‹ Prequel: Love at First Class
Status: This story is completed.

Love against law

Rumored to be hyper

Chapter 2: Rumored to be hyper:
Hey Sonea,
I know you’re here early, and if you aren’t and someone else is reading this note, well then I guess we’re screwed, but just in case I used my new ‘name’. Well I just wanted to say sorry again, and I hope we can still meet to lunch? Oh and of course next time try to remember your backpack and homework, and maybe get some order in your bag, it’s a mess.

That’s what met me before the biology class, I was early because of the bus, and found my forgotten backpack in the empty hall with this note on it.

Why did this bother me so much, I didn’t seem so bother Alex as much as it bothered me? Alex looked like he was totally okay with the decision that was made for us. I sat in biology and watched Alex write notes on the blackboard, notes I should be copying, but I had gotten them yesterday. Alex didn’t know, he never let me get it the easy way, so I had snuck around his stuff. When the lesson had started I had already known most of the answers, so he was impressed with me knowing most of the answers almost all the time earned me good grade in biology. I looked at Anna; she was texting on her phone, of course, suddenly my phone vibrated. Why did Anna text me? And in class?

‘What’s up with you? You look like you’re trying to burn holes in Alex’s back??”
‘I’m not’ I wrote back, and waited for the answer.
‘Then why give him the dirt eye?’
“Anna Sonea, if something is so important, you have to disturb the whole lesson because of it, then please feel free to tell us, so we all know what we’re missing” Alex said, and turned around, how did he know? The whole class stopped, looking at Anna and me.
“It’s nothing Mr. Truman” Anna said innocently. She smiled and went on with her notes, I just stared at Alex, and I don’t know why I felt irritated. Was I angry? No, just irritated. Alex continued to write notes, I just watched him.
We were separated into groups of four, and should discuss ways of cloning, and if the world would be a better place if we learned to clone people. Unfortunately I was in an all girls group, with Jessica and her giggling friends, who only talked about boys.
“Oh my gosh! Don’t you think Billy from a grade up, is totally cute!” Jessica squealed. The others immediately agreed, with yeah and sighs.
“What about Alex?” A brown haired girl asked.
“You mean Mr. Hottie pants?” “Yeah I was totally watching his butt all class long!” Jessica agreed. I felt a little angered by that comment, okay maybe a little bit more than a ‘little angry’.
“You know it would be illegal to persuade anything with him, if it’s our teacher you’re talking about right?” I shot at them, closing the book I was reading.
“I don’t care, he’s hot anyway. Oh my god so I was listening to what some other teachers were talk-ing about and they were all like; Alex is disturbing the peace at this school and stuff like he’s got a way to good eye on one of the students, they say he’s been-” Jessica stopped for a second. “Oh hey Alex, we were just discussing what a nice world this would be if we could clone me, and maybe get two more Johnny Depp’s, I heard Alex sigh and walk of “Anyway I don’t see how he’s disturbing anything, do you? I mean sure he’s hot, but it’s not disturbing at all?” she asked her group, the all agreed with her of course. They left me to wonder what the teachers had meant, and what Jessica failed to tell said when she was interrupted. Could it be because girls didn’t really concentrate? No, they didn’t even concentrate before he came. And was that student me? What are they saying he’s been-?
I would have to get Anna on this one, after all she was the best dealer of all gossip, and she could easily get this new rumor. The rest of the lesson flew by, with gossip and giggling from Jessica and her group, while I read the next chapters in the textbook. I met up with Anna outside the classroom.

