
she wanted to die.
he was.


Opal Baxter
Oliver Anders


"Dear child, I only did to you what the sparrow
did to you; I am old when it is fashionable to be
young; I cry when it is fashionable to laugh.
I hated you when it would have taken less courage
to love. "
  1. Chapter One
    "Out of the fire came a man sunken to less than cinders"
  2. Chapter Two
    "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent"
  3. Chapter Three
    "What thou among the leaves hast never known, the weariness, the fever, and the fret"
  4. Chapter Four
    "I am tired, Beloved, of chafing my heart against the want of you; of squeezing it into little inkdrops, And posting it."
  5. Chapter Five
    "Sir, more than kisses, letters mingle souls; for, thus friends absent speak."