Status: Update Coming Today-July 7th

Songs Like This


Oh God, I thought to myself, why did he have to be right there at the exact same time I happen to show up! Okay, just go in and walk by like you haven't even seen him. Just go by and ignore him.

I looked at him one last time and pulled the door open. I walked straight in and started walking fast down the hallway before he could see me. "Hey!" Oh dear Lord. Just keep walking. Don't look behind you. "Hey, Alexis! Is that you? Wait up!" Pretend you didn't hear him. Keep your eyes locked in front of you. I felt a hand being wrapped around my arm and I was forced to look behind me. I was suddenly looking at Daniel instead of my locker that I was so close to.

"Hey, I thought it was you but I wasn't sure. You definitely look....different," he said, eying me up and down. I jerked my arm out from his grip. "Well, how did you expect me to look. Did you expect me to be in sweatpants and a baggy shirt just because you broke up with me?" I furiously asked him, not sure where my voice came from or why I had said the words I just did. "Whoa whoa, you broke up with me," he told me with wide eyes, looking at me like I was crazy. I let it go right there. "I broke up with you?! You're the one who cheated on me! Did you think after I saw you with her that I'd just stay? Well I didn't, so get yourself off that pedestal that you're on and stop thinking my world revolves around you." I turned on the heal of my shoe and stalked off.

Wow, I never thought I'd ever do that. What was I thinking, I never just blow up like that. Well I had a right too, him thinking that I'd be sulking and wallowing in tears because we broke up. I guess my attitude and personality changed along with everything else. I smiled. I think I could get used to the new me.


First period could not be any slower. The teacher was droning on and on about some book that probably no one had read over the summer and the ticking clock that was just feet away was starting to get to me. I stared straight ahead at the old, green chalkboard, not hearing the words coming out of the man at the podium. Still looking ahead I soon felt eyes burning into the side of my face. Straying my eyes away, I glance over to my right to find one of the football players staring straight at me. Last year not even a golf player would look my way. Now since I changed myself into something I most definitely wasn't, I had guys like the one looking me over, glancing my way all the time. It was starting to aggravate me. I contemplated on asking this guy what his problem was and why he kept looking my way but the loud bell over my desk sounded and the students were rushing to get out of the classroom on to second period, bringing out of my thoughts.

I leaned over to grab my purse only to find it wasn't there anymore and instead hanging from the hand of none other that Nick Jonas. I looked up at him with wide eyes.

"I believe this is yours," he said to me, stretching his arm out for my to grab my purse, his signature Jonas smirk across is lips. I averted my eyes before he could catch me looking at his lips. "Thanks," I said back, looking down at my binder, getting up from the chair and started walking toward the door. He followed and kept in step with me. "You're welcome. I'm Nick, Nick Jonas. What's yours?" he asked. Really? Did he not know who I was? I only went to school with him since kindergarten. Sighed to myself I answered back. "Alexis Johnson." He squinted his eyes only slightly, my name sounding familiar. Apparently not too familiar since he shook his head as if my name was just another word.

"Well Alexis, the first football game of the season is this friday. I'm not playing since I'm not in football but I'm willing to take you out there with me so we can watch. What do you say?" Thankfully we had already gotten to my second period doorway so I wouldn't have to keep talking to this concieted jerk. "Hm, I don't know. I'm not to big a fan of football, I'm more of a baseball kinda girl. Maybe you can have the pleasure of taking me out to a baseball game when the season starts. Kay? I gotta go, class is gonna start. See you later," and with that I walked past him and in the classroom but not before seeing the shocked look on his face.
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Long time no see guys, sorry about that.
Gosh, I'm probably the queen of short updates. I always think it's going to be long but then it's not :/
But I'm just glad to get an update out to you guys.
Now please comment! I haven't been wanting to write because my subscribers haven't been commenting.
Not sure when the next update will be out but don't expect it to be too soon.