“Anna heard any new rumors lately?” I asked nervously.
“Not that I know of, why got any goods?” she asked excited, I told her what I had heard, and she went all quiet.
“Hmm I’ll get my best spies on this one, it’s kinda serious, I’m gonna go have a meeting with them now, see you in the next class bye” she said and walked away, she took out her phone, and probably called her ‘spies’.
I was alone while walking to Alex’s car; he would probably be sitting there already, waiting for me and Anna. I entered the parking lot, to find the red car empty. Where was Alex? He was always the first one at the car, was everything just upside down today?
“Hey Sonea”
“Oh I thought you weren’t coming today, I’m glad you came” I said spinning around, to find Seth from my class stand there looking confused.
“What?” he asked not understanding.
“Sorry thought you wer-”
“Hey Sonea hey Seth” Alex greeted, smiling as usual.
“Hey Alex when are you gonna me a sub teacher in our class again?” Seth asked.
“I don’t know, your teachers have to be sick first” Alex sneaked a smile at me.
“Oh that’s crap” Seth caught Alex’s smile, and caught on to my weird outburst, I guess it could have been worse, Seth never gossiped about this kind of thing, but still… “Well see you later, bye Alex bye Sone” he added, smiling evilly like he had just got the juiciest secret in the world.
This was not at all my day.
“What were you two up to?” Alex asked, climbing into his car.
“Just talking about why I stood there alone”
“Oh? What did you say?” he turned the radio on.
“That I needed air”
“Okay” then the silence crept up again, it did that more and more often I realized. Usually we never stopped talking; now I couldn’t seem to find the words.
“What were you and Anna discussing in my lesson?” Alex suddenly asked.
“Nothing really just you know girls stuff” I changed the song on the radio.
“What girls stuff?” was Alex interviewing me or something?
“Anna just wanted to know if something was wrong, she thought she saw me being weird”
“And are you?”
“Are you seriously asking me if I’m weird?” I asked unbelievingly.
“No I’m merely asking if you’re… you know sad” he had trouble finding the words, like every time we talked about feelings.
“Are you refereeing to yesterday?”
“Maybe” he said innocently.
“Oh then in that case, no, I’m not okay with this…this decision, it hurt me, not much hurts me but that did. No I’m not sitting there crying because you won’t be near me, but I think this sucks! I want to be able to tell people where I am in a relationship, not necessarily who I’m with, but I at least want to have a clue about where I am!” I opened the car door furiously, and slammed it behind me. I walked fast to the door to the school, and opened that door too. Alex hurried after me.
“Wait please” he breathed.
It was too late, I was too furious. I melted into the crowd of students, I saw Seth in a corner, our eyes met before I ducked further out of view. I could still see Alex, now Seth saw him, he’d probably already guessed almost what’s happened, now we could both stand there watching a shocked, sad miserable Alex in the middle of the crowd, but he had no clue to where I was nor did he see Seth. Alex just stood there lost, and looked over the students; I ducked and slid in between two gossiping girls.

Alex’s Pov

“No I’m not in trouble I just thought I would call and ask how it’s going with you, you know we haven’t spoken in a while” I said innocently in the phone.
“Alex hon. I know that when you call from your work, something is totally shitting wrong, and we talked last night, remember you told me about your talk with your sweetheart” Casper said matter-of-factly.
“Yeah okay, so we talked last night, but you know I was still wandering how you’re doing” I tried to lie, truth is I had some huge problems, but I couldn’t just tell them, that would be too selfish.
“So Sonea’s mad at you right?” Casper guessed completely right, maybe some gay-gene?
“I- ugh no- I mea-… yes” I sighed.
“What happened?” so I went on to tell him about Sonea slamming car doors and yelling and being sad, all of it my fault, and the quilt was eating me up, but also I couldn’t stand it when she was as sad as this.
“Oh tough break, listen hon. She’s just getting all of her anger out, she’ll be okay in a couple of hours, I gotta run now, and you have to get to class now, and don’t let this get to you, just try to be understanding, remember she’s still young and she’ll need more time to adjust to something like this” he hung up, and I was left on standby, until I realized I was almost late for class.

