Status: Will be updated every once in a while!

Memories of the Heart

Rishiri Island


The boy started to come back. Not to the place that he thought the voice told him that he was going to come to, if he followed the instructions. William conquered his fear and tried looking with his heart. William returned back to the island. Rishiri Island.

William sat uder a shady palm tree, apparently sleeping. He looked up to see a girl towering over him. Her blonde hair danced with the gentle breeze. Here eyes were as blue as the immense ocean that cut them off from the rest of the world.

"Will! I've been looking everywhere for you, you lazy bum!" she said with a smile, "Kelly and I have been waiting for you!"

William continued to look into her eyes. Then, he looked up to see coconuts in the tree. It made sense now. "I know I was trying to get a coconut that Kelly's parents asked me to get."

The girl walked away from William and closer to the ocean. She picked up something hairy and brown from the sand. "I'm not a genious or anything, but I think this had something to do with it," she joked. She started to brush off the sand from the coconut.

"Faith," William called, "how long have you two been waiting?"

"About two hours. Kelly's parents were waiting for that milk."

William stood up and started brushing off the dirt from his clothes. Faith approach William with the coconut in her hands. "Are we still going to go through with it?"

William redirected his attention from his pants to Faith. "Are you kidding me? Yeah, we are still going through with the plan."

"But Kelly's parents still don't know yet. Kelly hasn't told them.

William placed his hand on her shoulder. "Everything is going to be alright, as long as we stick to the plan, understand.

Faith hesitated, but willingly gave in. "Alright, understood." Then a smile reappeared on her face once again.

"Well, better get going, Kelly and her parents might be worried. See ya, Will."

Faith left and when through the a door that lead to the housing on the island. Will, he thought, how childish. Faith was the only person on the island who called him Will. William prefered his whole name. William did not know what to do next.

He started to talk to himself.

"Are we ready for Friday?" he asked.

William stared at the endless sea. It was a clear blue color. There was no pollution around them. Treachery never reached its shores. Only peace and quiet ws apart of the island. And William hated it.

"Its all ready," he answed himself, "I've checked it about a hundred times today."

William just wanted to get away from it all. From the endless sea. From the quiet and peace. He wanted to enter the real world beyond this sea. They all are going to have their chance.

"It wouldn't hurt to check again," he stated to himself.

He looked out to the sea once more and seen something gray in the vast blue sky.

"Looks like a storm. Better check fast."

William dashed to their secret hideout, in hopes to get inside befor the storm.
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Rishiri Island - A island apart of Japan
Faith - Faithful
Kelly - Warrior