Status: DONE!

Mess of Fading Lines

Not Knowing And Now.

After everything had died down, I excused myself to the bedroom John and I had slept in last time, feeling completely drained. I dug through my bag and extracted a pair of boxers and a giant t-shirt that I had no idea I had or how I came into possession of it. I changed quickly, then put everything back into the bag and crawled under the covers wanting this night to be over.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm all my thoughts racing about John and Andrew and Vito, although that didn't look promising. I felt my heart racing out of control. I took another deep breath and tried to just slow everything down around me. Soon, I was almost asleep, with the breathing exercises my yoga instructor taught me finally coming into use. I heard the door open and I felt my heart start racing again.

"Yeah, yeah, goodnight," John spoke softly aware that there was someone sleeping in the room he was entering. I heard someone say something I couldn't hear completely enough to depict words. I sat up feeling too jittery to sleep, right as John turned and he seemed panic stricken, "Oh shit, did I wake you up?"

"No," I laughed shaking my head, extremely amused that he was so concerned. "I can't sleep," I explained hugging my knees to my chest they were still covered by the blankets. His stare relaxed into a smile and he flipped on the light, which shocked my eyes until they adjusted.

"Well in that case, we should watch a movie!" He grinned excitedly before closing the door and peeling off his shirt, which I was slightly surprised at. I stared at his chest until I reminded myself to look at his face and smiled innocently. I checked my phone just to avoid eye contact.

"Sure, what movie do you wanna watch?" I asked after pretending to text someone, but really just checking my twitter. I noticed his smirk at my chest and I tilted my head wondering if he was checking out my boobs or my shirt. "Hello?" I asked sarcastically before waving my hand back and forth he looked up smiling.

"That's a Tom Petty shirt," He pointed bringing his hand up, making him seem so much more juvenile.

"Yes, it is," I smiled condescendingly, feeling a blush creep onto my cheeks. Not from embarrassment, but he was cute when he was this giddy. I turned my body to unearth my legs from the covers and face him.

"I love Tom Petty! He's like one of my inspirations for music," John gushed, not losing an ounce of his enthusiasm. I smirked realizing it was my dad's shirt from the 70s, you could tell the way the blue sleeves were worn to a dull bluish-gray and the print on the white front had faded.

"No way, I was raised on Tom Petty," I smiled brightly. "Are you serious right now? Every other person I've tried to talk to about him just asks 'who'!" I sat up straight wondering why we'd never talked about music before. I had assumed that he just listened to radio shit since that's what we listened to in his car.

"Seriously! That's so crazy," John grinned before snapping out of the moment and changing the subject, still standing slightly awkwardly shirtless in the middle of the room. "So what movie did you wanna watch?" He asked before grabbing a pair plaid pajama pants.

"Uh, what were the options again?" I asked climbing out of bed to see the stack of three movies he'd left atop the television after we watched Zoolander. I turned around to consult with him and saw him pulling his plaid pants up over grey boxer briefs. I couldn't help but blush and let out a short laugh.

"There's some more movies out in the 'entertainment room'," John laughed bringing up his fingers to make quotation marks. I was glad he decided to ignore that awkward moment and carry on. It was more mature than would expect from him, but at this point all my expectations from this boy were futile.

"Covert mission?" I asked bringing an eyebrow up to match the smirk on my lips. He laughed and nodded as we trekked across the beige carpet I stopped at the door, making him run into me. "You suck at being ninja-like," I laughed before opening the door a crack.

"What? How dare you insult my ninja skills!" John gasped sounding over dramatically upset. I giggled before swinging the door open and making my way through the dark room only able to see from the light that poured out of the bedroom.

"I call it like I see it, bud," I said in a lowered voice, which only seemed appropriate in a dark house in the middle of the night. We crouched down next to a cabinet containing DVDs and I brought my phone up to the cases, using the light to see. Instead of seeing actual movies I read titles including "Naughty Nurses 9", "Backdoor Sluts" and "Star Wars: Return of the Nymphos" I burst out laughing and turned to John expecting an explanation.

"Hey, I don't live here," He chuckled before pointing to the Star Wars pun porno, "I prefer Revenge of the Sins." I laughed louder than I should have before looking at him with a pleased smirk on his face.

"That sounds more like a religious movie, like where the nun gets freaky then gets punished by the pope," I said with a giant grin on my face trying to keep sarcasm in my voice even though I was still laughing. John joined in bringing his phone up so we had double light.