Jessica’s Pov

My phone vibrated furiously, I immediately checked the cover, even though I was in class. Maybe it was one of my spies, but no it was Casper, that was weird he never did that.
“Um sorry Mr. Morrison can I go to the toilet?” I practically yelled at the sub. teacher we had in Eng-lish. “Yeah just next time put up your hand” “I will” I hurried out in the hall, took out my phone, and answered while I walked to the toilets.
“What’s up?”
“You heard?”
“No I don’t think so, tell me”
“Paris Hilton is wearing the most hideous outfit in this world’s history, I’m sending pictures now, but that’s not what I wanted to say, Sonea didn’t tell you?”
“About what?”
“About her and Alex’s conversations?” Casper asked shocked.
“No please inform me” I couldn’t believe she hadn’t told me if something big had happened. So Casper told me about laws, Sonea being hurt and angry, her shouting, Alex being called Vanessa, Alex being sad and blaming himself, and car doors being slammed.
“Oh my god, I’ll talk to her, poor Alex it’s not his fault, this all seems so…sad, and in a way dirty”
“Yeah I know what you mean, it’s all illegal, though it’s giving some trouble and that’s kinda sad. I’ve got an idea, I’ll get Alex to arrange something they can do today, and you’ll keep Sonea busy until he writes her, okay?”
“Fine oh and Sonea told me something interesting today” I told him about what the other teachers had said about Alex, then added “I’ve got my spies on it, I’ll have it uncovered in a matter of days”
“Okay I trust you, you know, you’re the only one as good as me at getting good gossip”
“I love you too gay-bo” I hung up, and stepped out of the toilets, I looked at the photo’s he’d send me, that was some hideous outfit. Now to distract Sonea, and act like I knew nothing, so she would come to me and tell me when she was ready, there was no need to force her right? Especially when I already knew.

