

I suppose living in this fantastic beach house has its downfalls,for every time I gaze down upon the golden sand from the top balcony window, the event that took place there comes rushing back.

When I was seventeen, the extreme sense of being alone that I had been experiencing for a few years like a giant tsunami wave. The option I saw was to run away and escape. It seemed like the perfect answer to my problems.

My parents had worked night-shifts for as long as I could remember. We never did anything as a family, There were no simple picnics in the local park, or the occurance of sitting down to enjoy a rented film on a weekend. If I had a complication in my young life there was no-on to turn to I always felt alone.

Three days after I broke away to my freedom, I decided to take a long relaxing stroll along the beach to collect my thoughts. The water lapped at the shoreline gently, bringing tiny yellow grains of sand into the ocean. It was how a mother should respond to her daughter, holding her tight in her arms. I never experienced that.

Upon the steep, grassy hill sat a tall and pristine-looking lighthouse where my father was employed. Every night, it would send a bright light gleaming at the incoming ships to warn of sharp and jagged rocks. Guidance was not something I was given.

Two figures were slowly approaching, their faces cast out by shadows from the sun setting low behind them. As they eventually came into proper view, I saw that the woman had a welcoming smile, vhatting openly to the man falling into step beside her. They seemed warm and caring; the type of people who would cherish something important to them.

We were around ten metres apart when I spotted the look in her eye. It seemed to be exclaiming one word- why? The answer to that question was simply because I was selfish. I depended on my parents completely to nuture me, and to help me grow, but truthfully, running away from everything only exaggerated my feelings of loneliness and I needed to learn things by myself.

My mother brought me into her chest, stroking my hair as my father held us both in a loving embrace. We exchanged heartfelt apologizes, promising to never leave each other again, and to always be there,

That day. I learnt that I had never really been abandoned
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Just a short-story written in 50 minutes. Hope you enjoyed. :)