Status: DONE!

Mess of Fading Lines

Expectations & Actuality.

I stared intently at the two different swatches of fabric Lucy was moving each one up and down. I bit my lip seeing no real difference between the two shades of off-white. I looked up desperately at Lucy, trying to find a preference in her eyes, I sighed picking the one on the right and she nodded before skipping off to show what color she had chosen to the dress maker. I collapsed on the sofa next to Garrett and John sighing loudly, the dull pain in my feet for standing for so long pulsating lightly.

"Please kill me," I said sinking into the couch and sticking my legs out straight, I figured it would be okay due to the lack of people walking in Atticus Bridal.

"Seriously, Garrett she's your woman, why am I even here?" John asked groaning his eyes closed and his head back on the sofa. He opened one eye, tilting his head towards us and giving me a slight smirk.

"I don't know, John, you were the one who insisted on coming, so why are you here?" Garrett asked his voice seething with sarcasm and his temper short from the fact we'd been here forever. I felt my hands thin with the cold, my very core seemed to be freezing over, which I preferred to being stuck outside in the 112 degree weather. I let out a low chuckle and turned to see John glaring a hole into Garrett's head. I turned my head and saw a familiar brunette walking in close proximity to a blondish, redhead girl they were laughing and both holding milkshakes.

I couldn't help but smile at them, it was so obvious it was some sort of date by the awareness in both their actions, but relief filled their smiles so I assumed it was going well. I punched Garrett's arm and he instinctively withdrew, his arm darting up to where I hit and I pointed an index finger towards the couple, "Isn't that Kennedy?" I asked.

"It is, weird," Garrett said standing up with John as they chased after him. I stayed seated because frankly I'm not into moving that much. Instead, I adjusted myself to sit up straight and watched through the glass painted with "deals inside". Kennedy introduced them to the redhead girl and after all standing around I saw all of them turn to me and I waved awkwardly. I hate when you can see people looking at you, but you can't tell if its a good look or bad look. Lucy came back with the guy her face flushed and her mouth twisted and my eyes grew wide. She was about to ask me another question about something trivial like napkin colors.

I popped up walking quickly out of the store and joining the small circle forming near the railing. Almost immediately the noise level changed, introducing pre-teens laughing loudly, babies crying and children running around. I couldn't help, but raise my eye brows and look around as I hooked arms with Garrett, who looked at me like I was insane.

"I couldn't do it man, all the colors look exactly the same!" I said over-dramatically flailing my arms, I was tempted to grab his shirt and shake him a little for the sake of drama, but I knew where to draw the line. I saw the red head girl staring at me, I extended a hand and my million dollar smile and chirped, "Hey, I'm Holden!"

"Katie," She said shortly, taking my hand and returning a meek smile. I knew she had to be a little younger, her thin arms wrapped around her midsection, clad with an All Time Low shirt over black skinny jeans. That and her youthful appearance, small black-rimmed glasses around blue eyes and blond streaks under cropped bangs crossing her face.

"Nice to meet you," I said before realizing John and Kennedy had started a conversation of their own, only this one Kennedy seemed apprehensive about while John smiled sadistically, making me worry slightly. That was the naughty John face, I've also come to the conclusion John as two personalities.

"Does he know yet?" John asked, his grin widening on my face, both Katie and I's attention shifted to this conversation, but she seemed to know what was going on. I tilted my head slightly, now getting invested.

"Does who know what yet?" I asked biting my lip as Kennedy looked exhausted of the subject, meanwhile Garrett was chosen as a victim to select the difference between Merry Weather or Sunday Skies, another pair of identical shades of blues. He was dragged back into the store with a disdain on his face that could kill.

"Does Jared know that Kennedy is on a date with his baby sister?" John said, looking a little strained to insert the words to my question's format. I smiled at Katie and Kennedy both of them rolling their eyes and me pointing to the sign growing bored with John's asshole factor.

"Aw, Dear John is out," I smiled pointing to the movie poster hanging from the middle of the mall. Katie gushed how much she loved Channing Tatum and wanted to see it and I knew Lucy was on the same wave length so with a wicked look in my eye I smirked at John, his smile dropping as he realized what I was about to do.

"No," He said trying to beat me to the store as we both accelerated to beat the other out. I shoved an elbow in his gut. Rushing past a bunch of pristine comments before I got to Lucy and he shoved his hand over my mouth right before I was about to ask. "Holden here wants to watch an action movie," John said his hand clutched to my face, I raised my eyebrows and gave him a good ol' glare. I had two options, I could lick his hand or I could kick him in the shins. I chose both. "Ah you bitch!"

"We should go see Dear John!" I said ignoring his comment, as he leaned over nursing his right shin and looking up occasionally to give me a death stare. Lucy immediately got excited and starting jumping around in agreement.

"Frankly, this is boring the shit out of me, I'll call my mom and ask her to handle it," Lucy said leaving the sales associate with her jaw dropped and Lucy grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the bridal store, this was the best moment ever. John came limping out wiping his hand on his jeans with a disgusted look on his face, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Dude, stop being a pussy, I kicked you," I said apart from the conversation, well more of a directions from Lucy saying we were going to the movies now.

"It fucking hurt!" He said a smile on his face saying otherwise. I squinted into his light green eyes forming a skeptical look.

"Poor baby," I jutted my lip out sarcastically before Lucy and I ran off to buy our tickets. Katie and Kennedy sat off by themselves sitting in the top row, I personally didn't want to know what they were doing up there. Lucy and I gushed about how excited we were for Iron Man 2 since we both had things for Robert Downey Jr. Don't judge he may be old, but he's a hottie. John and Garrett came in looking for us, armed with popcorn and drinks they both sat on either side of us.

"Garrett told me you liked Diet Coke," John said handing me a large cup. I looked down at the cold, condensating cup in my hand and smiled, taken back a little.

"Thanks John," I smiled honestly surprised how well this day had gone. Mind you we were still acting like five-year-olds with a grudge, but a nicer version of that. He thanked me quietly as the movie began, the lights dimming and the sound rumbling louder. Five minutes into the movie I felt an arm snake around my shoulder. I looked to my shoulder and the hand firmly planted on it, edging its way closer to my breast. "John, you have three seconds to move your hand before you lose it," I said firmly, gritting my teeth.

"Jesus, calm down," John said retracting his arm back onto the armrest we were sharing both of our hands brushing each other's occasionally. Although I brushed it off I was well aware of his hand. My cheeks flushing with every brush, I was barely paying attention to the movie.

I forced myself to move my hand into my lap and return my attention to the movie before I felt someone staring at me. I turned my head to see John smirking at me. He nodded his head over his left shoulder, I looked over it to see Kennedy and Katie seriously sucking face. Opened my eyes wide, slightly shocked then returned to see John muffling his laughter/reaction to my face.

"At least someone's having a good time," I whispered, John moved in close to hear me over the dramatic music of Amanda Seyfriend's plight, I was now paying no attention to. I felt his proximity on my face and felt another blush, our eyes meeting up close.

"We should probably watch the movie we paid twelve dollars for," I laughed shaking him off and the feelings I harbored for him. I shifted back into my seat and look on the screen before the familiar feeling of someone staring at me was back. I looked at John and tilted my head, whispering, "What?"

"Nothing," He said quietly before returning his eyes to the screen. I felt a drop in my stomach from disappointment . After realizing I was feeling anything towards John, I forced my eyes to the screen. John O'Callaghan was off limits and I was certainly not going anywhere near him if I could help it.
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: )
sorry i've been bad with this story
thanks for reading!