Turn Back Time


Nick dropped me off at my front porch, and kissed my forehead as I hugged him goodbye. "Somebody's blushing." He smirked, leaning his forehead against mine.

"I can feel your heart beat racing from here." I teased.

He smiled shyly, "Well, what can I say?"

I hummed thoughtfully, "You could tell me your top secret plan for tonight..." I glanced at his lips, just inches from my own, and thought to myself how I could use this to my advantage.

"Then it wouldn't be a surprise." He said in a low whisper.

I leaned in, and he followed. Before he pressed his lips to mine, I smirked, "Then maybe I'll just have to keep something to myself..." I backed away from him, waving, and stepped inside the house as he pouted in my wake.

As soon as I shut the door, I screamed, "Elise! We're going shopping!"


"Hurry up, slut, I'm bored!" Elise shouted on the other side of the dressing room door.

I quickly threw on a dress, and zipped it up as far as I could get it to go on my own. "I feel like a Lohan." I pulled a face, and glanced down at the sky-high hemline. "Can you see my crotch in this?"

She rolled her eyes. "No. You can't. And you're way hotter than that fire crotch." She eyed me up and down before flagging down one of the employees that wandered aimlessly around the store. "Can we have this in a smaller size?"

"What?" I snorted, "I'm already wearing next to nothing!"

Elise rolled her eyes, "It doesn't hug your curves."

"I look like a whore." I mumbled, crossing my arms timidly in front of my chest.

Elise scoffed, "You look sexy. Besides, I know where you're going, and you don't. So shut up, take my wardrobe advice, and buy it. Nick will love it."

I looked down at my socks, which looked so out of place with the rest of my outfit. "You really think so?"

She laughed, "Obviously."


I was pacing in the foyer, my heels clicking against the hardwood. My palms were sweating and my stomach was churning with complete and total anxiety. When the doorbell rang, I almost lost control of my bladder. Elise, who was sitting on the base of the stairs, smirked, "Try not to piss yourself, Cinderella."

I pushed my hair out of my eyes, "I should probably... open the door... huh?"


As I stepped to open the door, Nick was dressed in dark skinny jeans, a black button up shirt, and loose tie around his neck. His red hair was perfectly messy, as usual.

"Holy shit, Madds." He grinned. "You're beautiful."

Not hot. Not sexy. Beautiful.

I leaned in quickly and kissed him, "You look better."

His hands were burning through the fabric canvassing my waist. I wanted nothing more than for him to rip off this dress, and do whatever he wanted with me.

"Ready to go?" He whispered in my ear. "Before I go down on you on your front porch."

I bit my lip and tried not to shiver as his breath hit my neck. "Nick." I warned.

"Maddeline?" He smirked. His thumbs massaged small circles into my waist.

"Take me out." I said, and he did. He opened the car door for me as both of us tried to shake off those animalistic instincts.

My eyes widened when he pulled up to a familiarly decorated building. "If I'm remembering correctly, you love it here."

"Sometimes it scares me how well you remember the small things about me."

We headed up the stairs to the front of the Rainbow Room, my favorite night club. The one in Boston had always been the party scene during my senior year of high school. I'd just graduated last month, but the memories seemed so far in the past now.

I pulled Nick to the dance floor, and he spun me around to face him. A hostess handed us jaeger shots, not bothering to card us, even though we were both underaged. We downed them quickly, and handed back to her so she would get the hell out of our way.

Grinding my hips against Nick's, I fisted my fingers in his hair.

"Thought you just wanted to be friends?" He asked over the music as I kissed up and down his neck.

"I don't know what I want."

I felt him shake slightly when he felt my tongue against his skin. "You're so cruel, Madds." He moaned into my ear. "You're pulling a Cullen on my neck, and I'm the tease?"

I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was fighting to keep control. Some parts of him, however, could not be reigned in.

"I'll be back." I whispered, and slinked off towards the side hallway where the restrooms were.

As I should have expected, I saw an extremely well-dressed John O'Callaghan heading in the opposite direction.

We stopped, and eyed each other slowly. "Where's your date?" I asked, narrowing my eyes slightly.

"I could ask you the same question." He scoffed, "So, it's always been Nick, huh? No surprise I lost you to him, then."

We glared at each other like we'd catch the other on fire with just our eyes. What happened next was something I never would have seen coming. Our lips were attached. Our hands were fumbling to get us closer. Our tongues were fighting for dominance.

"I want you so badly." He growled when we pulled apart.

I felt the knot in my stomach tighten. I wouldn't let this happen again. "No, you don't."

I forgot all about where I was headed, and started back for Nick. I found him sitting at the bar, talking to the flamingly homosexual bartender. "You really love her, don't you?" He said.

Nick smiled and looked down at his drink. "I really do."

I slid my hand over his shoulder, and he turned to smile at me. "How about we get out of here?"
♠ ♠ ♠
So.... The next chapter is basically just a sex scene, so if you want it in the next few hours, comment like you've never commented before ;)

Oh, and regarding her dress, I couldn't decide which of two I liked best, so I made a set with both of them. Tell me which one you like best in a... COMMENT!