Uncompatible Love

Meetings And Greatings

Ch. 33: Meetings & Greetings

~Jacob’s Point.Of.View~

I had to leave now. It was late and Violet needed her rest. Besides, the stupid bloodsucker kept “warning” me , that if I didn’t leave he wouldn’t allow me to stop by anymore. I left and went into the woods to change, I had at least three more hours to myself before I had to go to that stupid meeting with the Cullen’s so I’d be bored until then. While I took off my pants a paper slipped out, it was the one Vie gave for me to look at when I was alone. I opened it and read it.

Meet me at the border

when you go into the

clearing. I’ll be waiting

I was smiling and grinning like an idiot. She was going to sneak out of the house. That was hot. I smiled and headed to Sam’s. I’d need a reason not to go to the training and he wouldn’t believe me if I told him I was sick, but maybe I should just tell him the truth. He’d understand that I want to spend time with my imprint right? Even more now that he knows I can’t see her regularly. I’m sure he would. I quickly changed and ran off towards his house, not bothering to listen to the guys questioning me and bothering me about my visit to the Cullen’s.

-”Sam?” I called out to him the second I made it through Emily’s door.

-”He’s outside in the back Jacob, talking to Paul.” I nodded to Emily and went outside in a hurry.

-”Sam!” he and Paul both turned to look at me.

-”Ah, good Jacob. The Cullen’s want to meet up early, the leech saw the newborns getting ready, we should too.” spoke up Sam. I rubbed the back of my neck.

-”See the thing is…” I looked off, thinking of a way to say this. He wasn’t going to be too happy with me missing out, especially since I was beta. I wouldn’t be setting the right “example”. “Um…I was wondering if I really had to go?” Both him and Paul looked shocked. “it’s about Violet” I said when I notice Sam open his mouth, most likely to scold me. Paul rolled his eyes.

-”Huh! What makes you better than the rest of us? I want just as much as you to spend my time with Rachelle, but you don’t see me going off and missing out and let me tell you I would rather hang out in her room then hang out with a bunch of leeches.” I stared at Paul.

-”One…I wasn’t talking to you. Two, I don’t even want to think about what you and my sister do and three, I can’t see her that often anymore remember?” I practically growled the last reason at him. I turned back to look at Sam and I could see him thinking about it before he sighed.

-”Fine, but Paul here will have to teach you what we learned.” I groaned and Paul smirk. Great, having to listen and get pushed around by Paul, just what I needed.

-”Fine.” I groaned. Paul’s smirk grew.

-”Great. Can’t wait to kick your a…”

“Enough Paul, let’s go.” Sam interrupted him.

-”Fine. Later.” he turned to leave, but looked over his shoulder. “What ever you do, make sure to be safe!” he grinned and I just felt my face getting warmer. I quickly shook off the comment and ran quickly to where she told me to. I didn’t even bother to change into my wolf form, I ran as a human. When the border line was close I stopped and waited on my side of it, looking towards the other side for any sign of her. After waiting about thirty minutes I was beginning to worry and sat down, wondering where she could be. I knocked out. I guess I hadn’t realized just how tired I had been lately. I had a nice dream too. Violet was there and me and her were living in this cottage home out in the woods with ten little kids running around the place. I unfortunately didn’t get to enjoy it much though because I was woken up by a strange noise. I looked around myself and heard nothing, but then it came again. Branches were rustling around me, I stood up and crouched down, sniffing the air.

-”Ow! Damn it!” I turned and saw Vie rubbing her forehead, a big red mark on it. “Oh! Sorry.” she said, rubbing her forehead. “Did I scare you?” I walked over to her and pecked her lips before checking out her head. She laughed. “I actually hit myself on a tree branch” she said, her cheeks tinted pink. I just smiled and shook my head. I grabbed her in my arms and hugged her.

-”I missed you.” I whispered to her.

-”You saw me not that long ago!” she exclaimed laughing.

-”Too long ago.” I complained and heard her sigh.

-”I know.” she looked sad too. It was comforting to see that she missed me just as much as I had her and that made me smile. “But…” she had a sexy mischievous grin on her face and I rose a brow at it.