Sonea’s Pov

“Anna I’m fine!” I hissed under my breath. She of course knew I wasn’t, but that I merely wanted more peace, and didn’t want to talk about it.
“Sone no you’re not, what’s up? Is it you know…Alex?” she guessed just right, and hit a soft spot.
“No! Nothing’s wrong, and it’s not him!” I hissed, fearing her mother would hear us.
“Okay so it is Alex, what has he done?” she rolled onto her side so she could look directly into my eyes. I faced her for a few seconds, and then looked at the TV screen, we we’re watching Spiderman 3 and eating popcorn, but right now Anna wasn’t watching the movie that much.
“There is nothing going on, honest there isn’t” I said and rolled over on my side so I know face her, and I could look her sternly in the eyes.
“There’s something that’s nagging you, I can see it” she pressed, and ignored my stern looks.
I just sighed and rolled back, watching the screen intensely.
“Did you kiss?” she asked out of the blue. I immediately blushed to a deep tomato red, but I still didn’t face her, why did I have trouble facing my best friend in this matter?
“No we did not” I said in a weird half choked voice.
“Did he touch you?” she gasped. I knew what she meant, and was totally outraged.
“NO! he would never do such a thing!” I hissed.
“I just had to be sure, you never know”
“No it’s not that, he’s just… oh forget it!” she had a pleading look on her face, begging me to con-tinue. I wasn’t gonna.
“Go on” she pleaded.
“Fine Alex’s just all like; I’m not gonna touch you” I put on a fake Alex voice for the last part.
“And the bad thing is?” she clearly didn’t get it.
“He won’t even hold my hand” I sighed.
“Oh! oh…” she got it, and now understood my troubles.
“But you’ve touched several times, you’ve slept in the same bed and everything!?” she had a point.
“Yeah you’re right, but…he didn’t look so happy in the morning either, maybe he didn’t mean to do that, because of the reasons holding him back now?” I tested her.
“And what exactly is his reasons?” she rolled onto her stomach and watched the movie like did.
“The law. That’s actually a good reason; I mean he would be facing years in prison if anyone found out about me and him” I sighed and laid my head on my folded hands, I couldn’t help getting nerv-ous thinking about it. Alex in prison, he’s too kind, he would give up his food to that guy in the mov-ie, and become someone’s bitch faster that I could say quidditch, because Alex is too kind to say no, that could be a bad quality in prison.
“Yeah that’s a very good reason, but what are you gonna do? I mean what are you and Alex going to do? It can’t be fun in your relationship plus you’ll have to keep it a secret”
“I don’t know, I guess we continue hanging out in secret, we both enjoy it you know, I just don’t think there’ll be more than that” I got all depressed, yes I loved hanging out, but if there wouldn’t ever be anymore than that? Would I stay virgin all my life?
I shuddered I hadn’t ever thought about that, not that I had thought of sex with Alex either. Sure he looked good, and also without a shirt on, but I hadn’t ever really thought off those things before. I got the image of Alex in only his pajama pants in my head, I snapped quickly out of the ‘daydream’ and blushed farther beyond tomato red.
“Nobody would be able to see you in his apartment you know” Anna smirked.
“I guess Alex would feel too guilty, and I think I wouldn’t like keeping this sort of thing secret, you know, never telling your mom you’ve got a boyfriend, if that’s what he is” I sunk even deeper into my depression. But still had that image of Alex, it somehow wouldn’t leave me.
“You don’t know where you guys are in your relationship, do you?” Anna hit another soft spot.
“No” damn she was good at finding the exact topic I didn’t want to talk about, but then again I did kind of want to talk about it, just not like this, and maybe just with Alex because it was partly about him.
“That kinda sucks, is that why you’re being all moody?” she asked oh so innocently.
“If I am moody, then yes I guess that’s the reasons” I asked fearing what would happen next. Surpri-singly Anna con concentrated on the movie, and almost forgot the topic, I knew she would ask again some other time, I was just happy she let me get a break.
My phone vibrated, making me jump. It was a message from Alex, Do you wanna hang out? I looked at Anna, who shrugged and sighed a “yes okay”
Would be cool, where are you? I texted back quickly, and waited for the next message to drop by.
I’m on my way out to my parents’ house to go swimming, you wanna come with?
I mentally panicked, but texted: I’m at Anna’s getting packed anyway.
“Anna can I burrow a bathing suit, please?” I asked innocently, well as innocently as I could.
Okay I’m here Alex texted. I panicked even more, since when did he get so fast, did he break the speed law or what? Wait! I haven’t packed I texted, and ran to the window in Anna’s room, luckily it faced the street, I saw the red Audi pull to a halt in front of the house. Anna came and joined me by the window; I then looked at her pleadingly.
“Okay I’ll get the suit, you pack your school things” she sighed, and walked to her closet.
“Thank you!” I was unfortunately getting a little hyper. I ruffled around tried packing, but finding books that were spread all over a big room can be hard, especially when there’s two of every book. I glimpsed out the window, to find the car empty.
“Where did he go?!” I gasped, then felt my phone vibrate again, it was from Alex. Help me. I ran to the window and looked up and down the street, walked to the closet to find Anna. Without turning around Anna knew what was wrong. “I think my mom got to him” she explained. Sure enough I heard Sally talk in an excited voice from the kitchen.
“What should we do?” I asked still a little hyper, and now a bit worried.
“Let them talk, and pack a little quicker” she said picking up the pace, she had now found a bag packed two towels, and were trying to find matching tops and bottoms to the bathing suit I had re-quested. I of course panicked, and crawled around on the floor like some idiot dog, still trying to find the right books.

