Status: One Shot - complete


Chapter 1 of 1

Tell a child that they can’t do something and the urge for them to do it increases ten fold. And that doesn’t change as we get older. The urge to find out what will happen if we do what we are forbidden to do never goes away.

For Michelle Durden, she was used to her parents telling her that she couldn’t do certain things. She couldn’t stay up past ten on a school night, she had to attend church with them every Sunday, she couldn’t drink coffee or eat too many sugary foods, she couldn’t wear a skirt that came above the knee, or a two piece swimsuit, she had been told that she was not allowed anything pierced since she was nine years old and that even when she was old enough she would be disowned if she ever turned up at the house with a tattoo.

The one that she’d always found hardest to obey however was the one that her parents seemed to make the biggest deal about. Ever since the Sanders family moved in across the street when she was only seven, she had been told that he was trouble and she shouldn’t have anything to with him.

To begin with Michelle found this ‘order’ easy to comply with. After all she was seven and he was a boy with cooties. But then as they grew older she started to notice him. It was hard not to. He was tall and well built. He had beautiful hazel eyes and dimples that could melt the coldest heart. But he was also a trouble maker, getting into fights and skipping classes.

Despite her parent’s protests Michelle had become friends with Matthew. They weren’t best friends; they were students who shared a lot of the same classes, who lived across the street from each other, who could make easy conversation with each other if they passed each other in the school hall ways. Of course, she made sure that her mom and dad knew nothing of this. As far as they were concerned she had barely acknowledged his existence.

Michelle sat at the breakfast table trying her best to ignore the mundane conversation going on between her mom and dad. She was doing so successfully too until she heard a name that sparked her interest.

“That boy is nothing but trouble. How he hasn’t been carted off to juvenile prison before now is beyond me.” he mother’s voice drone on.

“I know, but it’s only a matter of time with the way him and that Sullivan and Haner boy are going.” Her dad continued.

“I knew he was trouble from the moment they moved in. even when he was seven…” Michelle rolled her eyes, this was the same conversation they would have whenever one of them found out about something Matthew or his group of friends had done.

“Honey, we’ve just got to thank the Lord that our daughter has the sense to stay away from boys like that.” and there it was, her father’s favourite line when it came to Matthew.

Stifling a chuckle Michelle stood from the table and placed her dishes in the dishwasher before finishing getting ready for school.

As she stepped out of her front door, the sound of another door closing brought her attention to the Sanders house where Matt was also leaving for school. They didn’t acknowledge each other, just walked silently on opposite sides of the street. Matt knew full well that Michelle’s parents had forbidden her to have anything to do with him and was happy to play along with the charade.

As they reached the end of the street Matt crossed to join her, keeping a few paces ahead of her just in case her father past them on his way to work.

“Morning Chel.” He called over his shoulder.

“Morning Matt.” She replied with a smile as he chanced a glance around at her.

They continued to walk in silence, a few steps away from each other, until they reached the school gates where Matt stopped and waited for her.

“I hear you’ve been in trouble again.” she teased as she reached him. He rolled his eyes as she laughed.

“Actually last night was a case of mistaken identity. I’m completely innocent with this one. It’s Zack they need to be talking to, not that I told them that of course.” He replied, his dimples on full show.

“That’s not going to make a blind bit of difference to my parents. The cops were outside your house. As far as they’re concerned it’s a shame they didn’t bundle you into the back of the car and cart you off to juvie.” She replied mimicking his smile.

“What would it take for them to change their minds about me?” he asked as they walked towards the school building.

“Matt, I’m sorry to say this, but even if you became a monk they’d think that you were up to no good.” She replied.

“I’ll win them round one day.” He said confidently. “But listen, I kinda need your help with something.” he added with another flash of his dimples.

“Oh I’m not too sure about helping you? Just talking to you is going against my parents wishes.” She replied trying to remain serious.

“Ah, now, the way I see it is that you’re already damned, you may as well help me and get damned for something worthwhile.” He replied.

“You have a point, what do you need help with?” she asked.

“Well you know this History test we have tomorrow? Well my parent’s are being asses about it and have said that I have to pass it if they’re going to lend me the money the band needs for the new amps.” He replied.

“So where do I come in?” Michelle asked with some confusion.

“Well, I was hoping that maybe you’d help me study for it.” He explained.

“Me?” she asked.

“Yeah, you always get good marks in tests and stuff.” He replied causing Michelle to blush.

“Okay, when can you study?” she asked.

“Can you come over my place after school?” he suggested. Michelle was thoughtfully silent for a moment before she nodded.

“As long as I’m out of there before my parents come home I can’t see a problem.” She replied.

“Great, you’re a life saver.” Matt cheered as they neared their lockers.

“I’ll meet you out front at the end of school?” she questioned.

“Yeah, great. Thank you so much for doing this Chel.” He replied with a beaming smile.

“Not a problem.” She replied as the bell rang through the corridor.

As Matt let them into his house, Michelle felt a surge of guilt and excitement wash over her. She was by no means an angel but she had been brought up to respect her parents’ wishes. Talking to Matt from time to time had been betrayal enough but actually spending time with him, in his house, that was quite possibly taking it too far for her parent’s liking.