-”But what?” I asked

-”My family’s going hunting tomorrow, to get ready for what’s going on with the fight. They need to keep up their strengths.” I scoffed and she gave me a sad look. I mouthed an apology and asked for her to continue. “So…as I was saying, tomorrow and after we get to hang out! During the day!” she seemed so excited.

-”That’s great!” Then it hit me, “Wait, your brother’s going to watch us isn’t he?” She smiled bigger and I was hoping for good news.

-”Nuh-uh! He’s going to hunt too! I told him that I was going to stay and look up things to buy since I can’t go out and that I wanted to be alone. I’m mad at him, so he believed it!” she was grinning like a little kid and I pecked her lips.

-”Great! So at what time?” she thought about it, trying to remember.

-”We have from four to…..seven…I think.. No wait! Until six thirty, just to be safe.” she looked over at me “So…what do you want to do tomorrow?” she asked. “Or do you have other plans?” her face fell.

-”Nope. Even if I did, none of them could be more important than you.” Damn I remember making fun of the guys for being this corny, but it just came naturally. Well, at least she appreciated it because she gave me a nice long passionate kiss afterwards. I was about to pull away, when I remembered that we weren’t under her leech’s surveillance. Instead, I got into it. I grabbed her by the waist and lifted her up and she got the message. She wrapped her legs around my waist and I pinned her to a tree. Finally after at least 2 hours of making out and somehow making our way to the ground she pulled back.

-”What…what time is it?” she asked, face red and out of breath.

-”Not sure. Not exactly a smart thing to let a werewolf have a cell phone while patrolling. “ I told her tugging at my cut off shorts. She laughed and dug into her front pocket, lifting out a cell.

-”Damn!” she somehow managed to get out from under me.


-”It’s 3:30! They should be finishing up about now! I ..I have to go.” I pouted. “I know, I know! I’m sorry, but we have tomorrow remember?” I smiled it fell when I noticed her turning around to leave.

-”Hey? Aren’t you forgetting anything?” she looked at me puzzled and I tapped at my lips, which caused her to grin. She came over and gave me a hug and a kiss. “Bye.” I whispered, nuzzling her neck one last time.

-”bye.” she spoke up sadly. We gave off the best smiles we could muster, but we had tomorrow at least. ‘More like today‘, I thought as I could already see that the moon was getting ready to go down.

~Violet’s Point Of View~

I had made it just in time to get home, and mask my scent then spread it around the room so it seemed like I’d been home all day. I even put in a movie in the living room and acted like I fell asleep watching it. Of course I had to let the vampire side of me come to because I couldn’t let Eddy read my thought…oops! I mean Edward, couldn’t let Edward read my thoughts. I felt someone try to pick me up, but instead opened my eyes, it was Edward.

-”Did I wake you?”

-”No.” I hissed and pushed away his hands. “I can get to bed myself. Or what? Do I need a sitter for that too?” I replied, grumpily. This time however, when my head hit the pillow I was out like a bulb and had sweet dreams of me and Jacob’s “date”, if you could call it that, tomorrow.

~Next Day~

I looked to the clock, the letters read noon and I shot out of bed and to my walk in closet.

-”Alice!” I called out and she was there in an instant.

-”Yesssss!!!” she sang out .

-”Um…I….I saw these really nice shoes that would match my dress you bought me….do you think you could talk to Edward into letting me go?” She was already nodding her head when she stopped, having a vision. I saw it in her head.

-”No.” spoke up Edward from the door. I pouted and looked to Alice.

-”Doesn’t matter if you say so or not! Alice is coming with me!”
-”I am?”

-”She is?” they asked together. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a hold of Alice’s arm.

-”Yup! We’re going shopping!” I smiled and Alice grinned, jumping with joy before leaving to get her yellow Porche.

-”Why the change? You hate shopping.” he looked at me questioning me with his eyes.

-”I do not! I just don’t like it when she knows what she’s getting me and won’t let me buy what I want, but my future is bright and I’m buying those shoes.” half lie there, I did want those shoes. I thought up that lie after Jacob left my room yesterday.

