Status: Completed and active

My Little Decoy

You should have seen right through I'm abusing you my little decoy


Rage, chagrin, and then scorn, spite, repugnance and regret. Regret so large that it turned Chase’s stomach as he watches Kay sleep. Even unconscious, her eyebrows are furrowed, deep in thought. She looks so beautiful, Chase wants to kiss her, but he can’t. He knows he was only forced into her, just because she was into him. Besides, his dad has arrived and he can hear him outside; parking his car, slamming the door. Not a loud slam, but a gentle thud, which means that he’s in a good mood. Good, Chase can’t help thinking. He wants to ruin his dad’s mood, the same way he has been ruining his, every day of his sad little life.

“Chase? Are you home?” he calls from downstairs. Chase doesn’t answer, but watches as Kay’s eyes immediately flash open, instantly alert. She sits up and surprisingly begins to shake nervously, grabbing his arm.

“Chase, I’m sorry, but,” she begins to say, but then is rudely interrupted as Chase’s dad burst through the door. He’s not a very tall man, but more stocky and dodgy looking. And his eyes are wide and staring straight at Kay with a look of absolute revolt and disgust. Kay is staring right back her eyes wide with shock, only Chase is smiling.

“What’s this?” his dad spits hatefully at Chase not even bothering to look at Kay. “I leave you for five days and I come back to find you with some slut from the streets?” Chase’s dad’s voice only gets higher and higher his good mood soon dispersing. Kay waits for some words of anger from Chase but he doesn’t say anything, just lets his dad rant.

“So what dad?” he says eventually his blue eyes shining, another sort of smile and look on his face altogether. Kay doesn’t like what she’s seeing. This isn’t the Chase she knows. “So what dad, if I pick up some slut from the streets?” His words make Kay flinch, but he doesn’t stop there. “I don’t care anymore dad. You can knock me out, beat me to a pulp, oh please just hit me. I really don’t care anymore, at least if you’ll hit me, then maybe I’ll die, and I won’t have to live a second longer with you.”

Kay leaps out of the bed in shock, just in time as Chase’s dad lunges at him and they fall wrestling to the floor. She wants to move, but is paralyzed with shock. She had been played for a fool all along, how could she have been so stupid, thinking that he needed her, wanted her? When he was the one using her all along. Kay is all but ready to leave when the door is barreled open and four others enter the house. Kat had arrived.



Kat is holding a gun in her small little hands. A sadistic arrogant smile is splayed across her face as she speaks, “Hello Kay.”

Two of the others that came with her, had all already gone, to ransack the rest of the house, while the other stayed to search the room. I knew exactly what they would do, starting downstairs, they would only stop the valuables; jewelry money left around the house. Then would come the credit cards or any safes Chase’s dad had. By the time they had all left, Chase and his dad would be officially robbed.

“Kay, this house is massive. You don’t have to stay here if you want too. I’m pretty sure the others could use a hand,” Kat says her eyes firmly trained on Chase and his dad, now that they finally stop fighting.

“What is this Chase? Some kind of revenge, or…” his dad begins.

“No dad, I’m just as surprised as you are,” Chase sneers, slowly standing up. Kay didn’t know what to expect anymore from him. Shock? Hurt, at how she had betrayed him? Instead Chase is smiling, a thin trickle or blood dripping from his torn lip as he speaks, “Wow, Kay, you really had me fooled. But this even better, because now when I go, you’ll not just be left alone dad, but you’ll be left penniless!”

“Stay back!” Kat warns, as Chase takes another step towards her, “I will shoot.”

“What on earth are you talking about Chase? Thanks to you we're not going anywhere. You are going to be so dead, when this is over! Letting strangers walk into our home...” Chase’s dad threatens shaking his head.

And then suddenly, it all makes sense. I realize exactly what Chase is talking about, He wasn’t just psychotic, he was suicidal. If I had made any mistakes over the past weeks, it was that I had seriously underestimated Chase.

“Chase, stop. Think about what you’re doing!” I cry desperately. But the look in his eyes already tells me it’s too late. He looks almost possessed, as with one backward hateful look at his father he leaps towards Kat.


Now it’s a good couple weeks later and the two weeks that I spent with Chase are only but a blur of memories in my head. I don’t see Kat or the others any more, stealing pretty much lost its thrill after Chase. Kat didn’t get it when I told her I was leaving them. Too her it had just been another successful day, sure Chase had died after she’d been ‘forced’ to use her gun, but they had got out in time after Chase’s dad had legged it and ran to call the police. But to me, Chase had left his own mark on me that I just couldn’t erase. I had loved him like I had never loved anyone else, but more than that I had trusted him. While he had used me, abused me, and then left me all alone is this cruel world. And now I was pregnant with his child and I didn’t know what I was going to do, or where I was even going to go. All I did know that I was going to bring up my baby and tell it stories if its father, who made Chase had been everything to me, while I had been nothing to Chase, but his little decoy.
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words: 998