“Do you want a drink or anything?” he asked walking into the kitchen.

“Pepsi?” she asked with a smile. Matt nodded and took two bottles of Pepsi out of the refrigerator before leading her up the stairs to his bedroom.

“Sorry about all the crap, I’ll just clear some space for you to sit.” He muttered hastily grabbing heaps of clothes off the floor and bed and dumping them on a chair in the centre of the room.

Michelle chuckled to herself as she made her way over to the bed and sat down on the end of it. Matt finished moving his heaps of clothes from one part of the room to another and sat down opposite her at the small desk.

“Okay, so shall we start with the stuff on Egypt?” she asked as they both took out their books.


Matt sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose. They had been studying for almost three hours and Matt was starting to get a headache.

“You know what, I think we should leave it there, we’ve covered the basics and by the look on your face you’re not going to be taking much more in anyway.” Michelle said shutting her book on her lap.

He looked over at her with a smile. “Thanks so much for this Chel. I think I may just be in with a chance to pass this test now.”

“You’re welcome.” She replied with a smile of her own as she found herself staring into his hazel eyes. His smile widened as he leaned across, his lips pressing softly onto hers. She gasped slightly at the sudden, unexpected contact and he pulled back.

“I’m sorry I sho-“ he began quietly before she placed her hands either side of his face and gently pulled his lips back to hers. The kiss was heated and urgent, with Matt quickly parting her lips with his and slipping his tongue into her mouth.

The force and passion behind the kiss caused Michelle to fall backwards onto the bed, Matt climbing on top of her and edging her further up towards the pillow. Her right leg gently hooked around the back of his pulling him closer to her as her hands slipped down to his shoulders, down his toned body until they were resting on his hips.

She whimpered quietly as he pulled away from her, a smile on his lips as the looked into each others eyes. “How much is this going against your parent’s wishes?” he asked with a chuckle.

“I don’t give a fuck, it’s my life.” She muttered her head reaching up to kiss him again.

“But it’s against their wishes.” He mumbled against her lips.

“It’s wrong.” he added as he pressed his lips to the crook of her neck causing a small moan to escape her lips in reply

“It’s naughty.” He whispered making his way to her collarbone earning another moan.

“It’s forbidden.” He whispered catching her gaze as his hand skimmed lightly down her side.

A low growl echoed in her throat, her grip on his hips tightening, her leg pulling him closer to her. “Stop talking and just fuck me.” she ordered. A smirk grew wider on his lips as he lowered them once again to hers.

Matt’s hand slowly inched its way up the underside of her top, causing goose bumps to rise over her skin. Her hands ran over the waistband of his jeans, meeting in the middle and quickly undoing his belt. He sat back on his knees removing his top before gently pulling her up to remove her top as well. He let her fall back onto his bed, their eyes locked as he began to loosen her belt. Her eyes danced over his muscular chest as he slowly pulled her jeans down her legs, quickly discarding his as well.

"Are you sure you want to do this Michelle?'' he asked quietly. She nodded silently her hands reaching up to cup his face once again and usher his lips back to hers.

Their tongues entwined slowly, his fingers skimming over her exposed body. She lifted her hips subconsciously as his fingers slipped under the waist band of her boy shorts, moaning into his mouth as he parted her folds. Slowly he pushed two fingers into her opening, letting the slip deeply into her, curling them over the bundle of nerves. She moaned again as he withdrew his fingers and began to rub circles over her clit. Her moans grew louder as his fingers slipped inside her once again, his thumb rubbing her clit as he pumped his fingers faster into her.

"Fuuck" she cried as she clenched around his fingers.

He slowly removed his fingers once more and sat back on his knees, slowly taking hold of her boy shorts and peeling them down her slender legs. An appreciative smile snuck onto her lips as she watched him slid his boxers off his hips and over his obvious, large erection.
He positioned himself between her legs, catching her gaze once again as he gently rubbed the tip of his cock over her sensitive clit. He then slowly began to push himself into her, giving her time to adjust to his size. She was no virgin, but Matt was bigger than the other’s she’d been with and he was stretching her. he began to thrust into her slowly, reaching deep into her.

“Faster.” She demanded as she got use to his size and Matt was quick to comply, pounding into her as she dug her short nails into the muscles in his back as each thrust hit her spot, taking her closer to ecstasy.

Moans and groans filled the small room as they both neared their peaks, Michelle wrapping her leg tightly around his waist drawing him further into her as she closed her eyes, her head pushed deep into the pillow.

Wordless screams left both their mouths as she tightened and squirmed around him, her juices soaking his throbbing penis. Matt pressed his lips against hers as he slid slowly out of her, causing another moan to escape past her lips. He collapsed next to her, pressing soft kisses to her neck and temple as he wrapped an arm around her.

“Well, I’m definitely damned now.” she chuckled quietly as they lay in each other’s arms, Matt’s chest vibrating as he chuckled too, kissing her temple.

“Am I worth it?” he asked quietly in her ear. She tilted her head up to look at him and nodded.

“I think you might just be.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Michelle, I hope you like it :)