-”Now, is this store anywhere near la Push?” he glared and I did too.

-”No! It’s in Port Angels .” I put my hands on my hips as I told him matter of fact.

-”Fine. We leave at four, so get home before then.” ok, that wasn’t what I had expected, future just dimmed.

-”but that’s not enough time! Give me until 7 at least!” I was pushing my luck there, but hey.




-”6, then?!”

-”4” he shook his head.

-”Fine! 5:30 then!” again he shook his head. “Fine but I’m staying until 5 an hour more at least!” I told him, stomping my foot and turning to let him know the discussion was over. I just needed for them to leave the home, which meant Alice needed to leave as well. That way I could just stay and they’d never notice I’d left!

-”Fine.” he said simply.

-”Fine?” I asked, dumfounded.

-”Fine.” he said as he left. I was smiling and jumping. Yes! That meant he wouldn’t have time to check on me since Alice could run back home! Ha! Turned the tables on him, yes I did! I was doing a little cabbage patch dance in my head.

-”Violet!” Alice called from bellow. I laughed.

-”Alice! At least give me time to shower and dress!” I told her laughingly and she frowned before sighing. She was so happy that I was finally going to let her drag me into her domain, her house, her area of expertise.

-”Oh fine, but hurry up!” she called before dashing out the door again to turn off her baby. I quickly got my attire and ran into the shower. When I was done and ready I ran out the door, bag and phone in hand. I hopped into the car and Alice was there in an instant. “So? We’re out of ear shot, you know? What really brought on this change?” Alice looked at me suspiciously.

-”Nothing, I just really wanted to buy something.” she just rolled her eyes.

-”DO you really think I’m so incompetent that I wouldn’t catch on to the fact that your not even trying to cover up your future from me, but coincidentally when I try to look into it it’s nothing but a black void?” it was a rhetorical question, but I answered anyways.

-”I don’t know. Perhaps I no longer have to try as much. My gifts have been improving, haven’t you noticed?”

-”Oh I’ve noticed! Goodness, I’m sure the whole family has, but the question still is, can you handle them all? Some can really be a burden Violette and Edward’s right, you just aren’t always prepared to undertake such a bur…” I stopped her with a loud, exasperated sigh.

-”You sound like him now, Alice. I don’t need to be checked on or anything like that. I have things under control.” she was going to add on something, but I stopped her. “And Edward’s little thought of looking after seems more like surveillance. I’m a prisoner in my own home to the point where it’s no longer home sweet home, but more like a slaughter house where your slowly taking my spirits piece by piece, mind you. And be sure to think about that next time your with Edward.” I huffed.

-”Is that so?” she had an amused look on her face and then imitated a laugh, what she had to say next shocked me. “You humans really can be oblivious sometimes.” my mouth dropped.

-”I.Am.No.Human.” I said every word slowly. “And what prey tell am I oblivious of Alice Cullen?” she just shook her head.

-”Edward’s just worried Violette! The Volturi are coming, do you have any idea of what could have happened if they saw you sauntering around with a werewolf?! They think you a vampire. You have to use that pretty little head of your sometimes young lady.” she scolded me. My eyes were just wide open from the shock.

-”I forgot about that….” I let my sentence trail off.

-”You forgot? Really?” she was looking at me and driving at the same time and at the speed she was going I didn’t exactly think that was such a good idea. “You can’t forget these types of things. Now….” she was calm again, almost shy which was strange considering this was Alice we were talking about. “what have you really done with Jacob.” she said it so calmly, so nonchalantly.

-”Ugh! Nothing Alice!” she just looked at me sadly, she didn’t believe me. “Honest Alice, I haven’t.” I whispered. “I’m too scared.”

-”Why is that?” I didn’t answer and just leaned against the open window letting the wind hit my face and head. “Violette?” I saw the sign welcoming us to Port Angels.

