
Chapter one - How it all began.

Deegan Jerelle Parker ran a hand through her short blonde hair, eyes closed as she let forth an exasperated sigh. The air turned to mist as it escaped her lips, curling and sifting through the cold winter air before the nineteen year old girl. ‘Think, DJ’ she thought to herself, pacing quickly in the small space within her kitchen. Her unit was tiny; she was barely able to stretch her arms out, but that wasn’t her problem. Her problem came in the form of a tall, handsome, annoying man named Axel Smith. Just the thought of his name brought his face into her mind; His shaggy brown hair, mocking green eyes and that cocky, lopsided smile.
“Damnit!” DJ cursed, swiping her car keys from the kitchen counter and stuffing her phone into her pocket. The door shut with a slam behind her as she moved down the front steps two at a time, jogging the short distance to her car and starting the engine, muttering to herself as she reversed from the drive and headed down the road toward Finn’s house. Finn was DJ’s best friend and had held that status since they had met at the age of four. He’d always been there for her, and her for him, the two of them like brother and sister. He’d know what to do about this situation; he always knew what to do.

How had she gotten herself into this mess? She’d never even thought about something like drugs before, let alone dealing and taking them. It was all Axel, he’d gotten her in to all this, persuaded her to try them at Caitlin’s party six months ago, talked her into trying them again and again, eventually roping her into one his deals, lied to her about the whole thing until she was already stuck in the middle of it.
“I don’t do this often, I promise.” He’d said to her, his mischievous green eyes pleading with her.
“Okay, okay. Just get me out of here.” She’d replied, watching the three shady looking men that stood in Axel’s back yard. He’d slipped a comforting arm around her and pulled her closer, smirking that smirk of his. Nothing ever seemed to worry him.
“No worries babe, you’ll be fine.”
“I hate when you call me that.” DJ muttered, pushing him away half-heartedly.
“Sorry, D, I keep forgetting.”

It seemed so simple at the time, that’d he’d always protect her; how stupid she had been. He wasn’t here now when she needed him most, and he hadn’t been there for her in almost a month.
“I hate him!” She cried, beating her fist against the steering wheel of her car. It was only then that she realised she’d began to cry; and also that she’d arrived at Finn’s. Her fist had triggered the car horn and Finn was peering out of the window, then hurrying through the doorway when he saw her expression.
“Honey, what’s wrong?!” He exclaimed, waiting only a moment after she’d gotten out of the car to wind his arms about her, letting her bury her head against his shoulder and cry.”
“I’m in so much trouble, Finn, and I don’t think I can get out of it.”
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That's the first of it; should I continue?