Alex’s Pov

She suddenly grew serious without any warning, she had been laughing and talking about my parents only a second ago, now she sighed looking at the cup of coffee in her hands.
“Alex there is no good way to talk about this, I understand that now, I’m sure you’ll be offended at first but please hear me out, I had hoped the mood would be kept on happy, but surely this is too serious” she paused looking at me, I think I knew what she wanted to talk about, but I hoped that it wasn’t what I feared, which it was.
“Alex you and Sonea… have certainly become good friends, and maybe more, now don’t start any-thing, just listen” she cut me off before I could even protest. “I think we both know you’re here to pick her up, and I think its fine that you two spend time together” she paused, and I listened just like I was told. “I just want you to know that I’m okay with you and Sonea being together, but I want to warn you, she is still young. Maybe you’re expecting too much of her, yes she’s young for her age, but she’s still only 15 and you turn 23 next month right?” she paused again, I nodded she was right I would turn 23 soon. I still couldn’t say anything, so I kept quiet “You of course already know it’s against the law for you two, I won’t tell anyone, because I believe you’re a good guy, but if you hurt Sonea in any way, then God help you I will call the police and I will do anything in my power to justify her. Sonea’s like a second daughter to me, I love her like I love Anna, and I will not see her fall this much in love, and then see her-”
“That won’t happen” I shot at her without reacting. She just smiled reassuringly, like she was telling me, that she had just gotten the reaction she wanted from me. We sat in silence for a while, Sally with a smile glued on her face, she did seem a lot like her daughter Anna in every way, and I sat in deep thought. I had just had something near the weirdest conversation, well not as weird as the one I had with Sonea weeks ago. We had been in my apartment like any other day, when Sonea asked; “Alex, if a cow sneezes do you think, that it would somehow be possible that there could come milk out of its nose?”
“Well that depends on… wait what?”

The door suddenly burst open, and in ran first Anna then Sonea.
“Hey!” Anna almost screamed. “Guess what I got Sone hyper, no one’s ever done that before, it’s a record!” she giggled, and punched Sonea lightly on the shoulder playfully.
“No! I’m not hyper at all!” Sonea almost screamed. She looked at me, her cheeks were burning red form the playful fights they’d probably had. Her hair sat out in every angle possible, and her breath-ing was uneven; all in all I hadn’t seen her like this very often.
“Hi!” she all but said calmly, and waved furiously at me.
“Hey” was all I could get out, and not my usual ‘hey’ but a breathless and utterly surprised hey, I had never seen Sonea like that, okay something close to that, but this was almost as hyper as Anna, no matter how many times Sonea would deny this, Anna had broken a record.
“Okay bye Anna, bye Sally” she waved at them and trotted out of the door a bag slung over her shoulder, I sat at the table probably looking really lost. Only seconds passed.
“C’mon Alex!” she called from outside, I just stared at Anna and Sally, Anna broke out in giggles, and Sally motioned for me to go outside. I got up, thanked Sally for the tea; I had half drunk, nodded to Anna, who had almost stopped giggling, and walked outside.
I met Sonea already sitting in the car, listening to music and tapping her feet.
“So you never get hyper ha?” I joked when I had recovered from the whole shock.
“This is not hyper, this is just a lot of energy” she stated grinning at me. Then she seemed to calm a little more down, or at least she tried to. I started the car, and we were off, Sonea waved at Sally and Anna, who were practically glued to a window facing the street, I guessed it was Anna’s room.
“Hey Alex I was thinking, how are we gonna swim at your parents house? When the pool is outside, wont that be to cold?” she asked still tapping her fee this wt, she couldn’t sit still. I turned a familiar corner, and watched the road split, taking the left new way to my parents’ house, this way let us through a fancy beautiful street, with flowers and outdoor pools.
“The water itself is warm, but yes the air will be cold, so it’ll be cold until we’re in the water” I said knowingly.
“Oh then I’m looking forward to swimming” she said looking out the window at the icy weather, the sun shone, but still it was terribly cold outside. Swimming was a weird thing to be doing in this weather, but it was a tradition for me, I always did it at this time of year, but I had never done it with anyone. Sonea would be the first to tag along.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments? anyone?
I need some comments! Is this going in a good or bad directoin? i need answers!

other than that, i hope you are all well and that you enjoyed this chapter :)