-”We’re here.” I whispered to her. I couldn’t tell her the real reason I was scared, the reason why everyone was scared too. So scared that they all agreed to lie to Jacob. I wasn’t a human, I wasn’t a vampire I wasn’t an elf or a nymph or anything else. I was a hybrid and it didn’t matter if there was human in me or anything else because the only thing that would go against me and Jacob being together was that I was a vampire. How would he act if he found out? I sounded like a broken record player. Always going back to the same thoughts over and over again. It was just that I was so worried about what a future by my side would really bring him. The Volturi would kill him or anything that came from our love.

-”Cheer up. Come on now we only have so much time!” Alice had me smiling again, her chipper mood was just contagious.

-”Okay, come on! I think I saw the store in this direction.” I pulled her along. Sooner or later it was time for Alice to leave and she turned to look at me.

-”Ok, rules. I know Edward will get me if I don’t so pop quiz!” I rolled my eyes.

-”What time are you supposed to be at home?” I pretended to think about it.

-”Um….10?” she glared and I laughed. “Kidding! 5:30.” she nodded, still slightly glaring and not liking my joke.

-”Where are you supposed to be between now and then?”

-”Here at Port Angels.” I said in a dull, tired voice.

-”Who are you supposed to be with?”

-”No one….by myself.” I said sadly to add affect.

-”Now the most important one, well its more of a warning.” I nodded. “You hurt my baby and we’re going to have ourselves a problem young lady.” she warned pointing her freshly manicured finger at me. I just smiled and nodded.

-”It’s not like I’m going racing in it Alice!” I said laughing. “Now go!” I began to push her.

-”Yes well I know just how you can be at times Vie, don’t let me find a single smudge on that car.” she warned trying to fight against me. I was too busy smiling at the fact that she too had adopted the name that the pack had given me.

-”Of course Alice, not a print!” I rose my right hand, sealing out so-called oath. “No get child!” she just nodded and I saw her begin to walk off where she’d be unseen before I heard her run off with blinding speed.

I was smart though, either that or just too paranoid. I knew I should wait before calling Jacob and giving him the ok. Edward could be anywhere near here or Alice was probably through ear shot and I’m sure Edward may be old school, but I never knew if he’d think about bugging a phone. Ok the last one was a bit stupid, but I was just looking to make sure everything was perfect, nothing to ruin mine and Jacob’s time. I quickly made it to the car and through my bags in there before walking off to the closest café and pulling out my phone. I texted him and told him to meet me as soon as he could and now I waited.

-”Excuse me Miss, can I take your order?” I grinned and turned to look at Jacob who was grinning. Immediately I wanted to laugh. It was sprinkling outside and Jacob was wearing a sweater and jeans it was easy to see that he was uncomfortable.

-”Well, don’t you look normal.” I told him. He just looked at his sweater.

-”Not funny. It’s so hot in this thing man.” he said pulling at it.

-”Than take it off.” I suggested like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

-”I can’t, it’s raining outside!”

-”Who cares! It’s barely even sprinkling! I’m not wearing a jacket. Oh wait… I did bring an umbrella though…..” he looked at me in an ‘of course you did’ type of way before he seated himself in front of me. “Hey! It’s the perks of living in my house! Alice’s visions are quite helpful!” he just rose his lips in disgust and I frowned.

-”So? What do we do now?” he asked, taking hold of my hands from across the table.

-”Well, how about you give me proper greeting?” I told him. He just smirked and leaned over across the table towards me before giving me a long gentle kiss. When he pulled back he was smirking and I was smiling. I could see a few girls behind him who had enjoyed the view a little too much and frowned.

-”How was that?” I was too busy trying not to death glare the girls who were glaring at me. “What? What’s wrong?” he turned to look behind him and I saw a girl wink at him. “Oh!” he extended the word before getting up and taking me with him. Jacob wrapped his arm around my shoulders and as we passed those girls he planted a kiss at the base of my neck. When we were outside he just went back to holding my hand. “See? Now why so jealous?” he was smirking!

-”I wasn’t jealous.” I mumbled, my lips rising to a pout.

