Take Off Your Colours


Zacky and I waited outside the school for Ilona. She promised to pick us up right after school, as we were having a "band meeting" aka getting pre-drunk, and then heading out to a party.
"Jesus fucking Christ my sister is always late." Zacky grumbled, taking a final drag from his cigarette and stomping on it. I laughed, and followed suit with my smoke. It had been a few weeks since Ilona and I had our deep conversation at ihop, and everyday I craved more of her. I had hardly seen her since that night, due to a disgusting amount of homework, a disgusting step-mother, and a very pissed off father. Suddenly, loud music pulled me from my thoughts of the fight my dad and I had yesterday. Ilona's beat up car pulled up in front of Zacky and i, blasting old school rap. I smiled, and followed Zacky into the backseat of the car.
"Hey booooys, sorry I'm late, I had some shit to do first." She said, lighting up a cigarette and speeding away from the school.
"How was school?" Ilona cried, turning down the music. "Same old shit." Zacky muttered, looking out the window. She glanced at me in the review mirror and rolled her eyes, smirking. "and you, Bri?" "It was alright. Nothing special!" I smiled, trying to start a conversation. "When is school special?" She said, laughing. We pulled into their driveway and headed inside. The house was empty, as per usual. Ilona headed straight to the kitchen, grabbing three beers, and a bag of chips. She motioned us to follow her upstairs. Zacky lay down on his bed, and I took a seat next to him. "Sooo, what time is this band practice?" Ilona said, slightly mocking our "band meeting" "5! then we're gonna go to the party at 7, k?" Zacky said, opening his beer. Ilona nodded, and glanced at the alarm clock on her dresser. "It's almost four now, so I'm gonna get ready now so I can hang out with you guyssss!" Zacky rolled his eyes and nodded. Ilona started shifting through her closet and pulled out clothes. She left the room and came back quickly, wearing high waisted black shorts, and a loose big button up long sleeve shirt tucked in. Her waist and her hips were accentuated amazingly and i almost drooled looking at her. She smiled a bit, and faced the mirror, frowning slightly and turning back to her closet. I figured it was now or never. "You're not going to wear that?" I asked, my jaw almost on the floor. She shook her head. "I look huuuge. ughh." She sighed. I couldn't hold it in anymore. "Ilona, you look so fucking sexy!" I cried. Zacky choked on the sip of beer he was taking, and Ilona stopped rifling through her closet, and turned to me. I could see her, for the first time, blush. "Really?" She whispered. Then it was my turn to blush, as I nodded my head.
"Ew for fucks sake, Brian!" Zacky cried. "Shh, Zack, Brian's being nice!" Ilona smiled and turned back to the mirror. "Maybe I will wear this then." She said, smoothing out her shirt. She fixed her hair and applied some simple make-up, which I was in love with. She wasn't one of those girls who caked on make-up like there was no tomorrow, she just merely accented what she already had.
There was a knock at the front door, and Zack and I headed downstairs to open the door. Jimmy and Matt burst in the door with two cases of beer and a bottle of rum.
"Tonight's gonna be great!" Ilona cried, running down the stairs to give hugs. I couldn't help but smile and prayed that her words would be true.
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omgg im baaaack