Turn Back Time


“You know, I think we look drop dead sexy right about now.” I said, wringing out my damp hair on the sidewalk.

John laughed, shaking the water off like a dog. “Definitely. Me looking like a drowned rat must be such a turn-on for you, huh?” He walked to the passenger side of his old, beat-up Ford, and opened the door for me. He bowed his head with a cheesy grin. “M’lady.”

I slid inside, and watched him jog around to slide into the driver’s seat. “So I have to ask,” He said, looking at me in the rearview mirror. “Why’d you come down to Tempe?”

I scratched my arm, and wished I had some kind of interesting and dramatic secret to tell. I could lie, and tell him on was on the run from the law, or I was under the witness protection program. “For no reason whatsoever. Just the spontaneity of it, I guess.”

“So you just packed your bags, hopped on a plane, and left?” John asked, looking thoughtful. “Do you think you’re going to stay?”

We pulled into the parking lot of a tiny, one room restaurant with a neon dragon flashing in the window. The name of the place was in Chinese lettering, and you could smell the beef fat from thirty yards away. “I officially love this place.” I said, my eyes wide.

“You haven’t even had their roast dog yet.” John smirked as we headed for the entrance. I knew he was kidding, but the thought horrified me nonetheless. I hit him in the upper arm, and furrowed my eyebrows at him. “I’m just messing with you, kid… It’s really just horse meat.”

I stuck my head out with him, and started a sprint for the front door. “Really funny, John!” Within seconds of me turning my head forward, he’d caught up to me, and was nearly passing me. “This is so not happening!”

His long arm reached out and grabbed the door handle before mine, and there was a smug grin plastered across his face. “What’s my prize?”

“You think you’re getting a prize?” I snorted, “How about you just enjoy your horse meat by yourself?”

He poked out his bottom lip into a pout, “But I don’t want to.”

I giggled, “Well, don’t go crying about it.” I went to walk through the door, but his arm caught me around my waist. “There’s no cash prize. I’m damn near flat broke.”

“Then my reward has to be something worth more than money.” He said. I could hear the ‘duh’ in his tone. “I think maybe you should kiss me. It’s only fair, you know. I did just kick your ass back there.”

My face went scarlet. “I think maybe you’ll just have to wait and see?”

He smirked, but said nothing. We were seated the second we stepped inside. Other than the three employees, chef included, we were the only people in the restaurant, which was definitely smaller than I originally assumed.

“How did you find this place?” I asked, swirling the straw around the glass of iced tea in front of me. “It’s in the middle of nowhere.”

“I’ve gotten really could at finding things where no one thinks to look. With driving in a van all over the place for weeks at a time, you get sick of Olive Garden, and Denny’s everyday, you know? There are only so many breadsticks I can eat.” He chuckled.

“Driving in a van all over the country? That makes you sound like some sort of ice cream man on a mission.” I grinned.

He rolled his eyes, “Oh, please, kid. I’m surprised you don’t know it, but I’m kind of a big deal.” He flicked his hand dramatically, with a diva’s smirk on his face.

“Sure, you are.” I nodded, “I’m sure your mom tells you that every night when she tucks you in.” I patted his hand, and laughed.

“Don’t believe me, do you? Well, maybe I’ll just have to knock you off your feet a little sooner, yeah?” He stood up pointedly, and walked to the back of the restaurant. “Hey, Tojo, you mind if I borrow that?”

The make-shift host tossed John the microphone that was sitting idly behind the bar, and he caught it with one waiting hand. He clicked it on, and stuck his tongue out at me. “Prepare to be amazed, little tourist.”

I sat back in my chair, crossing my legs, and waiting for whatever kind of show he was going to put on. On the outside, I was trying to look as uninterested as possible, but on the inside, I was going into cardiac arrest. Did I matter enough for him to feel the need to impress me?

Before I knew what was going on, he had opened his mouth, and began to sing. Initially, I was surprised enough that he was singing in the middle of a restaurant, but then the shock switched to how well he could actually sing.

You count em' one, two, three.
You look so cute when you get that mad.
You drain the life from me,
And it feels oh so good

The looks you give are so contagious.
The way we move is so outrageous.
Just let me in.
We're wasting time.
Just let me in.
Let's make it right.

So stay up and get down.
Sleep's just time spent wasting time.
So get down, yeah get down.
Let's make it happen all night.

I had to make sure my mouth wasn’t hanging open. “Seriously?” I asked, grinning from ear to ear. “You amaze me.”

He took his seat across from me, and shrugged his shoulders. “I have that affect on most girls.” He winked, and shoved a forkful of rice into his mouth.

“Oh, now that’s attractive.” I giggled. He smiled with his cheeks absolutely stuffed.

“By the way,” he said, swallowing hard, “We’re doing this again tomorrow night. Do you like chicken?”

I nodded, “Doesn’t everybody?”

“It’s the only thing I can make.” He blushed slightly.

After finishing the mass amounts of food we’d ordered, John had picked up the bill. We’d proceeded to the car, and once again, he held the door for me.

“You know, nobody in Boston holds the door.” I said, fastening my seat belt. “Especially the loser guys up there.”

“So I’m different?” He smiled, pulling out of the parking space.


In a matter of fifteen minutes, we were back in my driveway, and standing in front of each other. I couldn’t think of anything suitable to say to him, while all I wanted was to just stare at him. I couldn’t place my finger exactly on what the feeling in the pit of my stomach was, but even with the sun long gone, and the street lights beaming, he was still handsome enough to forever burn his face into my mind.

“I had a really good time with you, Maddie.” He said quietly, eyeing me in the same why I was eyeing him—like I wanted to kiss him.

“Yeah, me too.” All the originality was leaking from my brain, and at any other time, I would’ve been embarrassed.

After a heartbeat, he leaned in, and kissed me lightly. “Pick you up at seven.” He reminded me, with his face just inches from my own. Just as I went to reconnect our lips one last time, he pulled away. “Ah, ah, ah.” He smirked. “We have suspense to build, kid.” With a wink, he slid back into his car, and pulled out of the driveway without another word.

I jogged up the front steps, and slipped inside, closing the door behind me. I quickly changed into my pajamas, and crashed down onto the sleeper couch, which had finally dried following the pizza incident.

I opened my phone, and stared at my list on contacts. I scrolled down to his name, wanting more than anything to text him. “You’re such a creep. Just wait until tomorrow.” I said to myself.

As I went to hit the END button, the new message window popped up, nearly sending me into cardiac arrest.

Just wanted to say goodnight one more time. Sweet dreams, kiddo (;.

I closed my eyes, beaming, and fell back on the pillows. “I love my life.” I sighed.
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