-”Hey! I’m just saying it looked like it to me.” I just mumbled a few incoherent words and looked away, the pink tingeing my cheeks as I blushed. He placed another kiss on my temple before he spoke again. “Hey at least you know how I feel when other guys look at you. I mean just when we burly met all the guys thoughts were about you! I had a hard time trying to control myself, believe me. Now only imagine if I could read the thoughts of that guy looking at you right there?” he discreetly showed me which guy, but it wasn’t hard to find since his buddies turned to look too. One even winked at me! “Shit! If I could have read their minds I’m sure I would have killed one of them by now.” he muttered in a tense town as he brought me closer to him again as he swung his arm around me.

-”Trust me their thoughts aren’t pretty.” I shivered, just remembering when I first went into high school. Every year it was the same, the girls hated me and their thoughts were about the nearest way to ‘exterminate me’ or to get me kicked out. The guys though, now those were vulgar thoughts, but each year it seems guys get more perverted each year.

-”huh?” we had stopped and my eyes widened realizing what I had just said. “What do you mean? You can read thoughts too?” he asked in a loud whisper. I just rolled my eyes nodding. I pulled him to a near by bench outside a shop. “Ok… I…what ….else can you do?” he asked slowly.

-”The same things my family can…..and more.” I added slowly.

-”More?” I just nodded. “Like what?” I just scratched the back of my head, I wanted to direct ourselves away from this conversation.

-”Just…stuff. Can we…not talk about this? I just wanted to hang out and well…. This seems more like an interview.”

-”It’s not an interview, I’m just interested in what you are. I mean I’ve only ever known a leech…I mean vampire.,” he corrected himself on his own, impressive, “to be able to do those kinds of things. I was just thinking about what you could be.” I looked at him as if telling him ‘I’m waiting’ “Ok..um an elf?” he suggested and I laughed.

-”Ok! I know I’m pretty short compared to you, but I’d like to think I’m of average height Mr. I’m so Tall and huge!” ok that was childish.

-”Ok…I don’t know…a witch?” I gave him a ‘you have got to be kidding face.

-”Sorry, no warts, no vu-do, no magic, no spells, next.” he was thinking again, I peaked into his thoughts. He was trying to rule off all the ones he’d think would offend me like the elf and witch one even though I probably was being a bit of a stereotype.

-”A fairy?” well I don’t glitter, I sparkle and well not me really only when I try to do that stupid thing and turn vampire. Not happening ever again, by the way. I just shook my head.

-”I don’t sparkle or shine or glimmer or anything” I told him and I heard him mutter a thank god, most likely knowing how vampires are in direct sunlight. I inwardly sighed.

-”An angel maybe?” I just stood quiet. No my mother was an angel, my father was…..a monster. I looked away.

-”I’m not an angel either, Jake.” I whispered.

-”Hey, hey what’s wrong?” he pulled me into his arms and I whipped away a few stray tears.

-”I’m sorry, I was just thinking about my mom.” I told him

-”Ugh! I’m sorry baby. I’m waiting out time and making you sad. Come on.” he stood up and pulled me with him, I thudded against his hard chest.

-”Where we going?”

-”To the best ice cream place ever.”

-”Jacob…it’s raining…and it’s cold.” I said as we had to walk along the stores as to not get pelted by the rain.

-”It’ll calm down! Besides I’m kind of hot anyways.”

-”Talk about toot your own horn Jacob Black”

-”haha, very funny. I meant I’m not too happy with wearing these stupid long ass jeans and this sweater!” he began to pull me to the store. We got there and surprisingly we weren’t the only crazy people getting ice cream. It was cutely decorated with bright fruit painted on the walls and a few rainbows and clouds and a big bright sun. Kind of fruity, but what do you expect at a ice cream shop. There were a few tables inside and outside the shop as well. “Um..hey let me get a three scoop double chocolate please and…. What do you want babe?” I looked over the flavors and smiled.

-”Recess flavored.” I said pointing to it.

-”And a three scoop Recess flavored please.” he told the lady and paid her while she got Jacob’s first.

-”Three?! I am not finishing that Jacob.” I said laughing.

-”S’ok. What you don’t finish I’ll finish.” he said grinning.

