Status: in progress :)

All I Feared

Would've done, Should've done: 19 years old

I know I should be really enjoying my time with Isla, but all I can think of is how much I miss Sarah. We used to go the fair every year since we were four. I was fifteen when I went to the fair for the first time without her. It was such a suckish night; I should’ve made her go. She had lied to her mum and told her she was going to the fair with me, really she had gone off to meet her boyfriend in some hotel at the other end of town. To think I might have been able to stop it. But she would never talk about it. Her mum didn’t even know she had a boyfriend. One day she came in with a black eye, she had been crying. It was horrible. She told me how she’d lost her virginity. How he’d taken it. How it’d hurt and she’d cried and he’d told her to shut it. She hadn’t wanted to do it, but she said she loved him. Plus he beat her until she was too weak to refuse. I saw all the bruises, I should have spoken to her mum when she got that black eye, but I just didn’t think.
Argh, I need something to take it off my mind. Someone to take it off my mind.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry again for the really short chapter, its more like a paragraph. But I'm getting all the sections together and its a really confusing time line thingy :/ :)