Status: ........

The Beginning of Us


Time stood still that night . the stars werent shining as bright. The planets stopped circling the sun. meteors forgot their targets. The universe just was.
Francois stood by the window as he always did, admiring the lives as the stars. He would stand there for hours some nights, sometimes up until sunrise. As soon as that one ray of sunlight would break through the window he would quickly dart to his day beed as we call it. A little ...... joke between us.
I never bothered to tell him that his actions were foolish. It alwasy occurred to me that I brought him over before his time, but it wasn't like me to admit my own mistakes. he would simply have to accept what he was.
Teaching my followers to appreciate their "transformation" was never easy, but I alwasy found that it was the hardest to do with Francois. Many times he would fantasize on what it would be like to be one of them, to be like he was. Human.
I often shake my head at them. Is it not enough that I gave them life? The real life! The way it was ought to be. Beginning with us. The vampires.
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Please leave comments sorry if there are some errors, I am doing in a free period at school! Comment!