea…leave her alone leech.” I shifted and ran into the woods trying to get back faster.