Empty Hearts and Empty Places

My entry for the Picture and Lyrics contest. The picture I was given was the one above and the song I was given was "Suicide Season" by Bring Me the Horizon.

Kahlen Anders and Harlow Dutra had been best friends for years. They started dating their freshman year in high school and have been dating ever since. They got engaged on their six-year anniversary, on Kahlen's twentieth birthday, about eight months ago. They were living together in a single bedroom apartment and neither of them could have been happier about their lives together.

However, unforeseen accidents have ripped the two lovers apart in a tragic manner. While on his way to work one morning, events took place that would forever end the relationship that he and Kahlen had.

"No time for farewells, no chances for goodbyes, no explanations, no fucking reasons why. I watched it eat you up, pieces fallen on the floor."

The only one left in Kahlen's life that is willing to push through the despair that she's been feeling since then is Andrew Dutra, Harlow's cousin and one of the other people that was hit hard by that tragedy. Together, they try to push through the horror that has recently placed itself in their lives in place of their best friend.

I own Andrew, Harlow, and Kahlen. Please don't steal.

Total word count: 5,073 words
  1. The Day You Lost Him I Slowly Lost You Too
    for when he died, he took a part of you
  2. Death is Only a Chapter, so Let's Rip Out the Pages of Yesterday
    death is only a horizon and i'm ready for my sun to set
  3. If Only Sorrow Could Build a Staircase, Our Tears Would Show the Way
    we would climb our way to heaven and bring him home again