‹ Prequel: So Wrong, It's Right
Sequel: Warm Whispers
Status: Completed :]


Twenty Two;

Alex and I laid awake that night in bed...just staring at one another and holding onto each others hands.

"I really am having a fun time with you." I smiled as he smiled back and kissed me softly.

"Same here." He smirked.

I cuddled closer to him and breathed into the crook of his neck as he rubbed my bare back.

We were freezing cold from the pool and our hair smelt like Chlorine but I didn't give a damn. All that mattered was being close to him and taking in this moment.

"I'm going to miss you." He whispered in my ear as I cocked my eyebrow up at him and looked into his dreamy, chocolate, brown eyes.

"What are you talking about?" I said in shock.

"I don't know." He sighed, staring up at the ceiling as I swallowed hard.

What was he talking about?

"Alex, please tell me." I whispered as he pulled me to him even closer and breathed into my mouth as I breathed back into his.

"I mean..." He paused and kissed me.

The best kiss he ever gave me.

He stuck his tongue inside my mouth, letting it roam freely as I tongued him back and wrapped my arms around his neck and he ran his hand up and down my side.

"Look, Mae...I'm going to be honest with you..." He paused as my heart started to speed up faster.

"What?" I said in a shaky voice.

"You...You don't deserve me. I'm no good. I killed your ex and I...I'm the one who got you started on your drinking problem." He said as I shook my head fast.

"How can you say something like that? You're not the one who got me started on my drinking problem! That was my choice! And Alex...you were just sticking up for me. You didn't mean to kill Stephen." I said as he continued to shake his head.

"You make me a better person. And you purposed to me and made me the most happiest girl alive!" I exclaimed as he swallowed hard and shrugged.

"Just please...don't do this to me...not now. This is like the worst time you could possibly do this." I started to sob as he continued to stare at me and then he brought me to him and I cried into his chest.

"Mae, I love you so much...I don't mean to do this it's just..." He paused.

"It's just what? Spit it out!" I yelled as he itched the back of his head and stared down at me.

"I don't think...we should be together like this." He whispered as my mouth parted slightly.

"You're joking me right?" I managed to say as he looked at me with sympathy and then shook his head.

I slapped him hard on his chest as he backed away from me.

"Holy shit! What was that for?!" He exclaimed as I raised up in bed and folded my arms across my chest.

"Are you breaking up with me?! Really?! At a time like this?! What about all we have been through together?!" I started to shout as he shrugged and shook his head, running his fingers through his hair.

"It's just, Mae.. I'm running from the cops and...I feel like you're dragging me down. Like you're going to get hurt or something. Here's the plan...I am going to drive you back to Baltimore and then I am going to continue doing this. That way you can get your pills and be back home...and you'll be safer that way." He said as tears stung my eyes again.

"But you said you loved me! And you always will! What about me being with you?! And what about this ring?!" I yelled, taking it off of my finger as he gulped and stared at it.

"I will always love you, Mae. I just don't want you getting hurt...and I care so much about you. I don't want you with me anymore. Like I said...I'm no good for you." He said as my mouth continued to hang open.

"You should've told me this alot sooner! And before I said yes to your dumbass!" I yelled, turning over and covering up my head in the sheets.

And then I looked down at the ring he gave me.

"Oh, yeah! And you can have your damn ring back!" I yelled, throwing it at him as he jumped and I turned back over and squeezed my eyes tight.

"Goodnight." I whimpered as tears rolled down my cheeks.

Why was he doing this? Was he just kidding around and we would be fine by morning? Or was he really serious about everything he said? He couldn't be could he?

I felt him kiss my temple as I squeezed my eyes tighter, letting more tears fall down slowly.

"Goodnight, Mae." He whispered in my ear as I swallowed hard and tried to shove that awful dry lump down my throat.

"Goodnight, Alex."


I woke up tangled in the sheets. I turned over slowly to greet Alex with a small hi and force a smile and hopefully he would say sorry about our little fight last night.

But when I turned over all the way I saw that he was gone...

I swallowed hard and raised up in bed. His duffel bag was gone...Everything he owned was gone except for my bags and stuff over on the small table.

Tears stung my eyes.

This can't be happening.

He had to leave me a note! He had to call me or something!

I got up out of bed and ran towards my bag and took out my phone.

No missed calls...

I wandered around the room to find a note or something. I checked under the mattress even in the bathroom...but I didn't find a note.

Not this time.

I gasped for breaths as I started to sob.

My heart was beating like crazy and I felt as if I couldn't control myself.

"Alex?" I whispered, hoping that he might respond.

I ran towards the window and looked downstairs out at the parking lot...His car was gone...

What the fuck is going on?!

I ran my fingers through my hair and started to shake. I was so nervous. Goosebumps started to form all over my arms and legs. He just left me here? Without any contact with him?

Then I heard a big bang and a loud voice...

The door flew open as I froze and dropped my phone down by my feet.

Six cops flooded the room as I breathed heavily.

They aimed to guns at me as I continued to freeze.

"Put your hands up in the air to where I can see them!" One of them shouted as I put my shaky hands up in the air and a guy cop rushed over to me and felt me up and down quickly.

"She's clean." He told them as they nodded and put their guns away as they searched the room.

My heart continued to race and I felt like I couldn't breathe at all.

"Where is Alex Gaskarth?" The one with the pot belly asked as I swallowed hard and shrugged.

"I have no idea." I said in a nervous voice as they all stared at me. "I woke up and he was gone. I swear. I'm not lying." I told them.

"Are you sure?" The young cop asked as I nodded slowly.

"I'm positive. I have no idea where he ran off to." I muttered.

"Are you his girlfriend?" He asked as I looked down at my empty finger without the ring on it.

"No, I'm his sister...Mae. Mae Watson."
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, so,...
I am starting to think that some of you are losing your love for this story. :[
I'm thinking one more chapter before it ends? Yeah. One more chapter.
I'm still thinking about doing that sequel...
because this is going to end on a cliffhanger I can promise you that :]
Give me 19 comments!
And I will update the last chapter and maybe post a link to the sequel ;]
I'm serious!
If I don't get 19 comments you're not going to know what happens for a very longgg time. :]
So, all of you silent readers that I miss so much please come out of hiding! :[
Love you guys!
Love & Rockets, Faith (Faye) <3