Status: Slow updates

Love Struck

Things Don't Always Go As Planned

When I was halfway home, I texted Cole.

Hey do u still want 2 hang out? I hit the send button.

A few minutes later, my phone vibrated, telling me that Cole had replied. Sure

Ok im halfway home

Wat street r u on? ill cum get u

I looked around for familiar buildings or street signs street signs. Once I recognized the local Applebees, I realized where I was.

Cherry blvd

K on my way. Stay where u r.


I sat on the curb while waiting for Cole when I was hit in the side of the head with, you guessed it, a rock. I looked over to see Ned and his sidekick. Shit, not again. I thought.

"No one's around to save you this time, fag." Ned taunted, walking over to me.

Just as I got to my feet, Ned lunged at me, knocking me over. After several blows to my head and side and elsewhere, they left me in a bloody mess on the ground. It felt like I had been laying there for hours when I heard a car pull up beside me.

"Aiden!" I knew that voice anywhere.

I heard the car door open and shut. "C'mon, Shortstack, talk to me, sweetheart." Cole turned me over to face him. "Baby?"


"C'mon, baby, we need to get you to a hospital." He said, picking me up and carrying me to his van.

"No..." I protested. "J-Just take me home."

"You sure, Shortstack? You might have a concussion." He sat me down in the passenger seat before he got in the driver's side.

"Just take me home, Cole... I'm fine."

He sighed. "Fine, but when we get to your place, I'm staying with you, and if your mom's not home, you're calling her."

I did my best to nod. "Okay."

He drove to my house and I started to fall asleep.

"Babe, stay awake, you might have a concussion."

I did my best to keep my eyes open.

"What's your favorite The Cure album?" He asked, randomly.


"I'm trying to keep you talking so that you stay awake. What's your favorite The Cure album?"

Oh. That makes sense. "Um… ‘Wish’…”

“Okay. I can honestly say I don’t know a thing about The Cure. Therefore, I don’t know a thing about that album, but I’ll listen to it with you some day.”

“Okay.” I tried to think of something to ask him. I suddenly remembered his Courtney Love shirt. “What’s your favorite Hole album?”

“’Live Through This’. What other bands do you like besides The Cure?”

“The Smiths, Joy Division, Depeche Mode, Pink Floyd, The Epoxies.”

“I know who the Epoxies are! What Epoxies album do you like better? Their self titled, or ‘Stop The Future’?”

“’Stop The Future’.”

“Me too. Favorite song by The Epoxies.”

“’It’s You’.”

“’Mine is ‘This Day’.” We pulled up into the driveway, next to my mom’s car. Cole got out of the car, picked me up out of the passenger’s seat, and rushed me inside. My mom was sitting in the kitchen.

“My goodness! What happened?”

“He went to his friend, Keiton’s house, and he was texting me when he was walking home, asking me if I wanted to hang out, he said he was halfway home, so I asked him what street he was on and he told me and I told him to stay there and I’d come get him and when I got there, he was like this.” Cole said, all in one breath. “I wanted to take him to the hospital, but he refused.”

My mom nodded. “Aiden, sweetie, it’s your mom, can you hear me?”

“Yeah, Mom.” I mumbled.

“I’ll get him cleaned up.” She said. “You can go home if you want.”

“Actually, Merideth, I’d like to stay and make sure he’s alright.”

She hesitated for a moment, but eventually nodded in agreement. “Alright. You can stay.”

Cole carried me to the bathroom and Mom followed close behind him. I honestly felt like I was dying.

“Cole?” I mumbled.

“Yeah, Shortstack?”

“I love you…”

“I love you too.”


“Yes, sweetheart?”

“I love you…”

“I love you too.” And with that, I blacked out.