"If y'all are gonna get freaky and watch porn can I please get ear plugs because these walls are paper thin," A voice startled both of us in the darkness, we both turned our phones towards the mysterious voice and saw Andrew with his eyes closed with a blanket covering him. He looked uncomfortable on the couch and I liked that.

"Oh sorry, bro," John apologized for no reason at all, I turned my phone back to the movies and pulled Juno and another movie before walking back into the room as Andrew muttered something back to John, but I was already too far away. John ran across the room and brushed past me holding another movie in his hand as well. "Thanks for leaving me behind," He stated with sarcasm before plopping down on the bed.

"Yeah, I know there was no way you could get out of there alive," I laughed while closing the door behind me. I checked the other movie I grabbed and saw it was Pride and Prejudice, I nearly died. I saw that he was holding the Star Wars porn and I laughed even harder, "You would!"

"What!? It's a good cinematic masterpiece," He chuckled trying to justify his choice.

"Oh is it now?" I asked before walking further into the room, John jumped up assuming that I was going for the DVD player. I heard the air conditioning turn on which brought a background of white noise to the room.

"Yes, it is," He nodded affirming it as if it were a solid fact. He cut in front of me and broke out the baby face and I waited to see what was going to come out of his mouth. "Which is why we should watch it, pretty please?" He asked jutting out his bottom lip and adding in some baby talk at the end.

"Alright," I said shortly he seemed taken back and giddy all in the same face, "BUT, we have to watch this movie first," I lifted up Pride and Prejudice up. John's face contorted to show he was thinking hard about the choice that laid in front of him.

"Alright," He narrowed his eyes in suspicion, "but if you fall asleep I get to jack off," He added trying to change the deal to benefit him. My face must have been appalled enough so before I even spoke his shoulders dropped. "Fine, no jacking off," he spoke solemnly.

"Thanks?" I spoke not really sure if he was doing it for me or because my look was that dirty. I turned putting the DVD into the player and set everything up while John got cozied up in the bed. I sighed before running across the room to turn off the light.

The movie started playing at the mixture between the high vocabulary use and the darkness seemed to intensify my fatigue. I heard a voice whisper in my ear "This movie is so boring," I felt the words vibrate all the way down my spine and turned surprised to see John very close to my face. "Just saying," He said defensively.

"You're right, we should just make out instead," I shrugged sounding as non-chalant about it as I possibly could. John's eyes grew wide in surprise as I anticipated they would, I moved the rest of my body towards him giving him my best "seductive" look.

"Seriously?" He asked, so shocked that his voice even went up a little bit. I smile before pressing my lips to his as an answer, he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulling me in closer to him. I parted my lips to deepen the kiss and felt shivers crawl across my skin that made me want to be closer to him.

His tongue traces my bottom lip and I opened my mouth more, throwing a leg up on his hip as his hands wondered my body until they found their way to the bottom hem of my shirt. I smiled as we parted to lift it over my head, John made his way on top of me and kissed my neck while undoing my bra.

I ran my hands over his chest, feeling his muscles contracting as he held himself over me, bringing his lips back to mine and I couldn't help but become enslaved to my whim, which currently wanted him. I played with the hair at the back of his neck as my back curved to him.

"John, do you know where Star Wars is?" Nick walked in flipping on the light causing me to yelp and cling to the sheet as a make-shift top. John seemed just as shocked backing up into the wall, as if adding distance would make us look more innocent. Nick turned to see us shocked and chuckled a little.

"Uh, yeah it's on the TV," John said after clearing his throat. I waved awkwardly not really knowing what to do. I saw Nick's eyes look at the floor as he made his way towards the television and my eyes followed his to see my shirt and bra on the floor. I nearly died of embarrassment.

"Thanks dude, y'all go back to whatever y'all were doing," He chuckled before flicking off the light and muttering "Friends my ass" to himself. I kept my eyes to the ceiling until I heard the door close, after that I finally exhaled feeling a relief wash over me.

"That was embarrassing," John chuckled, all I could do was give him a glare as I redressed my top half and climb back under the covers. "So, where were we?" he smirked leaning back towards me.

"Seriously? That was the biggest mood killer ever and you're still horny?" I asked slightly shocked, but not really given how we met. God, how did I get from there to here? I gave John a quick peck on the cheek before whispering good night to him. He shuffled around for a while until his arm wrapped around my waist and we both fell asleep. Even in my dreams I couldn't escape reality.
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hehe, so i hope y'all liked this
thanks for commenting/reading/subscribing
i really appreciate it! and i do apologize for how long it takes me to update :(
i'm on break so it should get better!