Status: Carosel (by Blink-182) is a Bitch to play on bass.....

Mirror Image

Thrown Out

When Mai finally woke up it was about 10:20. She sat up in bed and yawned. There was no actual plan to go down stairs till her mother called.
"Mai! Get down here now!" Her mother yelled. She sighed but got up anyway. She knew if her mom was kept waiting she would get pissed. Quickly, she ran a hand through her disheveled hair, and walked down the stairs.
"There you are! Do you know how long I've been calling you?"
"Not long enough apparently" Mai mumbled. "Or loud enough"
"Don't you get an attitude with me!"
With her voice monotone and face showing no emotion Mai replied.
"Who said I was?" She told her mom. A low growl came from her mother making her smirk.
"You know I can kick you out anytime." She threatened.
"Go ahead. I'll go pack my stuff. Unlike you, I have a JOB and extra MONEY." Mai said dodging the coffee cup her, now growling mother threw at her, missing Mai's head by mere inches. Mai grinned and started up the stairs. Then she thought of something that made her stop and turn to face her furious mother.
"You know, Kathy, throwing your second cup of coffee at someone is not a good way to get rid of a hangover." She said. Then, turning around, she headed up to pack.

♠ ♠ ♠
This was longer on paper....