-”I had a feeling you’d say that.” we got our ice creams and walked to the tables. Jacob finished his in no time and proceeded to help finish mine off. We were both fighting over it like children when I accidently got some on his cheek. I laughed, but leaned in to kiss it off. I licked my lips to remove the rest and he just watched the whole time. I blushed. He leaned in and gave me a long passionate kiss. I think it got soo bad some lady had to clear her throat because there were kids watching. I blushed and Jacob stood up to leave. We just walked around now, the rain cleared up too. We spent the rest of the time talking and kissing the whole time. It was childishly romantic. I imagined that this would have been my first date had I first been thirteen , but it was just so, so cute and so…Jacob. My phone buzzed and it showed a clock hopping around.

-”You have to go?” Jacob asked as I sat on his lap in the small amount of sun we had found. I just nodded my head and he stood up. “Bye.” he whispered softly before capturing my lips in his. We made out for what felt like eternity, but was only five minutes.

-”Bye. Same time tomorrow ‘kay?” he nodded and intertwined his hand in mine.

-”I’ll walk you to your car at least.” I nodded and once we got to Alice’s Porche, Jacob made a face. “Sorry, just the smell…” he pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head.

-”Bye.” I told him and kissed his lips gently before pulling away.

-”See you later,” he grinned and I just got in before I started crying and drove off. I really hate Edward.

Easy to say that it was a perfectly executed plan, except that they had come a few minutes earlier. Thankfully so had I. I even plopped myself down on my computer and opened up a whole bunch of tabs acting like if I was looking up stuff all day and had my stereo on. Edward just surveyed the whole house, checking to see if any unwanted scent was there and then checked around my room to see if I smelt like Jacob, but I had already taken a quick shower.

-”You showered?” asked Edward.

-”Yes Edward, that’s what people do when they stink.” I told him

-”You were with the mutt weren’t you? He growled.

-”No. It happened to rain and I don’t want to get sick before the fight.” I told him, never once looking up from my computer. I never did pay mind to him so eventually he just left.

-”So did you find what you were looking for?” asked Alice, Jasper’s arm tightly wounded around her waist.

-”Some, but not what I was looking for. Can we go back again.?” Jasper was looking at me funny, I think I was still to happy with my time with Jacob I tried my best to stop his powers on me.

-”Why so eager to go back?” Jazz asked with an eyebrow raised.

-”Did Edward put you up to the interrogation Jazz?”

-”No. I was just curious.”

-”Curiosity killed the cat.”

-”YOu ought to know.” he laughed and I pouted.

-”What is that suppose to mean Jasper?” I crossed my arms.

-”Nothing Vie, now come on Jazz. I’m sure she’s tired.” They each winked at me. Did they know something?

The next morning I woke up incredibly early, even for me. I heard the door slam open and shut. Edward was fuming and I had no idea why. They hasd just gotten back from their practice session with the wolves, I hoped everything was ok. I quickly looked at the clock and it read five am. No wonder the sun wasn’t even up yet, sun rise was just around the corner though. My brothers and sisters and even my parents tried to calm Edward down. He looked up at the stairs to where I was and he ran to me. I wasn’t afraid and if he was trying to be intimidating, I didn’t stand down.

-”Where you. With. That Mutt?” Edward asked slowly, venomously and above all dangerously.

-”No.” I lied, but it was very promising and you would have never guessed I was lying through my teeth.

-”Then why!” Jasper calmed Edward down and his shouts subsided as he took deep, unnecessary breaths. “Then why is it that he hasn’t shown up once since you two weren’t aloud to see each other alone?” I just shrugged and began to turn to walk away.

-”Maybe he’s as mad at you as I am for not letting us be together. I envy him. He gets to walk away from seeing you. I have to put up with you no matter what.” that was a low blow, but he had no right to act the way he was. Edward wasn’t happy with my departure and followed me to my room.

-”I wasn’t done.” he spoke up and shut the door. Downstairs and behind that very door I could tell the others were very worried. They knew both of us were running on very short fuses these days and either one of us was ready to blow, so they were ready to intervene at any given moment. “Why is it that one of the wolves was mad he wasn’t there? Why is it that Jacob gets to call off his duties the day you decide not to come hunting with us?” Again I shrug.

-”What do you want Edward? Are you looking for a reason to fight?!” I was getting angrier. I think I might be the first to blow at this point. “because if you are we both know who’s winning.” I challenged him and he got the point. He growled and I crouched down, hissing, my eyes already that golden tone. ‘Try it.’ I edged him on through our heads. The doors blew open and our family ran in between us both.

-”both of you stop it now.” Carlisle spoke strictly. “This is no way for you two to behave.”

-”Tell him that.” I hissed, looking directly at Edward. Jasper was in front of me in an instant trying to calm me, but I wouldn’t let him. He got the point and went to Edward instead who was now thrashing in Emmett’s arms.

-”Both of you stop!” I stopped. I had never heard Esme yell, until now. “Out of everyone I would expect that the both of you would act more brotherly to one another. I’m very disappointed.” I looked at Esme sadly as she walked out of the room, her hands covering her eyes. Rosalie stepped out to go comfort her.

-”Are the both of you contempt now?” Asked Carlisle as he stepped out of the room too, everyone followed besides me and Edward.

-”We should apologize to her.” we spoke at the same time and we said nothing after. I maneuvered around him and he followed. Esme saw me and looked away sadly, I sighed. “Esme, I’m sorry if we upset you. I, we, should know better by now. Could you forgive me?”

-”She’s right Esme. I’m sorry too.” Esme just nodded, smiling sadly.

-”I just don’t like seeing the both of you arguing like that. One of these days I’m afraid that I’m going to find the two of you heated in a fight and one of you will take things too far.” neither me nor Edward said anything to that only because we think that, that would have happened had Esme and the others not been there. She sighed once more and rubbed at her eyes before standing up. “How about we just go out and play huh? There’s a storm tonight. It’ll be like the old times.” I smiled and Edward looked away.

-”I don’t think that’s such a good idea right now, what with the fight just a couple days away and the practices with the wolves. How about an I.O.U? As soon as we win this fight, I promise.” I wasn’t sure where that came from, but I think we needed some reassurance about everything, her in particular. She just nodded and stood up before disappearing into her and Carlisle’s room.

Things quieted down and we all just did our own thing until it was four again and again I was asked if I would go, I declined and said I would just watch tv. Again I waited for them to leave and about thirty minutes later I ran into the forest to catch the nearest thing I could find. I had caught a small doe, but it was enough and went to bathe. I came out and decided to go walking. Edward would no doubt check the mileage on the car and I didn’t want him to suspect anymore than what he already did. I ran there and it was a lot easier than I thought it’d be. I even got there right as Jacob did, but I almost walked up to him with my normal golden eyes. I calmed myself and felt the cold seep out of my body before I felt entirely human again.

-”Jake!” I called running to him at human speed. He grinned big and opened his arms wide before I threw myself at him. It was a romantic gesture and it reminded me of those movies where the couple runs along the beach at each other and the guy picks up the girl and twirls her. It was just like that. Minus the beach. Oh, and minus the twirling. He hugged me tightly to his body and kissed my lips hungrily. I even felt his tongue ask for entrance and I let him in. I felt it snake in before letting his tongue dance across my bottom lip once more. We made out right there, but I could feel the pedestrians eyes on us and I pulled away to see people giving us dirty looks. My cheeks turned bright red from embarrassment, but Jacob didn’t seem to even notice, nonetheless care.

-”Mmm. That was some greeting,” he said licking his lips. I pushed him lightly and then he just laughed before extending his hand to me. I locked our hands together and we just walked around the shops. I had passed by this store, an auto repair shop, that had a lot of appliances for cars and stuff. I noticed that anytime we’d stop by one, Jacob would try and peak in. Finally I stopped.

-”What are you looking for?” I asked, he looked confused so I continued. “In the garage shops.” I told him,

-”Oh! Nothing, just this part for my car, I’m trying to put a few more stuff into it.” he said, smiling. He really loved that car.

-”What stuff? I thought you already finished it?” I pressed on.

-”I did, but I guess I can’t help, but want to keep improving it.” he just shrugged. I tugged at his hand, and moved us towards the shop. “Where we going?” he asked, as I pulled him along for once.

-”To the shop.” I said like it was nothing.

-”What for? I don’t have enough money for car parts and stuff like that Violet, let’s go,” but it was too late. We were already at the door. He tugged on my hand. “Come on.” I slipped out a card and showed it to him, while I looked around. It was my credit card.

-”it’s ok, I’ve got money too.” I turned to him smiling, “Buy whatever you want.” He frowned and sighed.

-”Look, I don’t want you buying me stuff okay? It doesn’t work like that. I’m suppose to be buying you stuff, not the other way around.” he ran his hand through his growing hair.

-”Why not? Woman today are very independent you know?” he opened his mouth to speak, and most likely still object to my offer, but I cut him off. “Nope, not one word.” I rose a finger towards his lips, silencing him again. “Besides, don’t consider it as wasting my money…” I was thinking quickly as I could and I thought of something that would get him to agree. “Consider it as…..getting Edward back. It’s his cash.” I just shrugged and rolled my eyes. It wasn’t true, but he didn’t need to know that.

-”Then why does it have your name on it?” he asked, raising an eyebrow and pointing to the lettering on the small piece of plastic.

-”Because.” I rolled my eyes, and could only imagine how idiotic I looked trying to come up with a solution that he knew was false. “Because Edward got it for me in case of emergencies and since I’m mad at him, again, I say this is as good enough a reason.” he looked skeptical, but nodded.

-”So we get to max out your brothers credit card huh?” ‘Good luck doing that.’ I thought ion my head. I had a ton of money in there from past decades of winning lotteries or working or gambling for that matter! When you can see into the future, though, casinos and Vegas just isn’t that fun anymore. Although, they do come in handy when your on a budget! I nodded my head at Jacob. “Ok, then let’s go.” Jacob sure looked like he was having a good time while he went through isle after isle of accessories for his car. He even bought it new leather seats and everything! Now, I’m not so fluent on car talk, so I had no idea what he and the sails clerk were talking about, but I knew what he meant when he said the total parts would be two thousand dollars. Like I said though, I had a lot of cash and didn’t care. I had no need for materialistic things and seeing the smile on Jacob’s face was enough. We bought the stuff, and ordered them, and left to his car. We walked a little while away and left the things there. We were on our way back to the ice cream shop when I felt my phone vibrate.

-”That’s weird.” I said, looking through my bag for it.

-”What?” asked Jacob as we stopped.

-”My alarms off.” I told him, I still couldn’t find it within all the clutter in my bag.

-”What? It’s still…” he took out his phone easily from his front pocket, “5:15. We got like fifteen more minutes left.”

-”I got it.” I knit my brows together in confusion as I noticed the in coming call sign on the front and Edward’s picture on it. “Shit! It’s Edward! Shhh!” I shut him up, even though he didn’t say anything. “Hey Eddy? What happened?” I called out, making sure my voice led no trace of my emotions.

-”Hm…nothing. Where are you at?” My eyes were huge.

-”No where….why?” I asked.

-”You not home, so it can’t be no where, Violette.” Jacob could hear too and I heard him cuss lightly.

-”um…No. it is no where. Um…I’m at Port Angeles. Didn’t I tell you?” I played dumb, good! Nice going Violette! You could still get yourself out of this one yet!

-”Oh...No you didn’t tell me.” he was much too calm. “So, who you there with?” Jacob tensed, and I saw him sniff the air.

-”With no one.” I poke up. I saw Jacob tense more and he pulled me to him.

-”Really? Then I’m sure Jacob would like to know about that man holding onto you huh?” I followed Jacob’s gaze as he growled. Shit. “Don’t even say a thing, Violette Elizebeth.” I heard the phone snap shut even from where I stood. I saw Edward approaching with a very sad looking Alice. She looked like she was trying to calm him down, and would pull on his sleeves, but he wouldn’t budge. He just marched on towards us, looking like he was ready to explode. I heard Jacob growl when Edward finally approached us. I saw his chest inflate and he hissed, Jacob did the same thing. This would not end well.